
Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
1st Year | ||
Atelier of Modern Constructions
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Inventory and Analysis of the Urban Heritage
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Conservation and Sustainability
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Atelier of Traditional Constructions
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Rehabilitation and Sustainability
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Project of Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation
18.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 18.0 |
Visualisation and Digital Tools
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
History of Building and Archaeology of Architecture
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
2nd Year | ||
Supervision of Work
6.0 ECTS
Academic Curriculum > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Project Work in Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Dissertation in Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Atelier of Modern Constructions
At the end of this CU the student should be able to:
OA1. Identify the characteristics and applications of materials in Cultural Heritage;
OA2. Recognize constructive and material anomalies;
OA3. Apply and test various conservation and restoration techniques;
OA4. Develop rehabilitation techniques, exploring the potential of materials, challenging the student to creativity and investigation of sustainable rehabilitation techniques.
CP1. Characteristics of materials and their application in Architecture.
CP2 Construction pathology and material anomalies. Methods of analysis and diagnosis.
CP3. Conservation and restoration techniques. Maintenance measures.
CP4 Rehabilitation using traditional and contemporary systems.
The assessment is continuous and periodic, based on:
- Student work and performance during the workshop, continuous assessment on site (50%).
- A report on the work carried out, relating theoretical and practical learning (50%);
It is mandatory to attend 90% of classes, with no final exam.
Title: [7] TORRACA, Giorgio. Porous Building Materials. Rome: ICCROM, 1988.
[6] INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF MONUMENTS AND SITES. Ilustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns. France, V. Vergès-Belmin, 2008.
[5] Souza, Vicente e Ripper, Thomaz, ?Patologia, recuperação e reforço de estruturas de concreto?, PINI, São Paulo
[4] Patología y Terapéutica del Hormigón Armado: CÁNOVÀS, M. F. s.d. 2ª edição, Editorial Dossat, MA
[3] Handbook of Concrete Bridge Management: BRANCO, F. A.; BRITO, J. de 2004 ASCE Press, ISBN 0-7844-0560-3, USA
[2] FEILDEN, B. Conservation of Historic Buildings, London, Butterworth, 1982.
[1] ASHURST, John. Practical building conservation (5 vol.) Hants, Gower Technical Press, 1995.
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Title: [59]. MacDonald, Susan, and Ostergren, Gail. Conserving Twentieth-century Built Heritage a Bibliography. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2013. Web.
[58]. Bronson, Susan D., and Thomas C. Jester. "Conserving the Built Heritage of the Modern Era: Recent Developments and Ongoing Challenges." APT Bulletin 28.4 (1997): 4-12. Web.
[57]. Macdonald, Susan, Ostergren, Gail, and Getty Conservation Institute. Conserving Twentieth-century Built Heritage a Bibliography / Edited by Susan Macdonald and Gail Ostergren. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2013. Web.
[56]. Hassan, Maya, and Xie, Hui. Climate Change and Conservation of Coastal Built Heritage / Maya Hassan, Hui Xie. 2020. Print.
[55]. Macdonald, Susan, and Gail Ostergren. "CONSERVING TWENTIETH-CENTURY BUILT HERITAGE: A BIBLIOGRAPHY." APT Bulletin 42.2/3 (2011): 67-68. Web.
[54]. Kerr, J.S., 2013 ? Conservation plan: a guide to the preparation of conservation plans for places of European cultural significance. 7th edition, Australia ICOMOS Inc., 2013
[53]. Oksman, Silvio et al, 2018 ? "Plano de Conservação da Estrutura do MASP". Los Angeles: Technical Report. Keeping It Modern. The Getty Foundation. 2019. Acesso em: 18 nov. 2019. Disponível em: modern/report_library/masp.html?q={}
[52]. Araujo, A.; Panossian, Z., 2017 ? "Comportamento eletroquímico do aço-carbono em concreto: potencial de eletrodo e densidade de corrente elétrica". Téchne, v.24, n.247, p.47-52
[51]. Stegen, G., 2018 ? "Patch repair, the cure for the typical weaknesses of early modern and older heritage in concrete". In: Conference and Extpert Meeting Modern Heritage in Concrete, 3rd, 2018. Proceedings. Berlin, 2018, p.1-11
[50]. Gaudette, P.; Slaton, D., 2007 ? Preservation Briefs 15: "Preservation of Historic Concrete". Washington: Technical Preservation Services. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 nov. 2019
[49]. Harrer, A.; Gaudette, P., 2019 ? "Challenges of preserving modernist concrete". MATEC Web of Conferences (2019), Concrete Solutions 2019. Disponível em: 335446851_Challenges_ of_preserving_modernist_concrete Acesso em: 16 nov. 2019
[48]. UNESCO Modern Heritage Programme web page. (accessed 2 November 2011)
[47]. UIA XXth Century Architectural Heritage Repository website. (accessed 11 October 2011)
[46]. TICCIH International Inventory of World Industrial Heritage website. http://www. (accessed 11 October 2011)
[45]. DOCMOMO US Register website. (accessed 11 October 2011).
[44]. DOCOMOMO International Register web page. register.htm (accessed 11 October 2011).
[43]. TICCIH. 2008. TICCIH and the World Heritage List: A Strategy for Advising on Industrial and Technical Cultural Properties. Terrassa, Spain: TICCIH. ticcih/docs/1223389619_ticcih_icomos_proposal2008.pdf (accessed 11 October 2011)
[42]. TURNPENNY, Kate, INGHAM, Jeremy. Remedy for steel frame corrosion, in Natural stone specialist, Vol. 44, N. 4, p. 22, 24, 26, 2009.
