HR Excellence in Research

The European Charter for Researchers is a set of general principles relating to the responsibilities and rights of researchers and the institutions in which they work, considering the creation of a stimulating working environment, favourable to the production, transfer and sharing of knowledge, as well as the professional development of researchers.

The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers establishes the requirements and quality standards that the recruitment process must meet: open, transparent and merit-based.

HR Excellence In Research award is attributed to organisations that, following an internal analysis (Gap Analysis) of compliance with the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, define a set of actions (Action Plan) to improve their practices. Certified organisations gradually implement the measures set out in the Action Plan, followed by a interim-assessment after 24 months, and then successive renewal cycles valid for 36 months, with on-site visits on alternate cycles. On December 18, 2023, the European Charter for Researchers (20 principles) was published through the "Council Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe", replacing the Charter & Code (40 principles).

HRS4R Excellence in Research official website


Currently, more than 50 Portuguese organisations have endorsed the principles of the Charter & Code, including higher education institutions, research institutes or laboratories; of these, only ten are certified.
To consult all the organisations that hold the award, click here.

Find here.


The application is currently under evaluation.

1. Charter&Code Endorsement
2. Appointment of the Steering Committee and Working Group

Steering Committee

  • Jorge Rodrigues da Costa (Vice-Rector for Research and Technological Modernisation), who coordinates
  • Maria das Dores Guerreiro (Vice-Rector for Internationalisation)
  • Maria de Fátima Ferreiro (Vice-Rector for Education and Accreditation)
  • Carina Cunha (Head of Research Support Unit)
  • Raquel Velada (Head of Human Resources Department)

Working Group

  • Bruno Rebelo (Senior Technician in the Human Resources Unit)
  • Marina Santos (Senior Technician in the Human Resources Unit)
  • Carla Matias (Senior Technician in the Studies, Quality and Sustainability Office)
  • Clara Boavida (Senior Technician in the Research Support Office)
  • Patrícia Salgueiro (Senior Technician in the Research Support Unit)
  • Teresa Simões (Coordinator of the Communication Office);
  • Vítor Basto Fernandes (Council of Ethics)
  • Mariana Rodrigues (representing R1 Researchers)
  • Tiago Lopes Carvalho (representing R2 Researchers)
  • Ricardo Costa Agarez (representing R3 researchers)
  • Susana Batel (representing Researchers R4)
3. Launch of the Iscte Researcher Survey 2024

The aim of the Iscte’s Researchers Survey (2024) was to gather information on the institution’s current situation in terms of compliance with the principles of the Charter & Code by evaluating the researchers position on a set of actions proposed by the members of the Working Group.

The community considered within the scope of this consultation was made up of around 600 researchers whose contractual framework corresponds to one of the following situations:

  • Permanent contract (Research Career Regulations)
  • Fixed-term contract (Projects and invitations under the Research Career Regulations)
  • Fixed-term contract (Scientific Employment Programme)
  • Research grant contract (full-time)

The questionnaire was structured into seven main sections and was administered in Portuguese and English:

  • Ethical Conduct in Research and Good Practices
  • Career and professional development
  • Working conditions and environment
  • Support for research activities
  • Equality and non-discrimination
  • Recruitment policy
  • Dissemination of research results/transfer of knowledge

4. Documents Repository

General Documents

Recruitment, Career and Scholarships

Ethics and Good Practice in Research

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