
Check here the detailed study plan
The curricular part of the Master is divided into four academic quarters, which make up 78 ECTS, that is, it starts in September of the year 2024 and ends only in December of the year 2025.
The last stage of the Master's degree is dedicated to the completion of the dissertation (42 ECTS), and it is necessary to complete 120 ECTS to obtain the Master's Degree.
Students' academic path is only differentiated in the 1st quarter according to their area of origin: Mathematics (Path A) versus Economics (Path B).
There is the possibility of issuing a Diploma of Postgraduate Studies of the 2nd Cycle for the completion with the use of 78 academic credits - curricular part of the master's degree in Financial Mathematics.
The curricular units will be taught in Portuguese, except for those that include foreign students or teachers, which will be taught in English.
Fridays: 5.30 p.m. to 9.15 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.
Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
1st Year | ||
Market Risk
3.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Partial Differential Equations in Finance
7.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 7.0 |
Credit Risk
3.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Stochastic Calculus in Finance II
7.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 7.0 |
Measure Theory
4.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 4.0 |
Stochastic Calculus in Finance I
7.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 7.0 |
3.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Financial Investments
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Exotic Options
7.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 7.0 |
3.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 3.0 |
Risk Theory for Non-Life Insurance
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Paths > 1st Cycle in Economics Or Related | 6.0 |
Topics of Real Analysis
4.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Paths > 1st Cycle in Economics Or Related | 4.0 |
Financial Markets
2.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Paths > 1st Cycle in Mathematics Or Related | 2.0 |
Derivatives and Risk Management
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Paths > 1st Cycle in Mathematics Or Related | 6.0 |
Fundamentals of Economics
2.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Paths > 1st Cycle in Mathematics Or Related | 2.0 |
2nd Year | ||
Numerical Methods
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Econometrics of Financial Markets
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Dissertation in Mathematical Finance
42.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 42.0 |
Models of the Term Structure of Interest Rates
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Dissertation in Mathematical Finance
42.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Trabalho Final | 42.0 |
Master Project in Mathematical Finance
42.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Trabalho Final | 42.0 |
Market Risk
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. To know the main financial risks and the reasons for risk management;
2. To estimate VaR for a parametric distribution and for a completely general distribution;
3. To compute the VaR of each financial instrument.
1.1. Types of risks
1.2. The need for risk management
2.1. VaR for general distributions
2.2. VaR for parametric distributions
3.1. Equities and currencies
3.2. Bonds: mapping and bucketing
3.3. Derivatives
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam (minimum 90%)
- Individual assessment cases, attendance and active participation (maximum 10%)
re-sit exam which is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: - Textos de Apoio teórico/práticos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre.
- Alexander, Carol, 2008, Market Risk Analysis - Vol. IV - Value-At-Risk Models, Wiley.
- Hull, John C., 2023, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, 6th Ed, Wiley.
Reference: null
Title: - Allen, Steven, 2013, Financial Risk Management: A Practitioner?s Guide to Managing Market and Credit Risk, 2nd Ed., Wiley.
- Dowd, Kevin, 2007, Measuring Market Risk, 2nd Ed., Wiley.
- Jorion, Philippe, 2007, Value at Risk: The New Benchmark for Managing Financial Risk, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Companies.
- Jorion, Philippe, 2011, Financial Risk Manager Handbook, 6th Ed., Wiley.
Reference: null
Partial Differential Equations in Finance
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. recognize various types of equations and problems.
2. Solve certain simple problems, using the method of characteristics and the method of separation of variables in the heat equation.
I. Ordinary Differential Equations:
First order equations: separation of variables and linear equations.
Second order equations: initial conditions and boundary value problems.
II. First order Partial Differential Equations (two variables):
Example: transport equation.
Planar vector fields and integral curves.
Method of characteristics.
III. Second order linear Partial Differential Equations (two variables):
Examples: heat equation, wave equation, Laplace equation.
Other examples: Reaction-Diffusion equations; Black-Scholes equation.
Classification: characteristics and canonical forms.
Boundary and initial conditions.
Method of separation of variables.
Fourier series.
Solution of the heat equation in a bounded interval.
Fourier integral.
Solution of the heat equation in an unbounded interval.
Solution of the Black-Sholes equation for a European option.
