Terms of use

The purpose of this portal is exclusively informative. It does not dismiss the consultation of source documents, nor the consultation of a technician from Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (hereinafter referred as Iscte), since the information is generic and does not refer to specific cases.

The information contained on the Iscte portal is intended exclusively to provide information about this University Institute and its partner entities, as well as the services they provide, under the terms set out below:

Intellectual Property Rights

All the contents of this portal (website) are the property of Iscte and may not be reproduced without prior authorization. They are protected under the Copyright and Related Rights Code and the Industrial Property Code.

By accessing the Iscte portal, the user is authorized to use it under the terms of the aforementioned legislation.

Any quotation of information from this portal must identify Iscte, mentioning the specific web address of the data consulted and the date of consultation.

The intellectual property rights to the content of this portal belong exclusively to its owner, Iscte, and the intellectual property rights to the texts contained therein belong to the respective authors or whoever is stipulated in the respective rules of use.

The intellectual property rights to the content of other internet portals to which you find links here belong to their respective owners.


Despite our efforts to maintain and update the information contained therein, Iscte cannot guarantee that the content of the portal is completely up-to-date, either in terms of content or in terms of third-party content to which this portal contains a link.

Therefore, Iscte is not responsible for the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the content presented on this portal, as well as the up-to-dateness, quality, security and lawfulness of it's links or it's links content, since it cannot guarantee the management of unaffiliated portals content.

Iscte is not responsible, nor could be, for any direct damage, indirect damage or loss, resulting from the use of information contained on this portal or portals it references (links) existing no juridical relation between Iscte and the users, nor mutual rights and obligations.

Iscte reserves the right to change, delete or add any information to the content of the portal without prior notice. Likewise, Iscte reserves the right to suspend or cancel the dissemination of certain content on this portal.


Users can only access the portal and the information it contains for lawful purposes.

If the user detects any inacuracy or incorrection on portal content or portals it refers, he/she should communicate using this form.

The information provided on downloadable files does not constitute nor can it be interpreted as service providing.

Content contained on downloadable files has a purely informative purpose, Iscte is not responsible for possible inaccuracy or outdating of data contained on the document.

Service availability

Due to the complexity of internet data transmission, it's not possible to us to guarantee that there exists no disturbance or even service interruption at any time, caused by accidental damage, unrelated constraints or third-party unauthorized intrusion.

Complains and suggestions

Any complains or suggestions can be submitted using this form. After processing, they will be replied to the electronic address provided by the user.

Acceptance of terms of use

By using Iscte portal, the user accepts it's terms and conditions.

The creation and maintenance of this portal is governed by Portuguese law, with the Lisbon District Courts having jurisdiction over any disputes.

Privacy warning


Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, hereinafter referred to as Iscte, is the entity responsible for this website. Iscte Website users privacy and personal data protection are a priority for this Institution and managed according to all applicable legal and regulatory standards.

This privacy warning explains how we treat personal data which we may collect when you use this website. By supplying your personal data to Iscte website, you agree with the use this instituion can do with the collected or submitted personal data, in scope and current privacy policy terms.

The website https://www.iscte-iul.pt includes connections with other pages or platforms (e.g. Iscte universe websites), where may exist personal data collection. We recommend that you verify the privacy warnings of these websites before supplying your personal data.

Technical information

This website collects technical information, like IP (Internet Protocol) address, pages visited and browser used to view the website, aiming to improve website efficiency and to diagnose issues, to manage the website and analyse website traffic origin. We can collect other information like website preferences. In this scope, we may use "cookies" to manage the information. For more information regarding cookies please check our Cookies warning

Which personal information is collected when you visit our website?

To access Iscte website there's no need for any registration. However, when using the feature “Contact Us”, to send your compliments, suggestions and complaints, the following personal data is requested, optional filling:

Name; Email; and Iscte profile (Student, Teacher, Researcher, Employee, Alumni, Supplier).

We collect strictly necessary information to process your contact and reply.

We do not collect sensitive personal data. Sensitive data includes data related to race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, union affiliation, health data, life, sexual orientation and criminal record.

This website contains links to other webpages, platforms, social networking, websites. This privacy warning is only applicable to this website. You should read privacy policies here available before supplying you personal data.

How we use your personal data

We only use your personal data to respond to the requests you submit to us via the form on this website.

The lawfulness of the processing of personal data collected through the form is based on your consent for Iscte to receive and respond to suggestions, complaints or compliments. Data collection is aimed at maintaining proximity to the institution and facilitating another channel of communication with its main interlocutors (students, teachers, researchers, staff, former students, suppliers, prospective students and the general public).

We may also use your visit data to the Iscte website to enable us to provide you with the best and most pleasant browsing conditions when using the services provided.

Your rights

You always have the right to access the personal data you've provided via Iscte website. You should update it and correct it when it's incorrect. You can also opt out of receiving information sent to you by Iscte, limit the processing of your data, withdraw your consent to the processing of your data if you have submitted a compliment, suggestion or complaint, or request that your data be deleted from our records. To do this you can use the following email address: dpo@iscte.pt. You requests will be treated without unjustifiable delays and according to existing application legislation.

Provision of personal data to third parties

We may share you personal data with other institutions under Iscte universe, provided that they are used for the purpose for which they were collected.

Eventually, divulge personal data in response to a court order, for public interest or other reasons determined by law.

The sharing of personal data will never be made when at it's core there are promotional or marketing interests. We do not make promotional actions for third party profit.

For how long do we maintain your personal data?

You personal data is maintained for as long as necessary to fulfill it's treatment purpose or as lawfully required. During retention period we guarantee it's integrity and data access.

Personal data safety

Iscte guarantees adequate use of techniques, organizational and safety measures to protect personal data, avoiding it's loss, mischief use, tampering or destruction, guaranteeing it's integrity, availability and secrecy. It's demanded from all collaborators, to keep secrecy of personal data. Only authorized personal has access to personal data.

International transfers

As rule, Iscte does not transfer data collected via it's website outside of European Economic Area (EEA).

If there's the need to transfer, archive or treat personal data on a foreign country, the transfer of data will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable personal data protection legislation.

In case you wish to have more detailed information about the mechanisms used on personal data transfer, contact us on the following email address: dpo@iscte.pt.

Privacy warning update

Privacy warning may be updated when necessary. You may verify the last update date on the current warning. The changes to Privacy Warning are effective since it's publication. We recommend a regular consultation of the Privacy Warning in order to verify existing updates to the way we use your personal data.


If you have any objections to the way we treat your personal data, you have the right to present your complaint to the capable control authority – Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (CNPD).
Regarding contacts related to the use of our personal data or exercise of your rights you can do it through:

Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Encarregado de Proteção de Dados
Av.ª das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa
Tel.: +351 217 903 000
Electronic mail: dpo@iscte.pt

Last update date: 2023-12-12
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