
Lectured in
Teaching Type In person
The bachelor's in Psychology at Iscte has a highly qualified teaching staff, many of which are involved in the production of research and profoundly committed to involving the course students in these studies, namely in the Laboratory of Social and Organizational Psychology (LAPSO). This strategic commitment to the linkage of teaching and research constitutes the basis of our high-quality education, as well as a engine of innovation and development.
Faculty for (2024/2025)
Educational Psychology
Statistics and Data Analysis I
Research assistant, CIES-IUL.
Invited Assistant Professor, Department of Social Research Methods, School of Sociology and Public Policy, ISCTE-IUL.
PhD Student, Inter-university PhD Program in Sociology (OpenSoc).
Academic Competencies II |
Academic Competencies I
Elzbieta Malgorzata Bobrowicz Campos graduated in Psychology from University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan, Poland, in 2002 and completed a PhD degree in Psychology, Specialty in Psychological Assessment from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra in 2015. In 2016, she received the title of Specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology, and the title of Advanced Specialist in Neuropsychology by Portuguese Psychologists Order. Presently, she holds a position of Assistant Researcher at the Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention at the Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte-IUL), integrating and coordinating the research group Health for All (H4A). She is also a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at the School of Social and Human Sciences at Iscte-IUL. Her research focuses on successful aging, digital transformation and equitable digital health, with the main objective of analyzing challenges that the digital transformation represents for the older adults through the mapping of individual and socially shared understandings meanings and values related to digital transition. Currently, Elzbieta Bobrowicz-Campos coordinates two projects. The first one, entitled Time-To-Engage, aims to: (i) explore the individual and contextual factors that interfere with citizens' intention to use digital technologies in health at an advanced age; and (ii) understand how these factors are shaped by levels of digital skills and engagement, as well as by the availability, accessibility and affordability of digital equipment and connection. The project is funded within the scope of the Social Research Programme by the La Caixa Foundation in collaboration with the Portuguese Foundation for Sciences and Technology. She also coordinates, together with Filipa Ventura, the non-funded project Aequitas@DigiHeatlh: Co-design for equitable digital health, which aims to evaluate the adequacy of a theoretical model of equitable digital health from the perspective of users and managers of health services, as well as professionals of health. The project is developed in partnership with the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing of the Nursing School of Coimbra. Since obtaining her PhD degree, Elzbieta has collaborated with the research group of Policies and Educational Organizations and Educational Dynamics at the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Coimbra, and with the research group Well-being, Health and Illness at the Health Sciences Research Unit - Nursing at the Higher Nursing School of Coimbra. She is also a part of the Portuguese team of the Red Interuniversitaria Euroamericana de Investigación ALFAMED - Competencias Mediáticas de la Ciudadanía. Within the scope of these collaborations, she was involved in several national and international projects that aim to empower older adults for autonomy and self-care through evidence-based interventions, promoting gains in health and improving physical and cognitive functioning and quality of life. The international projects included: (i) a European project - Frailty management Optimisation though EIP AHA Commitments and Utilisation of Stakeholders Input (FOCUS), co-financed by the CHAFEA, under the power delegated by the European Commission, and (ii) Spanish and Portuguese project - Pilot project for the establishment of a predictive model as possible modulator of aging in health (ModulEn), so-financed by Fundacion General CSIC, Interreg España Portugal and CENIE. She was also involved in the project - Digital and media literacy competencies in Portugal (COMEDIG), co-financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, that aimed to assess the level of digital and media literacy competences in the school community, in order to identify training needs and, based on these, to develop digital educational resources and guidelines for training in this area.
In her professional career, initiated in 2006, she integrated several research projects in the areas of (i) Medical Sciences with an emphasis on Health Sciences, and (ii) Social Sciences with an emphasis on Psychology. Her professional experience is related, in the most part, to the definition and implementation of strategies that promote successful aging, framed in the evidence-based health practice model, and developed in collaboration with academic, political, industrial and social agents.