[41]. NORMANDIN, Kyle C., SLATON, Deborah (ed.). Cleaning Techniques in Conservation Practice , Paperback, 2005
[40]. HIGHFIELD, D.. Rehabilitation and re-use of old buildings. E & F. N. Spon Ltd, 1987.
[21] WESTON, R. Materials, Form and Architecture. Laurence King, 2008.
[20] WAKITA, O. & Linde, R. The Professional Practice of Architectural Detailing. John Wiley, 1999
[19] SILVER, P. & Mclean, W. Introduction to Architectural Technology. Laurence King, 2008
[18] HARRIS, C. ? Dictionary of Architecture and construction. Mac-Graw Hill, 1993
[17] FRAMPTON, K. ed Cava. J Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. MIT Press, 2001
[16] DEPLAZES, A. ?et. al.?. Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures: a Handbook. Princeton Architectural Press. Birkhauser, 2005.
[15] DAWSON, S. ?et. al.?. Architects Working Details. (Vols 1-10). BRE/CRC, 1989-2005
[14] CHUDLEY, R. Construction technology, Vol. 1, II e III, Longman Technician Series, New York, 1978
[13] CHING, F.. Building Construction Illustrated. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991
[12] CABORN, Colin, MOULD, Ian, CAVE, John. Design and technology, 1989
[11] BALLARD BELL. V. Materials for Architectural Design. Laurence King, 2006.
[10] ALLEN, Edward. Fundamentals of building construction materials and methods, 2. ed. New York : John Willey & Sons, 1990 .
[9] ALLEN, E. The Professional Handbook of Building Construction. John Wiley & sons, USA, 1985.
[8] AGUIAR, J.; CABRITA, A. M. R.; APPLETON, J. Guião de Apoio à Reabilitação de Edifícios Habitacionais: 1997 LNEC, Lisboa.
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Inventory and Analysis of the Urban Heritage
LO1- To understand the current issues on cultural heritage theories and practices, within a critical heritage studies approach.
LO2- To know and identify the phases of the evolution of the cultural heritage concept, worldwide.
LO3- To know and identify cultural heritage operative categories, with emphasis on the Portuguese context;
LO4- To know and correctly mobilize legislation and administrative procedures, as well as primary stakeholders in the heritage domain, in Portugal and in the world;
LO5- To know CH safeguard and valorization policies in Portugal, namely classification, inventory, conservation, restoration, musealization and education;
LO6- To know CH management policies and heritage economics as a mean towards a sustainable development.
PC1- Introductory concepts.
1.1. Cultural Heritage concept evolution;
1.2. CH categories;
1.3. CH in Portugal;
1.4. CH: identity and value
PC2- CH Safeguard
2.1. International and Portuguese Legislation;
2.2. Classification;
2.3. Inventory policies
PC3 ? CH Valorization
3.1. Conservation and Restoration
3.2. Museum process
3.3. Heritage Interpretation
PC4- The Economics of Heritage
4.1. CH in sustainable development;
4.2. Heritage tourism
PC5 - Managing Cultural Heritage
5.1. Cultural Heritage Policies
5.2. Public and private in Cultural Heritage
5.3. Civic Society and Heritage
The modality of the evaluation is an Assessment throughout the semester mode, with two evaluation elements:
1. Two written individual papers on subjects (articles) given by the teacher throughout the semester (counting for 25% of the final grade). Papers will have the maximum dimension of 800-900 words (two A4 size pages);
2. Final individual written essay (counting or 75% of the final grade) with the maximum dimension of 6000-7000 words (15 A4 paper size pages),. Bibliographic references do not enter in the word count.
All the written text must include bibliography that was used, and should follow the graphic procedures applied by the school ESPP.
There is no oral presentations.
The final essay, analytical and reflexive, must be done by choosing only one of the following themes: a) a critical reflection on the theoretical subjects presented in the unit; b) a critical analysis of a text indicated in the basic bibliography; c) a critical report on the field trip.
For the evaluation, assiduity is not considered, though class attendance allows for a more fruitful participation of students ins the theoretical debates towards a better fulfilling of the learning objectives, as well as it allows for clarifying doubts, thus contributing towards a better individual assessment.
Title: Choay, F. (2008). A alegoria do Património. Edições 70.
Custódio, J. (Coord). (2010). 100 anos de Património. Memória e Identidade: Portugal 1910-2010. IGESPAR.
Guillaume, M. (2003). A política do património. Campo das Letras.
Lacroix, M. (1999). O princípio de Noé ou a ética da salvaguarda. Instituto Piaget.
Lowenthal, D. (1985). The Past is a Foreign Country. Cambridge University Press.
Ortigão, R. (2006). O Culto da Arte em Portugal. Esfera do Caos.
Riegl, A. (2016). O culto moderno dos monumentos e outros ensaios estéticos. Edições 70.
Silva, J. H. P. da (1980). Pretérito Presente: para uma teoria da preservação do património histórico-artístico. SEC/CNDP.
Smith, L. (2006). Uses of Heritage. Routledge.
Tilden, F. (1967). Interpreting Our Heritage. The University of North Carolina Press.
Waterton, E. & Watson, S. (Eds.) (2015). The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research. Palgrave Macmillan.
