Bachelor Degree


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6 Years
30 Jul 2019
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Ef 1036/2011 de 18-03-2011
Update registry R/A-Ef 1036/2011/AL01 de 12-08-2014
School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00

Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)

1.stYear 697.00 €
2.rdYear 697.00 €
3.thYear 697.00 €
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

To work as a professional Psychologist requires in-depth training, including completion of two study cycles (i.e. a Bachelor's and Master's) and a supervised professional internship. For the purposes of fulfilling this requirement, besides this general undergraduate course (Bachelor's) in Psychology, Iscte offers students a selection of options for further training in the second cycle (Master's) in Psychology. In these programs, which span the areas of Social and Organizational Psychology and other Applied Psychology domains (such as Health, Emotions, Intercultural Relations, Community and the Protection of Minors), students have the opportunity to deepen the professional skills acquired in the first cycle.

Programme Structure for 2025/2026

1st Year
Statistics and Data Analysis I
6.0 ECTS
Reasoning and Language
6.0 ECTS
Perception, Attention and Memory
6.0 ECTS
Methods and Application Areas of Psychology
6.0 ECTS
Psychophysiology and Genetics
6.0 ECTS
Developmental Psychology of Child and Adolescent
6.0 ECTS
Social Psychology
6.0 ECTS
Learning, Motivation and Emotion
6.0 ECTS
Academic Competencies I
6.0 ECTS
Qualitative Research Methods
6.0 ECTS
2nd Year
Developmental Psychology of Adult
6.0 ECTS
Quantitative Research Methods
6.0 ECTS
Statistics and Data Analysis II
6.0 ECTS
6.0 ECTS
Epistemology and Foundations of Critical Thinking
6.0 ECTS
Work and Organizational Psychology
6.0 ECTS
Personality Psychology
6.0 ECTS
History of Psychology
6.0 ECTS
Attitudes and Attitude Change
6.0 ECTS
Attitudes and Attitude Change
6.0 ECTS
3rd Year
Statistics and Data Analysis III
6.0 ECTS
Health and Clinical Psychology
6.0 ECTS
Educational Psychology
6.0 ECTS
6.0 ECTS
Psychological Assessment
6.0 ECTS
6.0 ECTS
Academic Competencies II
6.0 ECTS
Groups and Inter-Group Relations
6.0 ECTS
Groups and Inter-Group Relations
6.0 ECTS
Person Perception and Interpersonal Relations
6.0 ECTS
Organizational Behaviour: Individual Processes
6.0 ECTS
Leadership in Work Teams and Organizations
6.0 ECTS

Recommended optative

Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.


The BSc in Psychology has the general objective of provide its students with knowledge, skills and abilities on a basic theoretical and methodological level in the various areas of Psychology.

The first cycle programme (Bachelor's) in Psychology, which leads to the title of Licenciado in Portugal, is in accordance with the European Diploma of Psychology, according to which the teaching of Psychology in the university occurs in two cycles of education. 

The first cycle programme consists of 6 semesters (3 academic years) and confers 180 ECTS, it therefore corresponds to only a part of the training as a Psychologist and does not alone enable its graduates to work professionally in the field.

Completion of the first cycle allows students:

  1. to continue their studies in Psychology in a second cycle (Master's) program in any specialization;
  2. total mobility for any university in the country or abroad;
  3. to enter into the workforce in functions that requires only the general skills obtained in an undergraduate program.

The Learning Objectives are:

  • to describe, differentiate and integrate the principal concepts, theories, perspectives and contexts of applications in the domain of Psychology;
  • to apply these basic knowledge, skills and abilities to different contexts by constructing arguments based in theoretical and empirical models;
  • to identify the principal instruments of information-gathering in Psychology and interpret their results;
  • to present and disseminate precise information and results of Psychology studies and interventions
  • to research and organize the scientific knowledge produced in the field of Psychology around a certain topic with a high degree of autonomy.

The first cycle program's objective is to provide a solid base for continued studies in the second cycle program. The Learning Goals are implemented through the logical sequence of Program Content in the curricular units of each year/semester, and their accomplishment is measured by the teaching/evaluation methodologies of each unit. The course strives for coherence among the Learning Goals, Program Content, and Methodologies of Teaching/Evaluation.

School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00
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