Statistics and Data Analysis I
Has completed his degree in Music Education, in 2007, at ESELx (Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa), starting his professional career as a teacher in public and private schools. Simultaneously to his teaching career, has integrated, from 2008 to 2014, the Calouste Gulbenkian professional choir; and has done research in musicology, from 2010 to 2020, in collaboration with CESEM (Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
With a Master degree in School Administration (2019) and a postgraduate diploma in Data Analysis in the Social Sciences (2022) from Iscte, he is attending, since 2020, the Policies of School Administration and Management PhD programme, at the same institution, with a research scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Developmental Psychology of Child and Adolescent
Person Perception and Interpersonal Relations |
Methods and Application Areas of Psychology
MARGARIDA VAZ GARRIDO (Ph.D. in Psychology, 2007), is an Associate Professor with Habilitation at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, where she works since 1998. Her research examines human cognition from a socially situated perspective. She has applied this approach primarily to the study of collaborative memory, false memories and second language processing.
In parallel, she has explored the applications of her research to the study of vulnerable and clinical populations (e.g., cognitive processing in abusive parenting, memory processes in ASD and aging, interoception in chronic pain) and to consumer psychology and eating behavior (e.g., cross-modality in taste perception).
She has been involved in 39 funded research projects (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, ‘la Caixa’ Foundation) and obtained individual grants (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; and two Marie Curie fellowships) that allowed her to work during her Ph.D. at the University of California - Santa Barbara and at Utrecht University (2010/2014).
Her research has been published as books, book chapters, and in over 100 scientific journals (e.g., Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Cognition and Emotion, Cognitive Science, Behavior Research Methods; Psychonomic Bulletin and Review; Journal of Memory and Language). Her work, and that of her team, has been acknowledged by the scientific community with several distinctions and awards.
She taught 26 courses in psychology and research methods and supervised the work of more than 50 master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral students. She has held academic and scientific management positions as the Director of the Department of Psychology, the Master of Social and Organizational Psychology, and the Ph.D. Program in Psychology. She was also Vice-Director of Research Center Cis-Iscte. She is on the editorial boards of several journals and scientific evaluation panels and served as president of the Portuguese Psychological Association.
Reasoning and Language
Person Perception and Interpersonal Relations
Academic Competencies I
Epistemology and Foundations of Critical Thinking
Work and Organizational Psychology
Academic Competencies I |
Psychophysiology and Genetics
Neuropsychology |
Psychophysiology and Genetics
César Lima is an Associate Professor with Habilitation in the Department of Psychology at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon. His research focuses on the psychology and neuroscience of music, voice and emotion (MUVE Lab). He addresses these topics by combining experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience approaches, in healthy individuals of all ages, in specialised populations (e.g., musicians), and in clinical populations (e.g., with neurological disorders).
He has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles in journals including Emotion Review, Cerebral Cortex, Brain, Current Biology, Trends in Neurosciences, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, and Annual Review of Psychology. César Lima is on the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (category Neuroscience) and Royal Society Open Science (category Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience). He has been invited to review papers for journals such as Psychological Bulletin, American Psychologist, or Nature Human Behavior, and grant applications for the Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society, Czech Science Foundation Swiss National Science Foundation, and the Dutch Research Council.
Before joining Iscte, César Lima completed his Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Porto (2011), was a Research Associate at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience - University College London (2012-2016), and a Senior Research Associate at the University of Porto (2016-2017). His work as principal investigator has been funded by the British Academy and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
At Iscte, he teaches cognitive psychology and neuroscience courses. He is also the director of the MSc in Emotion Sciences.
Academic Competencies I
Health and Clinical Psychology |
Carla Moleiro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at ISCTE - IUL. She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA in 2003. Initially, she specialized in Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Lisbon and as a psychotherapist at the Portuguese Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. He has developed clinical and research work on complex disorders and dual diagnoses, personality disorders, and presently with immigrant, refugee, ethnic and sexual minority (LGBTI+) clients. She is currently a researcher at the Center for Research and Social Intervention (CIS), working on mental health and diversity, as well as clinical skills for individual and cultural diversity. Her work also includes issues of community psychology, ethics, intervention with at risk populations and child protection.
Quantitative Research Methods
Catarina Possidónio holds a PhD in Social Psychology, from Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon. With the general aim of building knowledge on how to trigger transitions to healthier, more sustainable, ethical, plant-based diets, she is interested in studying psychological factors impacting on attitudes towards animals, their consumption, and plant-based alternatives, exploring what may shape consumer willingness and intention to make such transitions. Currently, she is also the Scientific Editor at PSICOLOGIA, the scientific journal of the Portuguese Psychology Association (APP).