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Title: Blockley, M. & Hems, A. (Eds.) (2006). Heritage Interpretation: Theory and Practice: Issues in Heritage Management. Routledge.
Choay, F. (2011). As questões do Património. Antologia para um combate. Edições 70.
De la Torre, M. (2013). Values and Heritage Conservation. Heritage & Society, 60 (2), 155?166.
Fairclough, G. (Ed.) (2008). The heritage reader. Routledge.
Folgado, D. (2005). O património e os dois ?ii? ? integrar ou ignorar: a propósito de A política do património de Marc Guillaume. Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia, 45 (3-4), 51-66.
Hooper, G. (Ed.) (2018). Heritage at the Interface, Interpretation and Identity. University Press of Florida.
Jokiletho, J. (2004). A history of architectural conservation. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
Lopes, F. & Correia, M.B. (2004). Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico: cartas recomendações e convenções internacionais. Livros Horizonte.
Lopes, F. (2012). Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico. Noção e Normas de Proteção. Caleidoscópio.
Macedo, S. C. (2018). Associações de defesa do património em Portugal (1974-1997). Caleidoscópio.
Mohen, J.-P. (1999). Les sciences du patrimoine: identifier, conserver, restaurer. Odille Jacob.
Rizzo, I. & Mignosa, A. (Eds.) (2013). Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Smith, L. & Akagawa, N. (Eds.) (2009). Intangible Heritage: Key Issues in Cultural Heritage. Routledge.
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Conservation and Sustainability
After successfully completing this UC, the student must be able to:
OA1 - Reflect and apply the theoretical principles, rules and international recommendations on Conservation and Rehabilitation of architectural heritage.
OA2 - Identify Building?s anomalies and describe possible causes and diagnostic methods of anomalies. At the same time, assess the responsibility of the Architect in preventing anomalies.
OA3 - Explain different techniques of repairing defects and maintenance measures of preventive conservation.
CP1. Principles of Intervention in Architectural Heritage:
- International Recommendations and Conventions;
- National legislation;
- Degrees of intervention and Methodology of the Project
CP2. Construction Pathology;
- Recognition of non-structural and structural damages;
- Analysis of possible causes, natural and human;
- Forms of moisture manifestation;
- Data acquisition, methods of survey and registration;
- Methods of diagnosis in situ and in laboratory, destructive and nondestructive
CP3. Technical Intervention;
- Elimination of the causes of failures;
- Conservation of materials: wood, stone, ceramics, mortar, metals;
- Structural and non structural repair; foundations, walls, floors, roofs, coverings, joinery, finishes;
- Sustainable Conservation;
- Maintainance;
- Sustainable rehabilitation strategies.
Given the eminently practical nature of this course, its assessment consists exclusively of a system of assessment throughout the semester, involving attendance at a minimum of 70% of the classes, periodic discussions of the exercises with the lecturer, submission of all phases of the proposed exercises on the set dates, and a final oral presentation. Group and individual work will be carried out throughout the semester. Group work is continuous and is carried out in stages throughout the semester. The final grade is the result of weighting: 60% group work + 10% class participation + 30% individual work. Oral presentation of the group work is compulsory and takes place in the 8th and 12th classes. The course is not assessed by exam. You can only improve your grade by re-enrolling in the next edition of the course and repeating the entire assessment process.
BibliographyTitle: [1].AVV, Curso de patología, conservación y restauración de edifícios (4 vol.), Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, 1991
[2].AAVV, Tratado de rehabilitación (5 vol.), Madrid, Munilla-Leria 1999
[3].APPLETON, J., Reabilitação de edifícios antigos. Patologias e tecnologias de intervenção, Edições Orion, 2003. ISBN: 972-8620-03-9
[4].FEILDEN, B., Conservation of Historic Buildings, London, Butterworth, 1982
[5].HENRIQUES, F.M.A., Humidade em paredes, 2ª Edição, Colecção Edifícios 1, Lisboa, LNEC, 1995
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Title: [1].AAVV, Guia técnico de reabilitação habitacional (2 vols), Lisboa, LNEC, 2006.
[2].ASHURST, John, Practical building conservation (5 vol.) Hants, Gower Technical Press, 1995
[3].BRANDI, C., Teoria do Restauro, Ed. Orion, 2006. ISBN: 972-8620-08-X
[4].CARBONARA, G., Restauro architettonico, UTET, 1996
[5].CABRITA, A. R., AGUIAR, J.; APPELTON, J., Manual de apoio à reabilitação de edifícios do Bairro Alto, Lisboa, CML-LNEC, 1990
[6].CAMPANELLA, C., Obras de conservação e restauro arquitectónico. Condições técnicas especiais, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, 2003
[7].CHOAY, F., L? allégorie du patrimoine, Paris,Ed. du Seuil, 1992.
[8].HENRIQUES, F.M.A. et al, Materiais pétreos e similares. Terminologia das formas de alteração e de degradação, Lisboa, LNEC, 2004
[9].JOKILEHTO, J., A history of architectural conservation, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002
[10].INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF MONUMENTS AND SITES, Ilustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns, France, V. Vergès-Belmin, 2008
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Atelier of Traditional Constructions
At the end of this CU the student should be able to:
OA1. Identify the characteristics and applications of materials in Cultural Heritage;
OA2. Recognize constructive and material anomalies;
OA3. Apply and test various conservation and restoration techniques;
OA4. Develop traditional and contemporary rehabilitation techniques, exploring the potential of materials, challenging the student to creativity and investigation of sustainable rehabilitation techniques.