Notion of free boundary and the price of an American option.
Regular grading system:
- One written exam with a worth of 100
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, which is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: gineers, Dover (1993)
Farlow, S.J. - Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and En-
Value Problems , McGraw-Hill, 7a ed. (2006)
Brown, J.W. ; Churchill, R. - Fourier Series and Boundary
tions, International Press (2003)
Bleecker, D. ; Csordas, G. - Basic Partial Differential Equa-
Reference: null
Title: ferential Equations with Applications, Dover (1986)
Zachmanoglou, C.C. ; Thoe, D.W. - Introduction to Partial Dif-
University Press (1995)
of Financial Derivatives: A Student Introduction, Cambridge
Wilmott, P. ; Howison, S. ; Dewynne, J. - The Mathematics
nance, Nova Science (2007)
Basov, S. - Partial Differential Equations in Economics and Fi-
Reference: null
Credit Risk
At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:
1. Determine the default probability for each obligor using the most appropriate models.
2. Determine the credit risk of portfolios.
3. Use and evaluate credit risk derivatives.
1. Foundations of credit risk
2. Probability of default estimation
2.1. Agency credit ratings
2.2. Credit scoring and internal rating models
3. Structural approach to credit risk modelling
3.1. The Merton`s model
3.2. Extensions to the Merton`s model
3.3. The Moody`s KMV model
3.4. The CreditGrades model
4. Reduced form models
5. Credit risk portfolio models
6. Credit derivatives
7. Unified credit-equity models
Periodic grading system:
a) One group work (maximum of 3 elements) with a weight of 30%;
b) One final exam (1st chance) with a weight of 70% in the final grade. It requires a minimum grade of 7.5.
The pass grade for the final valuation is 10.
Exam grading system: Students can do the 1st chance final exam with a weight of 100%. Students who fail approval under the periodic grading period or the 1st chance exam, can apply to the 2nd chance exam with a weight of 100%.
Title: - Artigos científicos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre.
- Textos de apoio teórico/práticos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre;
Reference: null
Title: ? - for Basel documents.
? - for CreditMetrics documents.
? - for KMV documents.
? - for research papers.
- Useful websites:
- Schönbucher, P. J. (2003). Credit Derivatives Pricing Models: Models, Pricing and Implementation, Wiley.
- Saunders, A. and Cornett, M. M. (2008). Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill (Chapters 7, 11, and 12).
- Saunders, A. and Allen L. (2010). Credit Risk Measurement In and Out of the Financial Crises: New Appraches to Value at Risk and Other Paradigms, 3rd edition, Wiley.
- Löffler, G. and Posch, P. N. (2011). Credit Risk Modeling Using Excel and VBA, 2nd edition, Wiley.
- Lando, D. (2004). Credit Risk Modeling: Theory and Applications, Princeton University Press.
- Hull, J. C. (2008), Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 7th edition, Prentice Hall (Chapters 22 and 23).
Reference: null
Stochastic Calculus in Finance II
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Understand the role of martingales in the theory of derivative pricing.
2. Calculate the value of European and American options using the binomial model .
3. Calculate the value of European options using the Black-Scholes model.
1. Discrete-time models.
2. The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model.
3. Optimal stopping and American options.
4. The Black-Scholes model.
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, that is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: - Isabel Simão, Cálculo Estocástico em Finanças II, Texto de apoio às aulas, 2006.
Reference: null
Title: - M. Musiela e M. Rutkowski, Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
- A. Etheridge, A Course in Financial Calculus, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
-T. Björk, Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time, Oxford University Press, 1998.
-D. Lamberton and B. Lapeyre, Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 1996.
Reference: null
Measure Theory
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. understand concept meaning.
2. argue and calculate based on assumptions.
3. concieve proofs in problem solving.
1. Sigma-algebras. Mesurable spaces and functions.
2. Finite and sigma-finite measures. Measure properties. Measure and probability spaces.
3. Integral of a function on a measure space. Integral properties. Integrability.
4. Lebesgue integral on the real line.
5. Comparison with Riemann integral.
6. Product measures and Fubini's theorem.
7. Density functions and associated measures.
8. Theorem of Radon-Nikodym.
9. Change of variables. The spaces L1 and L2.
10. Sequence of functions convergence.
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam (100%)
It is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: - Outros textos de apoio teórico/práticos a facultar pelo docente durante o trimestre;
- M. Ramos, Teoria da Medida, Texto de Apoio às Aulas, 2005;
Reference: null
Title: - D. Williams, Probability with Martingales, Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks, 1995 (quarta edição).