Qualitative Research Methods |
Educational Psychology
Cecília Aguiar is an associate professor at ISCTE-IUL and a senior researcher at CIS-IUL. With background in developmental and educational psychology, she has both conducted and participated in research on ECEC quality and teacher practices in ECEC, focusing on children’s social outcomes (i.e., peer social interactions, networks, and relationships) and, especially, on the social participation of children with disabilities. Other research areas include adult-child interactions, early childhood special education, and early childhood intervention. Aguiar served as an Associate Editor of the Early Childhood Research Quarterly between 2016 and 2019. She has been awarded several grants, all of which secured through competitive calls promoted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, including a doctoral fellowship, two post-doctoral fellowships, and two Scientific Career Development Fellowships awarded to her as the principal investigator of two projects: “Enhancing peer relationships: Preschool teachers' ideas and practices” and “Enhancing social participation of preschoolers with disabilities”. Further, she coordinated the dissemination workpackage in the FP7 CARE Project and the workpackage on curriculum, pedagogy, and social climate in the H2020 ISOTIS Project. Aguiar was also the national coordinator for Erasmus+ Projects KIT@ and BECERID. She is the coordinator the team of, a research-based blog on inclusiveness in early childhood education. Between 2019 and 2022, she coordinated the Erasmus+ project PARTICIPA - Professional Development Tools Supporting Participation Rights in Early Childhood Education. Currently, she is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ project KidLe: Developing an intercultural game as a pedagogic tool for the inclusion of pupils with migrant bacKground in new Learning environments.
Methods and Application Areas of Psychology
PhD in Psychology (2020, Iscte-IUL) and MSc in Community Psychology and Child Protection (2010, Iscte-IUL). Currently, I am a researcher at the Center for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS/Iscte), working on the project "All4Children - The Integrated Family Fostering Model (MIAF) to promote the quality of fostering and protection practices in Portugal" (funded by FCT). Also, I am teaching in the Master of Forensic Psychology at the Lusófona University of Lisbon (since 2020). My research interests have focused on maladaptive parenting, namely neglect, and the explanatory mechanisms of emotional and cognitive deprivation in parent-child interactions, particularly in contexts of poverty. I have also professional experience in intervention with children, young people, and families in the child protection system.
Social Psychology
Cristina Camilo is an Invited Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL, Executive Manager of Iscte_Saúde and Invited Researcher at CIS-IUL. She holds a PhD in Psychology, and develops research in the area of the impact of social relationships on health and well-being, namely on the processes that mediate this association. She also studies the interpersonal processes of regulation of negative emotions in situations of illness. She is coordinator of the Global Diagnostic Study, developed in collaboration with Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and co-coordinator of the program developed with SICAD in the context of the program "Eu e os Outros".
Quantitative Research Methods
David Guedes is a psychology researcher at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. He completed his Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Lisbon (2015) and his PhD in Psychology at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (2023). His past research experiences include collaborations in projects dedicated to the topics of food preference and choice and the promotion of healthier and more sustainable eating practices (2018-2020). His main research interests include the determinants of healthy and sustainable food choices and dietary practices, namely in what concerns the role of sensory and affective variables.