CP1. Characteristics of materials and their application in Architecture.
CP2. Construction pathology and material anomalies. Methods of analysis and diagnosis.
CP3. Conservation and restoration techniques. Maintenance measures.
CP4. Rehabilitation using traditional and contemporary systems.
The assessment is continuous and periodic, based on:
- Student work and performance during the workshop, continuous assessment on site (50%).
- A report on the work carried out, relating theoretical and practical learning (50%);
It is mandatory to attend 90% of classes, with no final exam.
Title: [7] TORRACA, Giorgio. Porous Building Materials. Rome: ICCROM, 1988.
[6] ICOMOS. Ilustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns. France, V. Vergès-Belmin, 2008.
[5] ASHURST, John. Practical building conservation (5 vol.) Hants, Gower Technical Press, 1995.
[4] PFEIFER, Gunter, ?et. al.?. Masonry Construction Manual. Birkauser Verlag Basel, Detail, 2001.
[3] RABASA DÍAZ, Enrique, CASTELLANOS MIGUÉLEZ, Agustín; Centro de Los Olícios de Léon, Guía práctica de la estereotomía de la piedra. Centro de los Oficios de León. León. 2007
[2] HOUBEN, Hugo; GUILLAUD, Hubert. Traité de construction en terre, 1 éme edition. Marseille: Ed. Parenthèses, 1989, ISBN 2-86364-041-0. (disponível também em Inglês ?Earth a Comprensive Guide?)
[1] AAVV (coord. Maria Fernandes, Mariana Correia) Arquitectura de terra em Portugal. Lisboa: Argumentum, 2005, ISBN 972-8479-36-0.
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Title: [49]. TURNPENNY, Kate, INGHAM, Jeremy. Remedy for steel frame corrosion, in Natural stone specialist, Vol. 44, N. 4, p. 22, 24, 26, 2009.
[48]. SELWITZ, Charles. Epoxy Resins in Stone Conservation. Getty Conservation Institute: Santa Monica, 1992.
[47]. RODRIGUES, J. Delgado, Fernando HENRIQUES, F. Telmo JEREMIAS. Proceedings of the 71 International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Vols. 1-3. Lisbon, 1992.
[46]. PRICE, C.A. Stone Conservation. Getty Conservation Institute: Santa Monica, 1996.
[45]. NORMANDIN, Kyle C., SLATON, Deborah (ed.). Cleaning Techniques in Conservation Practice , Paperback, 2005
[44]. MCKEE, Harley J.. Introduction to Eady American Masonry - Stone, Brick, Mortar and Plaster. National Trust for Historic Preservation: Washington, DC, 1973, pgs. 9-33, 61-71.
[43]. MATERO, Frank ?et. al.?. Historic Masonry Deterioration and Repair Techniques - An Annotated Bibliography. NPS, Preservation Assistance Division: Washington DC, 1993.
[42]. HELLER, Harold. Preservation of Historical Masonry Structures. Technical Proposal, NPS contract CX-4450-3-0008. INHP Archives: Philadelphia, 1974.
[41]. GRIMMER, Ann E., ed. A Glossary of Historic Masonry Deterioration Problems and Preservation Treatments. NPS Preservation Assistance Division: Washington, DC, 1984.
[40]. FEILDEN, B.. Conservation of Historic Buildings, London, Butterworth, 1982
[42]. CHAROLA, A. Elena. Water Repellent treatments for Building Stones: A Practical Overview. APT Bulletin, (nos. 2-3) 1995, pgs. 10-16.
[41]. ASHURST, Nicola. Cleaning Historic Buildings, Hardback, 1994
[40]. ASHURST, John, DIMES, Francis G.. Stone in Building. Architectural Press Ltd: London, 1977.
[33] VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Eugène Emmanuel, Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle, Librairie, Imprimeries réunis, Paris,1854-1858.é_de_l?architecture_française _du_XIe_au_XVIe_ sièclehttp://fr
[32] SILVER, P. & Mclean, W. Introduction to Architectural Technology. Laurence King, 2008
[31] RABASA DÍAZ, Enrique, Forma y Construcción en piedra, de la cantería medieval a la estereotomía del siglo XIX. Akal. Madrid. 2000
[30] RABASA DÍAZ, Enrique, ?Técnicas góticas y renacentistas en el trazado y la talla de las bóvedas de crucería española del siglo XVI?. Actas del Primer Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción, Madrid 19-21 septiembre 1996, Instituto Juan de Herrera, CEHOPU, Madrid. 1996.
[29] PALACIOS, José Carlos, MARTÍN, Rafael, BRAVO, Sandra, GENIN, Soraya, MARIA, Rocío, RODRIGUEZ, David, MARTINEZ, Diego, Taller de Construcción Gótica I. Workshop on building Gothic methods I, Madrid, Editorial Munilla-Leria, 2015. ISBN 978-84-942392-0-5.
[28] PALACIOS GONZALO, José Carlos, La canteria medieval. La construcción de la bóveda gótica española, Ed. Munilla-Lería, Madrid, 2009
[27] MAINSTONE, Rowland, « Structural Theory and Design before 1742 », in Architectural Review, 143 Apr., 1968, pp. 303.310; (reprinted in idem, Structure in Architecture: history, design, and innovation, Aldershot, Hampshire; Brookfield, Vt. : Ashgate, c1999 Collected studies: CS 659.
