Scimago Institutions Ranking

In 2022, Iscte was ranked 491th in the universisties ranking. This year 4364 universities were ranked on a national level, Iscte was ranked 12th among Portuguese higher education institutions.
Iscte has been improving its position every year in the indicators related to Research performance and it is currently ranked 389th in the world rank.
On the Innovation outputs indicator, Iscte is ranked 413th in the global rank. In the Societal Impact indicator, which measures web visibility, Iscte in ranked 236th in the world rank.
This year it is possible to check results by subject area. Iscte is well positioned within the Portuguese universities in all area of teaching and research, particularly in Psychology and Management, where it reaches 2nd place or Sociology and Political Science where it is in 3rd place.
Iscte in the global ranking

About this ranking
The SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is an academic and research-related ranking that combines three different indicators based on research performance (50%), innovation outputs (30%) and societal impact (20%). These indicators are measured by the visibility of the institution on the web using the Scopus database.
Access Scimago Institutions Ranking
Access to the Iscte-IUL profile on this ranking here
Last update: April 2022