Epistemology and Foundations of Critical Thinking
Diniz Lopes initiated his academic activities in 1997, being a Junior Researcher at Instituo de Ciências Socias, Universidade de Lisboa until 2000. At the same time, in 1998, he was hired by ISCTE-IUL where he developed his teaching and research activities. In 2007, he got his PhD in Social Psychology from the Departamento de Psicologia Social e das Organizações, Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa. He is presently, Associate Professor with Habilitation and Head of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Between 2010 and 2013 he was a post-doc fellow in the Universities Paris Ouest, Paris Descartes, Universidade do Porto. His present research interests focus on the analysis of interpersonal relationships, namely commitment, infidelity, derogation of alternatives, stay-leave behaviors and pornography use within romantic relationships; the relationships between humans and companion animals; as well as the application of statistical models to data analysis in Psychology. His works are published in different national and international scientific journals, such as Animals, Behavior Research Methods, PlosOne, The Journal of Sex Research, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, Personal Relationships, among others
Epistemology and Foundations of Critical Thinking |
History of Psychology
Paula Castro is Full Professor of Psychology at ISCTE-IUL & a researcher at CIS-iscte. She holds a PhD in social and environmental psychology (ISCTE, 2000), and a degree in psychology (Univ-Lisboa,1987). Her research looks at the processes of meaning-making and communication involved in the reception of new laws and public policies - mainly environmental ones - developing a social psychology of legal innovation. She has mainly investigated how new laws and regulations governing climate action, biodiversity conservation, public participation or urban regeneration are received by the public (e.g., contested, accepted, negotiated) and the implications of this reception for social change. The studies, both quantitative and qualitative, often focus on (the asymmetric) relations between public and scientific experts/decision makers. Other areas of interest are people-place relations, local knowledge, social memory and the history of social psychological theories.
She coordinated and participated in several financed projects (FCT, EU) and supervised various PhD and Pos-Doc projects, with the resulting work published in international journals of high impact in the areas of social, political, environmental and community psychology, as well as environmental policy. She was Director of the Psychology Department (2008–2010), Director of the PhD program in Psychology (2010–2013), Director of the Masters in Studies of Environment and Sustainability (2015-19), Member of ISCTE's SC (2010-2014), and CIS-iscte SC (2016-19) and Director of CIS-iscte (2019-2021).
Attitudes and Attitude Change
I have a Degree in Psychology from the University of Lisbon in 1990, and since 1993 I have developed my academic career at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Master in Management and Human Resource Policy, 1995; PhD in Social Psychology in 2001, Habilitation in 2010) and my research activities at the ISCTE-IUL Center for Research and Social Intervention.
My research focuses mainly on the factors and mechanisms that explain the legitimacy of injustice and victimization, including the phenomenon of "blaming the victim". This research is theoretically framed by the Belief in a Just World Theory, whose development and consolidation I have contributed to, especially in what refers to the legitimation of the injustices that happen to the members of our group. I have also developed research on the predictive value of the fundamental need to perceive the world as just to various indicators of well-being. My research has been published in international and national journals, and has also been done in collaboration with master and doctoral students under my supervision.
Psychological Assessment
Graduated in Clinical Psychology (University of Coimbra). Completed a master’s degree and PhD in Social Psychology at ISCTE (with a research internship at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia). Specializes in Work, Social, and Organizational Psychology, and holds an advanced specialty in Psychotherapy (Portuguese Psychologists’ Association - OPP), with training in EMDR (Levels 1 and 2). She has been a lecturer at ISCTE and a researcher at CIS since 1999, holding various management roles during this period. Currently, she serves as Director of the Master’s program in Community Psychology and Protection of Children and Youth at Risk (also held this position in 2018-2019) and as Chair of the Specialized Psychology Ethics Commission. She was also President of the ISCTE Pedagogical Council (2019-2023).
She has coordinated and collaborated on studies and social/community intervention projects, particularly in their evaluation at local/municipal levels (e.g., Communication for Integration - C4i/Amadora; CM Sintra - ADN Socioemocional 2.0; CM Cascais - Crescer a Tempo Inteiro), national levels (e.g., Playgroups for Inclusion/Grupos Aprender, Brincar, Crescer; Programa Escolhas, 7G; studies for CNCS), and international levels (e.g., ISCWeB - International Survey on Children's Well-being; GRIT - Erasmus+ Project - Growing in Urban Education and Diversity; Yar4all).
In 2018, she worked as a Quality Monitor for the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on an OECD-led project on socio-emotional skills and served as a technical and scientific consultant for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in the Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies projects (2018-2022).
In addition to her interest in inclusion (having been involved in the Portuguese Diversity Charter), she has worked in the field of risk (gambling and adolescence, in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University) and child and youth protection, developing, in collaboration with colleagues, materials aimed at promoting children’s rights ("Discovering Children's Rights," published by the Portuguese Parliament), universal prevention of sexual abuse ("The Adventures of Búzio and Coral"; "Picos and Avelã Discover the Treasure Forest"), and child hearing in court ("Hearing the Child: Best Practices Guide"; "João Goes to Court/The Day Mariana Didn’t Want"; Project 12:
In 2017, she participated in the T.A.L.E. project (Training Activities for Legal Experts), which trained professionals on the correct implementation of the Council of Europe Guidelines on Child-Friendly Justice. She was a member of the Steering Committee of CSIS (Child Safeguarding in Sport) and the Scientific Council of the UBUNTU Leaders Academy.