[26] HUERTA FERNÁNDEZ, Santiago, ?Technical challenges in the construction of gothic vaults: The gothic thoery of structural design?, in: Construction Techniques in the Age of Historicism. From Theories of Gothic Structures to Building Sites in the 19th Century, U. Hassler, Ch. Rauhut y S. Huerta, eds. München: Hirmer, 2012, pp. 162-195.
[25] HARRIS, C. ? Dictionary of Architecture and construction. Mac-Graw Hill, 1993
[24] GENIN, Soraya, DE JONGE, Krista, Concepção e construção de abóbadas nervuradas análise geométrica e formal, Actas do VI Congresso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Instituto Juan de Herrera, pp. 881-890, 21 a 24 de Outubro de 2009. ISBN 978-84-9728-317-5.
[23] GENIN, Soraya, Bóvedas de nervios compuestos. Crucerias a lo romano del convento de Cristo de Tomar, Actas del Noveno Congresso Nacional y Primer Congreso Internacional Hispanoamericano de Historia de la Construcción, Segovia, Instituto Juan de Herrera, vol. II, pp. 719-727, 13 a 17 de Outubro de 2015. ISBN 978-84-9728-547-6.
[22] FITCHEN, John, The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals: A Study of Medieval Vault Erection, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961.
[21] DERNIE, D. New Stone Architecture. McGraw-Hill Professiona, 2003
[20] CHUDLEY, R. Construction technology, Vol. 1, II e III, Longman Technician Series, New York, 1978
[19] CHING, F.. Building Construction Illustrated. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991
[18] DU COLOMBIER, Pierre, Les Chantiers des cathédrales, Picard, Paris, 1953.
[17] DERAND, François, L?Architecture des voûtes, ou l?art des traits, et coupes des voutes : traité très utile et nécessaire à tous les architectes, maîtres massons, appareilles, réédite : 1743, 1755, chez Sébastien Cramoisy, Paris,1643.
[16] CHOISY, Auguste, L?art de bâtir chez les Romains : Planches, Ducher, Paris, vol. 2, 1873.
[15] CALVO LÓPEZ, José, ?Estereotomía de la piedra?, in I Master de Restauracíon del Patrimonio Historico, Murcia: Colegio de Arquitectos, Colegio de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos, 2005, pp. 115-151
[14] CABORN, Colin, MOULD, Ian, CAVE, John. Design and technology, 1989
[13] BRANNER, Robert, Villard de Honnecourt, Reims and the Origin of the Gothic Architectural Drawing, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 6 ser. Vol. 61, Paris, 1963, pp. 129-146; reprint in The Engineering of Medieval Cathedrals, ed. Lynn T. Courtenay, Studies in the History of Civil Engineering, Vol. 1, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Wisconsin-Madison, 1997, pp. 63-80
[12] BECHMAN Roland, Villard de Honnecourt, La pensée technique au XIIIème siècle et sa communication, Picard, Paris, 1991.
[11] BALLARD BELL. V. Materials for Architectural Design. Laurence King, 2006.
[10] ALLEN, Edward. Fundamentals of building construction materials and methods, 2. ed. New York : John Willey & Sons, 1990 .
[9] ALLEN, E. The Professional Handbook of Building Construction. John Wiley & sons, USA, 1985.
[8] ACLAND, James H., Medieval Structures: The Gothic Vault, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1972.
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Rehabilitation and Sustainability
OA1. Make the student aware of the principles of Sustainability, use of sustainable materials, renewable energies, recycling of construction waste, circularity of the construction and durability of the interventions.
OA2. Know and select eco-sustainable materials and systems, respecting the principles of cultural heritage Rehabilitation;
OA3. Use tools to evaluate and propose solutions for thermal comfort, improve energy efficiency passively, with or without recourse to mechanical systems.
OA4. Know how to use tools to evaluate and propose solutions to improve acoustic conditions of buildings.
CP1. Principles of sustainable construction and rehabilitation. International policies and organizations. Standards and methodology. Sustainability Certification Systems. Life cycle analysis and durability of interventions.
CP2. Eco-sustainable materials and systems. Sustainability assessment of materials and construction elements.
CP3. Evaluation of thermal conditions and solutions to improve energy and water efficiency. Ventilation and air conditioning of buildings.
CP4. Evaluation of acoustic conditions and solutions for sound insulation.
The evaluation is continuous and periodic. It focuses on the object of study common to the Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation Project. It is based on
- A group work (50%);
- An individual work (50%).
It is compulsory to attend 60% of classes, there is no place for final examination.
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Project of Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation
OA1 - Development of an integrated Conservation project, considering the real context, the legal conditions and the different phases of the project;
OA2 - Project development based on a holistic, theoretical and technical analysis, complete of the building, group of buildings and surroundings;
OA3 - Application of methodologies and recommendations of international standards for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage;
OA4 - Experience of collaborative work and interdisciplinary communication in the practice of conservation of cultural heritage.
The students work on projects that involve the conservation and sustainable rehabilitation of an isolated building and / or an archaeological site, urban or rural group of buildings, aiming at an intense interaction of different disciplines. Project Work is introduced through seminars related to the objects of study and Project methodologies. Each interdisciplinary group of students works at a specific location. Particular aspects, such as research, analysis of the object of study at different scales and domains, are the object of study by several UCs. In this UC, students elaborate the diagnosis, based on previous works, to develop the proposal.
