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Corpo Docente para (2024/2025)
Álvaro Dias é professor universitário desde 1995, lecionando sobretudo nas áreas da Turismo, Marketing e Empreendedorismo. Paralelamente tem exercido a atividade de consultoria em entidades como: Ministério da Economia, IAPMEI, AIP, AEP, AERLIS, GNR, ACT, CCP, Turismo de Portugal e dezenas de empresas.
Possui dois doutoramentos distinguidos com a menção (cum laude): um em Gestão com especialidade em Marketing e outro em Turismo, Mestre em Estratégia, MBA e licenciado em Gestão. Possui ainda uma pós-graduação em E-business.
Atual diretor do Mestrado de Gestão da Hospitalidade e Turismo do ISCTE-IUL. Dirigiu o departamento de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais da UAL. Foi diretor do Mestrado e da Licenciatura em Marketing e co-diretor da Licenciatura em Gestão do ISG. Foi também diretor do Mestrado em Gestão de Destinos Turísticos da Universidade Lusófona.
Autor de 24 livros e de mais de 200 artigos em publicações internacionais de referência.
Foi distinguido em 2022 com a Medalha D. Nuno Álvares Pereira de mérito da GNR e diploma de Louvor.
Em 2021, recebeu o prémio de investigação da Cátedra de Turismo Inteligente da Junta de Andalucía e da Universidade de Sevilha. Em 2023 recebeu o Prémio Extraordinário de Doctorado da Universidad de Sevilha. O artigo Entrepreneurship role on dynamic capabilities: A longitudinal study on Brazilian and Portuguese firms, elaborado em co-autoria, foi nomeado para o Best Paper Prize da Special Conference da Strategic Management Society, em 2011.
Orientou 2 pós-doutoramentos, 14 doutoramentos e 235 mestrados.
A sua experiência internacional como Professor Visitante passa por Angola, Brasil, Bolívia, México, Peru, Colombia, Espanha, Polónia, Roménia e Finlândia.
Prof. Helena Rodrigues holds a PhD in Management-Specialization in Marketing at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal. She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Marketing from ISLA-Lisboa and Laureate. She has worked for global Asset Management Banks and in the Marketing Department for a Global Pharmaceutical Company.
She lectures Marketing at ISCTE-IUL and Tourism Marketing at Universidade Católica Portuguesa . Her main research is in the area of Medical Tourism, Wellness and Health Tourism, Service Quality, Social Media and Higher Education.
Filipa Rosado Pinto is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing, Operations and General Management at Iscte- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Presently, she is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at NOVA SBE. Filipa obtained her PhD in Management (Marketing specialization) at Iscte, in 2022. She also holds an MBA from IE Business School and a bachelor’s degree in management from NOVA SBE. Following ten years of experience in marketing, in multinational companies, from Fast Moving Consumer Goods and the Pharmaceutical Industry, she moved into Academia in 2016.
Filipa´s current research interests include -among others- consumer-brand relationships, brand management and services marketing. Her research has been published in international scientific journals, such as EuroMed Journal of Business, Journal of Promotion Management and International Journal of Hospitality Management. Her work has also been presented at reputable international scientific conferences such as EMAC - European Marketing Academy Conference, GAMMA-GMC (Global Marketing Conference) and EuroMed Academy of Business conference.
Stanford University, together with the publishing house Elsevier and SciTech Strategies, has created a ranking of 2% of the best scientists in the world. It contains 159,648 names. Sandra Loureiro belongs to that 2%. Within the top 2%, Sandra Loureiro is the only Portuguese that belongs to the very core top group of the first 100 scientists all over the world. Sandra Loureiro is in the position 21 among the 8623 researchers in Marketing.
Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro is Professor at ISCTE-IUL and a researcher in the BRU and SOCIUS. She is the Director of Portuguese Marketing & Management SBU of GAMMA (Global Alliance of Marketing and Management Associations). She is also in the Scientific consulting body of (i) EuroMed and Euromed Research Business (EMRBI), (ii) AIRSI Conference and in relation to the Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, (iii) CEO - Centro de Investigação de Economia e das Organizações, among others the scientific Committees. In 2024 she won the BEST TRACK CHAIR AWARD in the 2024 Global Fashion Management conference for the conjoint symposium GAMMA-BRU-Iscte.
Her current research interests include relationship marketing (Brand coolness), tourism marketing and the connections between marketing and VR, AR and AI. She has publications with academics from different countries in the world, such as USA, UK, Germany, Spain, Austria, South Korean, China, Australia, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Chile, Malaysia, Brasil. Her papers were published in a variety of peer reviewed journals, such as Journal of Marketing (ABS 4*), Journal of Retailing (ABS 4), Tourism Management (ABS 4), Journal of Travel Research (ABS 4), Journal of Business Research (ABS 3), International journal of Hospitality Management (ABS 3), Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of retailing and consumer services, Journal of Travel &Tourism Marketing, Journal of service management, International Journal of Tourism Research or Journal of Brand Management and at well reputed international conferences, such as EMAC, ANZMAC, GAMMA-GMC, World Marketing Congress. She has acted as a reviewer for several international journals and conferences. She has participated in several research projects funded by the EU and FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) She won several awards, such as: the 2012 Best Paper Premier Award presented by the Global Marketing Conference (comprised of EMAC, ANZMAC, KSMS, and the Japanese Association of Marketing), Highly Commended paper Award 2014 - 7th EuroMed Conference and EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMRBI), Highly Commended paper Award 2016 - 9th EuroMed Conference and EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMRBI), Best Paper Award 2016- ICCMI 2016, Best Paper Award TomiWorld 2017 and Highly Commended paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for paper 'Exploring behavioural branding, brand love and brand co-creation' published in Journal of Product & Brand Management, Best Paper Honour Award at 2019 Global Fashion Management conference-GAMMA (among others). Excellent Service Award 2021 Global Fashion Management Conference at Seoul-2021 KSMS International Conference for the Uncompromising Service as a Conference Co-Chair. Best Reviewer Award by Psychology & Marketing for the year 2021.
Sandra has also participated in Zoom webinars and in-person interviews for newspapers, magazines, and TV where she exposes the social implications of her research (e.g., Briefing, DINHEIRO VIVO, Publico, Journal Económico).