She served as a trainer at the Centre for Judicial Studies (CEJ) on Child Hearing (2016-2023). Supervised family support teams (SCML, 2017-2020). Acted as a consultant for ACRIDES (Cape Verde) and the Council of Europe on a project related to child-friendly justice.
Currently, she is part of the VITA Group, a team monitoring cases of sexual violence against children and vulnerable adults in the context of the Catholic Church in Portugal, and is a member of the national board of OPP. She received the OPP South Career Award in 2020.
Developmental Psychology of Child and Adolescent |
Developmental Psychology of Adult
Lígia Monteiro has a Ph.D. from the UNL/ISPA-IU. Presently is an assistant Professor at ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon, and a researcher at CIS-IUL - CED (Community, Education and Development) research group. She has a background on educational and developmental Psychology (ISPA-IU/UNL) and has participated in several research projects studying the impact of parenting (mother and father) and family dynamics on children’s socio-emotional development, during the first years of live. She has her work published in several peer-review journals, and book chapters/books.
Leadership in Work Teams and Organizations
As an Invited Assistant at ISCTE Business School within the Bachelor's program in Human Resource Management and a Research Assistant at BRU-IUL, Luís Miguel Simões is currently pursuing a PhD in Management at ISCTE, specializing in human resources and organizational behavior. The professional journey began in international recruitment and selection, followed by a transition into a role related to Human Resources Technician within a medical devices company. In this position, responsibilities included new member training and development, training the entire EMEA team on new software, administrative support, purchase orders, HR analytics, and internal project coordination and leadership.
Additionally, contributions have been made as a consultant to international projects focused on social and educational training programs and program development.
A position is also held as Human Resources and Marketing Director at a Portuguese film festival.
As a researcher, focus lies in projects pertaining to leadership and its impact on employee attitudes and behaviors.
Personality Psychology |
Health and Clinical Psychology
Alexandra Ferreira-Valente is interested in the positive orientation of health psychology, pain assessment and management, effects and mechanisms of psychological pain interventions and cross-cultural mixed-method research. She is particularly focused on understanding how the association between the meaning attributed to pain, beliefs and coping responses and psychological and physical adjustment do chronic pain are mediated and moderated by culture in people with chronic pain from different countries and cultural backgrounds. She is also dedicated to the study of the mechanisms explaining the effects of self-management strategies and psychological and spiritual interventions on the adjustment to life in healthy and not healthy people. In her research work, she combines cognitive-behavioral and existentialistic approaches with the overarching and long-term aim of helping people better manage different stressors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, chronic pain, and their effects on people’s lives.
Statistics and Data Analysis II
PhD in Quantitative Methods, specialising in Statistics and Data Analysis (Iscte). Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Research Methods (DMPS, Iscte) and Deputy Director of DMPS. Researcher at CIES-Iscte and member of the Youth Employment Observatory (OEJ). Coordinator of the Specialisation Course in Visual Information Communication (since 2015). Researcher on the European projects InCities - Trailblazing Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Synclusive - System approach to close the employment gap and create a more inclusive labour market for vulnerable groups. National coordinator and member of the methods committee of the project World Elite Database (WED). She has developed and participated in various projects, studies, workshops and papers at national and international conferences. Research interests: sampling, robust statistics, data visualisation, employability, well-being and social inequalities.
Psychophysiology and Genetics
Marta Martins is a researcher at Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS-Iscte) since 2019. Her research focuses on the psychology and neurobiology of music, reading, and auditory-motor processes. She addresses these topics by combining experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience methods in individuals of all ages, with particular interest in children and specialised populations (e.g., musicians).
Before joining CIS-Iscte, Marta Martins completed a Ph.D. in Psychology at University of Porto (2019), where she developed her thesis on behaviour and brain plasticity in reading and music. She was an FCT doctoral student and developed her work in collaboration with the Structural Brain Mapping Group at the University of Jena (Germany). During her PhD she did an internship at Gaab Lab, Harvard University (Boston Children's Hospital, USA), under a Fulbright grant.