Evaluation processThe projects are presented to the teachers during the
intermediate assessment and experts invited during the final assessment.
The evaluation is based on the continuous and periodic evaluation of the work.
- Group work: (50%) oral presentation by all members of the group is mandatory.
- Individual assessment: (50%) participation in classes and performance at the group work.
Presence in 60% of classes is mandatory.
There is no place for a final exam.
Title: [8]. PETERS, Paulhans (1977). Reutilización de edificios : renovación y nuevas funciones. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili. ISBN 84-252-0642-1. Cota BDC: 72.025 / P 575x
[7]. FEILDEN, B. Conservation of Historic Buildings, London, Butterworth, 1982
[6]. CABRITA, A. M. Reis ; AGUIAR, José (1988). Monografia portuguesa sobre inovação e reabilitação de edifícios.[Lisboa?] : LNEC.
[5]. BORDEN, Iain & RUEDI RAY, Katerina (2006). An Architecture Student?s Handbook. 2ªed. Oxford: Architectural Press?Elsevier.
[4]. ASHURST, John. Practical building conservation (5 vol.) Hants, Gower Technical Press, 1995
[3]. APPLETON, João (2003). Reabilitação de edifícios antigos: patologias e tecnologias de intervenção. Amadora : Orion. ISBN 972-8620- 03-9.
[2]. ALBA, António F. (e outros), Teoria e Historia de la Restauracion. Madrid: MRPP, ed. Munilla-Léria, 1997
[1]. A.A.V.V. Proyecto de Restauracion. Master de Restauracion y Rehabilitacion del Patrimonio. MRPP. Madrid; Ed. Munilla-Leria. 2003
Reference: null
Title: [30]. WALLIMAN, N. (2001). Your research project : a step?by?step guide for the first time researcher. London : Sage. ISBN 0-7619-6539-4. Cota BDC: 37 / W 184 y
[29]. Turnpenny, Kate, Ingham, Jeremy. Remedy for steel frame corrosion, in Natural stone specialist, Vol. 44, N. 4, p. 22, 24, 26, 2009.
[28]. Oxley, Richard. Survey and Repair of Traditional Buildings, A conservation and sustainable approach, Hardback, 2003.
[27]. Normandin, Kyle C., Slaton, Deborah (ed.). Cleaning Techniques in Conservation Practice , Paperback, 2005
[26]. HIGHFIELD, D.. Rehabilitation and re-use of old buildings. E & F. N. Spon Ltd, 1987.
[25]. Van Balen, Koenraad. "The Nara Grid: An Evaluation Scheme Based on the Nara Document on Authenticity." APT Bulletin 39.2/3 (2008): 39-45. Web.
[24]. Plevoets, Bie, and Cleempoel, Koenraad Van. Adaptive Reuse of the Built Heritage : Concepts and Cases of an Emerging Discipline / Bie Plevoets and Koenraad Van Cleempoel. 2019. Print.
[23]. Haskell, Tony. Caring for Our Built Heritage : Conservation in Practice / Edited by Tony Haskell. 1st ed. London ; New York: E & FN Spon, 1992. Print.
[22]. Schuster, J. Mark Davidson, De Monchaux, John, Riley, Charles A., and Salzburg Seminar. Preserving the Built Heritage : Tools for Implementation / J. Mark Schuster, with John De Monchaux and Charles A. Riley II, Editors. Hanover, NH : [Salzburg]: U of New England ; Salzburg Seminar, 1997. Print.
[21]. Balen, K. Van, and Vandesande, Aziliz. Innovative Built Heritage Models : Edited Contributions to the International Conference on Innovative Built Heritage Models and Preventive Systems (CHANGES), 6-8 February 2017, Leuven, Belgium / Editors: Koen Van Balen & Aziliz Vandesande. 2018. Print. Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices ; v. 3.
[20]. Bold, John, Larkham, P. J., and Pickard, Rob. Authentic Reconstruction : Authenticity, Architecture and the Built Heritage / Edited by John Bold, Peter Larkham and Robert Pickard. 2018. Print.
[19]. Bond, Stephen, and Worthing, Derek. Managing Built Heritage : The Role of Cultural Values and Significance / Stephen Bond, Derek Worthing. Second ed. 2016. Print.
[18]. Transforming heritage practice in the 21st century : contributions from community archaeology / John H. Jameson, Sergiu Musteat?a?, editors, Cham : Springer, 2019.
[17]. International Council on Monuments and Sites ? ICOMOS, 2013 ? The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance. Acessado em 19 Abr. 2016. Disponível em: http://
[16]. International Council on Monuments and Sites Icomos, 2003 ? Recommendations for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage: Guidelines. 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em 30 jun. 2017
[15]. International Council on Monuments and Sites ? Icomos, 1965 ? International charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites (the Venice Charter 1964). Veneza, ICOMOS. Acessado em 19 abr. 2016
[14]. Jukilehto, Jukka, Henry Clere, Susan Denyer, and Michael Petzet. The World Heritage List: Filling the Gaps?an Action Plan for the Future. 2005. Paris: ICOMOS. http:// (accessed 11 October 2011).