- Seán Dineen, Probability Theory in Finance, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 70, AMS, 2005.
- M. Capinski, E. Kopp, Measure, Integral and Probability, Springer-Verlag, 2004 (segunda edição).
Reference: null
Stochastic Calculus in Finance I
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Explain clearly concepts from advanced probability theory and stochastic calculus.
2. Give valid proofs of certain theoretical results.
3. Apply stochastic calculus to problems in finance.
1. Basic notions of Probability Theory.
2. Conditional Expectation.
3. Discrete-time Martingales.
4. Continuous time stochastic processes.
5. Brownian motion.
6. Itô´s stochastic integral.
7. Itô formula.
8. Martingale representation theorem.
9. Stochastic differential equations.
10. Girsanov theorem.
11. Feynman-Kac formula.
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, that is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: Isabel Simão, Cálculo Estocástico em Finanças I, Texto de apoio às aulas, 2006.
Reference: null
Title: -B. Oksendal, Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 5a edição, 1998.
-T. Mikosch, Elementary Stochastic Calculus with Finance in View, World Scientific, 1998.
-D. Lamberton and B. Lapeyre, Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 1996.
Reference: null
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Understand classes as an abstraction mechanism.
2.Design and implement small programs using his/her own classes and/or classes developed by others.
The key word in this course is ABSTRACTION. In this course, the topic of Programming with Classes is addressed, using the programming language C++.
We deal with the notion of a Class, how to create and use classes, with emphasis on the perspective of a user-programmer: often one does not need to create a whole solution from scratch, but can take advantage of the functionality of existing classes, done by others, which are often available free of charge in the internet.
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam, comprising a written part and a computer programming part
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, that is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: Pedro Guerreiro, Programação com Classes em C++, 3ª edição, FCA, 2003
Complementar (máx. 50 títulos)
- Documentação online da linguagem C++:
- Textos de apoio das aulas, facultados pelo docente
Reference: null
Financial Investments
At the end of this learning unit?s term, the student must be able:
1. To explain the concept of utility function, marginal utility and risk aversion;
2. To explain the choice theory and the investor's cannonical problem;
3. To characterize the portfolio choise theories and determine the efficient portfolios;
4. To characterize the main asset pricing models.
1. Individual Choice Theory
2. Individual Portfolio Decision
3. Capital Asset Pricing Model
4. Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Factor Models
5. Pricing in Complete Markets
The final grade is computed as follows:
- Final Exam: 70%
- Quizzes, Homework, Class participation: 30%
The exams are closed-book and closed-notes. However, you may use a formula sheet.
Title: 3. Pires, Cesaltina, 2011, Mercados e Investimentos Financeiros, Escolar Editora.
2. Cochrane, J.H., 2005, Asset Pricing, Princeton University Press.
1. Danthine, J-P and J. Donaldson, 2014, Intermediate Financial Theory, 3rd edition, Elsevier Academic Press.
Reference: null
Title: 3. Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, 2021, Investments, 12th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
2. Huang, C-f and R. H. Litzenberger, 1988, Foundations for Financial Economics, Prentice Hall.
1. Ingersoll, J.E., 1987, Theory of Financial Decision Making, Rowman & Littlefield.
Reference: null
Exotic Options
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Understand and price structured products.
2. Implement hedging strategies for exotic options.
3. Decompose a structured product into simpler financial assets.
1. Basic concepts
2. Structured products
3. Merton?s model: recap
4. Compound options
4.1. Bivariate normal
4.2. Pricing of European options
5. Chooser options: simple and complex
6. Barrier options
6.1. Reflection principle
6.2. Deterministic time change
6.3. Knock-ins e knock-outs
6.4. Rebates
7. Lookback options
8. Asian options
9. Forward-start options
10. Correlation dependent options
The student should acquire analytical, information gathering, written and oral communication skills, through the following learning methodologies (LM):
1. Expositional, to the presentation of the theoretical reference frames
2. Participative, with analysis and resolution of application exercises
3. Active, with the realization of individual works
4. Self-study, related with autonomous work by the student, as is contemplated in the Class Planning.
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam (80%)
- Individual assessment cases, attendance and active participation (20%)
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, that is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: - Textos de Apoio teórico/práticos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre;
- Artigos científicos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre.