She has a degree in Biology from the University of Porto (2007) and completed her Master's in Education Administration and Management at Universidade Portucalense (2012). She has the 8th degree in Treble/Descant Recorder and for eight years she taught Music Education in Primary Education.
At Iscte, she teaches Psychophysiology of Emotion, Psychophysiology and Genetics, and Biological Basis of Emotions.
Academic Competencies II |
Social Psychology
Miriam Rosa is a researcher at CIS-IUL (Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention) and invited professor at the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology at ISCTE-IUL. She completed a PhD in 2012 by ISCTE-IUL with co-supervision by Kiel University (Germany) awarded with a grant by FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation). She has been a FCT postdoctoral fellow between 2013 and 2018 at CIS-IUL and Rotterdam School of Management (Rotterdam University, The Netherlands). She co-coordinated the research group GCIR in 2013-2014 and Psychange in 2014-2015.
Miriam is specialized in research and data analysis' methods, and has been dedicated to scientific research in the area of intergroup relations, focusing on relations between groups of asymmetric status (majorities vs. minorities). She conducts this work in different contexts, such as organizations (e.g. diversity and inclusion at work, success of mergers/acquisitions); activism (e.g. environmental activists) or religious groups. More recently, she is interested in social and organizational challenges (e.g. skilling, age/gender inclusion) in high technological intensity sectors/industries (e.g. aeronautics, space, defense, maritime)
Qualitative Research Methods
With a background in Psychology and in Social Policy, Nadine Correia has a PhD in Psychology. In the past years, she integrated the Erasmus+ projects BECERID (development of, a resource targeting early childhood education professionals) and PARTICIPA (professional development tools supporting participation rights in early childhood education), and collaborated with the Tr@ck-IN project. Particularly interested in children's rights, specifically children's participation rights, early childhood education settings' quality, and children's sociocognitive development.
Work and Organizational Psychology
Working in the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior from ISCTE Business School, develops research focused on the topics of organizational leadership, governance and political behavior, emotions in organizations, competencies and attitudes towards technology.
Has experience in managing university knowledge transfer units since 2009 and has coordinated several projects and studies (both executive and scientific coordination) bridging with the community and business, both in national and international settings. These projects have been targeting mostly applied research and organizational intervention in the area of organizational behavior (Organizational diagnosis and innovation) and HRM (professional selection, competencies profiling, team building).
Supervises master dissertations and doctorate theses in management some within a joint program with Southern Medical University (Guangzhou, China) and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu).
Acted as jury member in several public officer selections (middle management and executive positions) for Portuguese governmental and public institutions.
Leadership in Work Teams and Organizations
Learning, Motivation and Emotion
Patrícia Arriaga holds a Ph.D. in Social and Organizational Psychology from ISCTE (Pre-Bologna, 2006), a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology from ISPA (Pre-Bolonha, 2 years, 2000), and is graduated in Psychology (5 years, 1996, Area of Clinical Psychology) by ISPA. She is certified by the Portuguese Professional Association of Psychologists (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portuguesa, OPP) in the areas of "Clinical and Health Psychology", "Work, Social and Organizational Psychology" and "Neuropsychology".
Arriaga began teaching in higher education in 1996. She was a Fellow of the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT) for Post-Doctoral Studies (2008-2009), conducting her project at both ISCTE and Granada University. Subsequently, she worked as a Researcher (2009-2012) at CIS under the Science 2008 Program, funded by the FCT.
Currently, she holds the position of an Associate Professor with Habilitation at ISCTE, in addition to her role as a Senior Researcher at CIS.
Research Main interests:
Her research focuses on exploring socio-affective processes through a multi-method approach, analyzing subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses in human social interactions. She investigates the impact of various social interventions and the use of tools (e.g., multimedia applications, board games, videos, media campaigns, social robots) designed to enhance well-being and prosocial behaviors in social, health, and educational contexts. Her projects typically involve multidisciplinary teams, predominantly from computer science. More recently, she has contributed to meta-science, aiming to enhance scientific practices, by collaborating with international research teams to ensure more robust, transparent, and reproducible research.