[13]. Harwood, Elain, and English Heritage. 1996. Something Worth Keeping? Post-war Architecture in England. London: English Heritage
[12]. GROAT, Linda & WANG, David (2002). Architectural Research Methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-33365-4. Cota BDC: 37 / G 893a
[11]. DEPOY, Elizabeth & GITLIN, Laura N. (2005). Introduction to Research. Understanding and Applying Multiple Strategies. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. ISBN 0-323-02853-5. Cota na BDC: 37/ D 469 i
[10]. COTTRELL, Stella (2011). Critical Thinking Skills. Developing Effective Analysis and Argument. London: Palgrave Macmillan publishers. ISBN 978-0-230-28529-3. Cota BDC: 37 / C 89 c
[9]. CÓIAS, Vítor (2007). Reabilitação estrutural de edifícios antigos : alvenaria, madeira: técnicas pouco intrusivas. Lisboa : Argumentum ; Lisboa : GeCorpa. ISBN 978-972-8479-40-9. Cota BDC: 72.025 / C 629 r
Reference: null
Visualisation and Digital Tools
OA1: Designing digital models of the construction.
OA2: Design VR and AR experiences.
OA3: Define and develop narratives and Storytelling.
OA4: Produce thematic cartography.
OA5: Interpret shape geometries and grammars.
CP1: BIM Modeling: representation and three-dimensional visualization of the construction;
CP2: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: basic design principles; technologies used; experience design; 3D modeling; game engine; interaction customization; viewing via HMD or creating navigation video;
CP3: GIS - Types and categories of maps: free geospatial tools for building maps. Introduction to QGIS; visualization and editing of spatial data; image georeferencing and spatial analysis.
CP4: Story Telling: data design for storytelling. Digital Narratives with ArcGIS StoryMaps, an innovative digital tool for the elaboration of digital narratives through personalized maps, which allow the conjugation of text, image, video and sound, creating impactful, inspiring and immersive stories.
CP5: Grammars of form, analysis of geometry and application in architecture, namely in rehabilitation design.
The evaluation is continuous and periodic, based on the development of a group work.
The final evaluation will be done according to:
- Realization of practical exercises in class - 50%.
- Individual work - 50%.
Attendance to 60% of classes is mandatory, with no final exam.
Title: [6] SEGEL, E., & Heer, J. (2010). Narrative visualization: Telling stories with data. IEEEtransactions on visualization and computer graphics, 16(6), 1139-1148.
[5] DUXBURY, Nancy, GARRET-PETTS, W.F. and MACLENNAN, David. Cultural Mapping as Cultural Inquiry, New York: Routledge, 2015.
[4] CAMERON, F. and KENDERDINE, S. (eds) (2007) Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage. A Critical Discourse. MIT Press.
[3] Holzer, D. (2016). The BIM manager?s handbook?: guidance for professionals in architecture, engineering, and construction. Wiley.
[2] BIM Uses. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2020, from
[1] BODENHAMER, David J., CORRIGAN, John; HARRIS, Trevor M. The Spatial Humanities. GIS and the future of humanities scholarship. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.
Reference: null
Title: [15] RAPOSO, M., ELOY, S., DIAS, M.S. (2017), Revisiting the city augmented by digital technologies ? SeeARch tool. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenace, and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. Pp. 637-646.
[14] OZER, D. G. and NAGAKURA, T. (2016) ?Simplifying Architectural Heritage Visualization AUGMENTEDparion?, in Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference. Oulo (Finland), pp. 521?528. Available at: (Accessed: 14 November 2016).
[13] Ma, K.-L., Liao, I., Frazier, Hauser, J. H., & Kostis, H.-N. (2012). Scientific StorytellingUsing Visualization, Computer Graphics And Applications (CG&A), VisualizationViewpoints, 32, (1), 12-19.
[12] LONSING, W. (2007) ?Combining GPS and CAD Designing Virtual Models in Real Space Coordinate system?, in Predicting the Future, 25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings. Frankfurt am Main (Germany), pp. 655?661.
[11] LANKOW, J., Ritchie, J., & Crooks, R. (2012). Infographics: The power of VisualStorytelling. John Wiley & Sons
[10] KOSARA, R., & Mackinlay, J. (2013). Storytelling: The next step for visualization. IEEEComputer (Special Issue on Cutting-Edge Research in Visualization), 46 (5), 44-50, 2013
[9] GRASER, Anita. Learning QGIS 2.0. Use QGIS to create great maps and perform all the geoprocessing tasks you need. Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2013.
[8] GONÇALVES, A. J. M., SILVA, F. and MENDES, A. J. (2005) ?An approach to (virtually) recreate historical findings?.
[7] GOMES, J., ELOY, S. (forthcoming) Do Laser Scan à experiência em Realidade Virtual Imersiva de um modelo BIM: experiências e testemunhos. In Proceedings of PTBIM.
[6] GOMES, J.; ELOY, S.; SILVA, N. P.; RESENDE, R.; DIAS, L. (forthcoming) A quasi-real virtual reality experience: point cloud navigation. In Proceedings of the Artificial Realities: Virtual as an aesthetic medium in architecture ideation. Lisbon: ISCTE-IUL.
[5] BRUY, Alexander and SVIDZINSKA, Daria. QGIS By Example: Leverage the power of QGIS in real-world applications to become a powerful user in cartography and GIS analysis, Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2015.
[4] BIM dimensions - 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D BIM explained | NBS. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2020, from
[3] BREWER, C. A. - Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users. Redlands: Esri Press, 2005.
[2] BERTIN, J. - Semiology of Graphics, Redlands: Esri Press, 2011.
[1] AZUMA, R. (2015) ?Location-Based Mixed and Augmented Reality Storytelling?, 2nd edition of Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality Location-Based Mixed and Augmented Reality Storytelling. CRC Press, pp. 259?276.
Reference: null
History of Building and Archaeology of Architecture
At the end of the course the student should be in a position to:
OA1 Know the constructive systems in a historical perspective;
OA2 Master the concepts and methods used in the Archaeology of Architecture (Bauforschung);
OA3 Apply the knowledge in case studies, in the Portuguese context .
CP1 - History of Construction
- Traditional constructions (in earth, wood, masonry, stone and brick)
- Modern and contemporary buildings (concrete, metal, mixed, light and eco-sustainable)
CP2 Concepts and Methods in Architectural Archaeology
- Definition and characteristics
- Methods used
- Scope of use
CP3 Case Studies
- Techniques applied in a Portuguese context
The evaluation is continuous and periodic. It focuses on the object of study common to the Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation Project. It is based on:
- A group work (50%);
- An individual work (50%).
It is compulsory to attend 60% of classes, there is no place for final examination.
Title: -
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Supervision of Work
After successfully completing this UC, the student must be able to:
OA1 - Understanding the complexity of the project and the construction work, as regards the coordination of the various specialties and construction requirements;
OA2 - Reflect on the role and the technician's responsibility at the stage of the design and technical assistance;
OA3 - Provide assistance and technical attendance of a work;
CP1. Final Project:
- Specifications;
- Final Project, texts and drawings; technical specifications; Architecture and Specialties
- Technical Specifications;
- Map of finishes;
- Map of work / measurements;
- Budget Map:
- Planning of the contract;
- Construction site plan; Project of Safety and Health;
CP2. Attendance of work.
The evaluation process is Continuous. It consists of group work (50%) and individual work (50%). Attendance to 2/3 of classes (in class or in work/office), monitoring and oral presentation of work is mandatory. Students who do not pass the continuous assessment may take an exam and a 2nd season exam.
BibliographyTitle: Acompanhamento de obra
[1] Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (1979). Caderno de Encargos Tipo - Cláusulas Técnicas Gerais. Edital n.º 73/79, Lisboa.
[2] CABRITA, Reis, Regras para elaboração de projectos, LNEC, Lisboa, 1996.
[3] TEIXEIRA TRIGO, J; BORDADO, V. M., Cadernos de Encargos-tipo para a construção de edifícios, LNEC, Lisboa, 1969.
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Title: Acompanhamento de obra
[7] ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA (1995). Empreitadas por Preço Global ou por Série de Preços e com Projecto do Dono da Obra - Caderno de Encargos Tipo - Cláusulas Gerais. Diário da República n.º 108 de 10/5/95, Lisboa.
[8] BACALHAU, Juviano E.G., Documentos normativos aplicáveis à construção – relação classificada e anotada, LNEC, Lisboa 1980.
[9] BRANCO, F. (1998) Introdução à Execução de Empreendimentos. IST, Lisboa.
[10] CAMPANELLA, C., Obras de conservação e restauro arquitectónico. Condições técnicas especiais, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, 2003.
[11] Disposições legais aplicáveis ao projecto e à execução de obras. 31 Dez 2002, LNEC, Lisboa, 2003.
[12] DL 55/99 de 2 de Março
[13] Portaria nº 104/2001 de 21 de Fevereiro
[14] FONSECA, M. SANTOS, Regras de medição na construção, LNEC, Lisboa 1997.
Reference: null
Project Work in Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation
"OA1 - Development of an integrated Conservation project, considering the real context, the legal conditions and the different phases of the project;
OA2 - Project development based on a holistic, theoretical and technical analysis, complete of the building, group of buildings and surroundings;
OA3 - Application of methodologies and recommendations of international standards for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage;
OA4 - Experience of collaborative work and interdisciplinary communication in the practice of conservation of cultural heritage."
The students work on projects that involve the conservation and sustainable rehabilitation of an isolated building and / or an archaeological site, urban or rural group of buildings, aiming at an intense interaction of different disciplines. Project Work is introduced through seminars related to the objects of study and Project methodologies. Each interdisciplinary group of students works at a specific location. Particular aspects, such as research, analysis of the object of study at different scales and domains, are the object of study by several UCs. In this UC, students elaborate the diagnosis, based on previous works, to develop the proposal.
"The projects are presented to the teachers during the
intermediate assessment and experts invited during the final assessment.
The evaluation is based on the continuous and periodic evaluation of the work.
- Group work: (50%) oral presentation by all members of the group is mandatory.
- Individual assessment: (50%) participation in classes and performance at the group work.
Presence in 60% of classes is mandatory.
There is no place for a final exam."
Title: -
Reference: null
Dissertation in Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation
"At the end of this course the student should be able to:
OA1 - Contribute to the knowledge in the field of Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation;
OA2 - Demonstrate capacity for investigation, research,
data treatment and analysis, critical attitude and ability to demonstrate original hypotheses;
OA3 - Disseminate research and promote debate and reflection on the topic studied, through participation in national and international congresses, and dissemination of knowledge to the community."
"The objective of the UC is to prepare an original dissertation in the field of Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation.
The syllabus contents of this Curricular Unit will be defined in due time, based on the research projects proposed by the master students, for the development of the Dissertation.
The UC will operate for 1 curricular year, accompanied by tutorial guidance for the development of the research theme. In the 1st semester, it will be accompanied by the UC of Orientation Seminars.
The evaluation will be carried out at the end of the study cycle in a public act to obtain the Master's degree.
Title: -
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