Arriaga has earned several competitive research projects funded externally (e.g. FCT, Bial Foundation, Erasmus+, Compete 2020) and has published in book chapters, conference proceedings, and refereed scientific journals. These range from specialized and thematic (e.g., Emotion, Psychology of Violence, Aggressive Behavior, Psychology of Music, Mindfulness, Journal of Creative Behavior, Cortex, Psychophysiology, Biological Psychology) to general (e.g., Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Health Psychology) and multidisciplinary journals (e.g. Health Communication; Health Education Research, Computers in Human Behavior; SoftwareX, HardwareX, Nature Human Behaviour).
She has been invited to evaluate scientific articles and research project applications at both national and international levels, including for governmental agencies such as the US National Science Foundation, the Dutch Research Council (Netherlands), the Shota Rustaveli Georgian National Science Foundation (Georgia), and the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Statistics and Data Analysis III
Raul M. S. Laureano holds a Ph.D in Management with specialization in Quantitative Methods for Management (2007), a Master's degree in Business Sciences (1995), and a Bachelor's degree in Organization and Business Management (1992), all awarded by Iscte, currently known as Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon).
He is Associate Professor at the Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Management of the Iscte Business School, where he has been teaching since 1992 in the field of Business and Data Analytics, including subjects such as Statistics and Data Analysis and Machine Learning. At this institution, he proposed the Applied Business Analytics and Analytics for Business postgraduate programs, both offered in partnership with Iscte-Executive Education, and the Master's program in Business Analytics, of which he is the director since its first edition.
He is also a researcher at the Business Research Unit (BRU-Iscte), in the Data Analytics group, and at the Research Center in Information Science, Technologies, and Architecture (ISTAR-Iscte), in the Information Systems group. Within his research interests, which include Health Analytics, Fraud Analytics, Public Administration, Tourism Analytics, and Applied Business Analytics, he has published over 90 scientific papers, including articles in journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings.
He is currently responsible for the research projects "HOPE - Healthcare: Optimize, Predict and Explain" and "DAFIM - Development of Fraud Pattern Detection Algorithms in Incentive Verification," both funded by Iscte. He was a member of the research team for the project "Artificial Intelligence in Incentive Management" (funded by IAPMEI and AICEP – 2020-2021 / 24 months)
In terms of academic research, he has successfully supervised over 50 master theses and four doctoral theses. He is currently supervising four doctoral theses, all in the field of Data Science, with topics related to the creation of predictive models, both regression and classification, in the areas of health, financial incentives and audience measurement in out-of-home media.
In 2014, he co-founded the scientific event WICTA - Special Interest Group on ICT for Auditing & Accounting, of which he is the co-chair, and it will have its 11th edition in 2023 (CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies - WICTA 2023).
He is also the author of several books, including "IBM SPSS Statistics: My Quick Reference Guide" (3rd edition), "Hypothesis Testing with SPSS: My Quick Reference Guide" (2nd edition), and "Hypothesis Testing and Regression" (with SPSS and R, forthcoming), all published in Portuguese by Edições Sílabo. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with other higher education institutions (Coimbra Business School, A Politécnica - Maputo, Institute of Health Sciences of the Catholic University, and Higher School of Real Estate Activities) and since 2013, he has been collaborating with the Order of Certified Accountants (OCC) in the preparation and teaching Microsoft Excel training courses.
For more information, please visit:
Social Psychology
Ricardo Borges Rodrigues is Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL and integrated researcher at CIS-IUL. With a PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology, he conducts research and intervention in the area of intergroup relations in childhood and adolescence, namely on processes of racial, ethnic, and gender based inclusion and exclusion in educational contexts. Director of the Master in Psychology of Intercultural Relations and academic vice coordinator at Iscte of the Erasmus Mundus Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society (Global-Minds). At CIS-IUL, he coordinates the project TEIP4 (consultancy to 15 school districts). Has served in expert committees, such as the Commission for Monitoring and Supervision of Educational Centers (2016-2020) and the advisory group for the Curricular Autonomy and Flexibility Project (DGE, 2017).
Perception, Attention and Memory |
Reasoning and Language
Perception, Attention and Memory |
Reasoning and Language
Present: PhD programs & project
I am currently a student of the PhD program in Psychology from Iscte-IUL and of the PhD program in Science of Psychology and Education from Université Libre de Bruxelles (joint agreement). My project's (supervision: Rita Jerónimo, Cis-IUL, Iscte-IUL and Régine Kolinsky, Center for Research in Cognition & Neurosciences (CRCN), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) main aim is to investigate the learning of science contents through different text types (narrative and expository) and the involvement of different factors and processes in this learning.
Education, research & teaching
I graduated in Psychology at Iscte-IUL and then completed the Master in Cognitive Science at the University of Lisbon, with a project about cognitive control processes in sentence processing using behavioural and electrophysiological measures.
Project: Monitoring in sentence processing: behavioral and electrophysiological evidenceSupervision: Ana Luísa Raposo (Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa) and Rita Jerónimo (Cis-IUL, Iscte-IUL)Area: cognitive science
After the Master, I completed an Erasmus+ research internship at the Center for Research in Cognition & Neurosciences from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (supervision: Régine Kolinsky).
Project: The costs and benefits of face expertise in light of Behavioural and EEG measuresCoordination: Régine Kolinsky (CRCN, ULB) and Adéläide de Heering (CRCN, ULB)Area: cognitive neuroscience
Other research projects I have been involved with:
Project: Social cognition in patients with Schizophrenia and Autism spectrum disorders: shared deficitsTeam: João Fernandes (FCM-UNL*, CHLO**), Bernardo Barahona-Corrêa (FCM-UNL, CHLO, CADIn*), Rita Jerónimo (Cis-IUL, Iscte-IUL) and Ricardo Lopes (CADIn, Cis-IUL, Iscte-IUL)Area: sociocognitive neuroscience
2013 - present
Project: The cheese was green with… envy: an EEG study on how minimal descriptions impact information processing Team: Rita Jerónimo (Cis-IUL, Iscte-IUL), Sofia Frade (Cis-IUL, Iscte-IUL); Sonja Kotz (Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University)Area: cognitive neuroscience
I have also been involved in teaching activities at Iscte-IUL, mainly at the undergraduate level.
2016 - present
Perception, Attention and Memory- theoretical-practical lessons on research methodology for the study of cognitive processes and on techniques and experimental tasks for the study of attention.- collaboration in the development of a pedagogical methodology based on gamification principles.
Neuropsychology- theoretical-practical lessons on the neural basis of attention and executive functions.
2017 - present
Reasoning and Language- theoretical-practical lessons on the cognitive processes underlying text comprehension.
Psychophysiology and Genetics- laboratory class on the fundamentals of electroencephalography, applicability in basic and applied research and hands-on demonstration of the technique.
Other professional experiences
Besides academic, research and formal teaching activities, I have also done more practical work in the non-formal learning domain.
2014-2017- Explainer at the Pavilion of Knowledge: I explained the scientific contents of the exhibits, did hands-on demonstrations, developed science-learning activities and gave training on topics from psychology and cognitive science.
2016-2018- Cognitive tutor at Hikari: I applied scientific knowledge about cognition and the brain in the development and implementation of learning strategies with students from various ages and school levels.
* Faculdade de Ciências Médicas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa ** Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental*** Centro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Infantil
Academic Competencies II
Sibila Marques has a degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon and a PhD in Social Psychology from ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. She is a researcher at the Center for Research and Social Intervention and teaches as an Assistant Professor in MSc courses at ISCTE-IUL. She is currently the Director of the Master in Social Psychology of Health.
Her work has focused on the application of Social and Community Psychology to the understanding of themes with a relevant social impact, especially in the area of health and well-being of communities and individuals. In this sense she has developed work in two priority areas: Social Psychology of Aging and Social Psychology of the Environment. In this field she has presented her work in national and international congresses and public events, and has publications in journals with high impact in the scientific community. She has also developed activities in European and national projects in this field. She is currently part of the Eurage group ( and has taken on the scientific coordination at ISCTE-IUL of the European projects SIforAGE (FP7) and INHERIT (H2020). She is also the author of the essay "Discrimination of the elderly" published by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation in 2011. She is also a frequent appearance in the media to discuss topics related with her subjects of research.