Reference: null
Title: Briys, E., M. Bellalah, H. M. Mai and F. De Varenne, Options, Futures, and Exotic Derivatives, Wiley, 1998.
Hull, John C., Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall, 11th edition, 2022.
Zhang, P., Exotic Options: A Guide to Second Generation Options, World Scientific, 1998, 2nd edition.
Reference: null
OA1. Analytically solve constrained and unconstrained optimization problems.
OA2. Use MATLAB to determine approximate solutions to the optimization problems. Interpret the results mathematically and computationally and ascertain the applicability of the model.
CP1. Optimization of functions of one variable
CP2. Introduction to MATLAB.
CP3. Unconstrained optimization of functions of several variables:
(a) Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of optima.
(b) Steeppest descent and Newton methods.
(c) Optimization in MATLAB.
CP4. Constrained optimization of functions of several variables:
(a) Equality constraints - Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of optima.
(b) Inequality constraints - KKT conditions.
(c) Optimization in MATLAB.
Assessment throughout the semester:
· Assignments (A)
· Final exam (E).
The final grade will be calculated according to the following formula::
Final grade = max(0,20 x [Grade for A] + 0,80 x [Grade for E], Grade for E)
Students may have to undertake an oral examination whenever the instructor seems it necessary.
I) Minimum grade for the final exam = 9,5 pts.
II) Passing grade for the course: Final grade >= 10 pts.
III) Assignment (A) and Final Exam (E) grades are rounded to the nearest decimal grade point; the Final grade is rounded up or down to the nearest whole number (when the decimal grade point is less than 0.5, the grade is to be rounded down to the nearest whole number and when the decimal grade point is greater than or equal to 0.5, the grade is to be rounded up to the nearest whole number.)
Title: . Izmailov, A. e Solodov, M. "Otimização" vols. 1 e 2 IMPA (2014)
. Bonnans, J.F et al, "Numerical Optimization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects" Springer Verlag (2006)
· Nocedal, J. and Wright, St. "Numerical optimization", Springer Verlag (1999)
Reference: null
Title: Interscience (2001).
· Brandimarte, P. "Numerical Methods in Finance: A MATLAB-Based Introduction", Wiley-
. Cornu éjols, G. et al. "Optimization in Finance" Cambridge University Press (2007)
Reference: null
Risk Theory for Non-Life Insurance
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Understand the concepts concerning principles for the calculation of premiums and types of partial coverage and reinsurance contracts;
2. Understand the risk Models associated with portfolios of policies, either individual or collective model, basically the Classic Model of risk of Cramér-Lundberg;
3. Understand the notion of Ruin, and his relationship with the Maximum Aggregate Loss; approximate calculation of the probability of ruin.
1.Introduction. Review of basic concepts involving random variables, with probabilistic models associated with discrete, continuous, mixed or mixing. The models of Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, geometric Negative Binomial, Normal, gamma, Beta, Pareto, etc. Review of Stochastic Processes. Review of asymptotic results; sums of random variables and the Central Limit Theorem.
2.Some concepts in insurance under a perspective of utility. Risk aversion.
3.Individual risk Models in the near future. Approximations and notion of VaR.
4.Collective Risk models for a single period. The Aggregate Claims: compound Poisson models and Negative Binomial.
5.Collective Risk models for a generic period. Notion of Ruin. The processes associated with claims - the process the number of Claims and the Aggregate claim Process. The adjustment Coefficient and its relationship with the probability of Ruin. Applications of Risk Theory to insurance problems.
Theoretical and Theorical-Practical LESSONS, implemented with :
and students also called to solve questions.
5 questions are proposed for individual written work, at home.
MARK=MAX( (FWE), 85%(EEF)+15%(CE) )
Title: (**) Manuais sugeridos para revisão do ?background?
(*) Manuais recomendados na área de Teoria do Risco.
3.(**)(*)Tse Yiu-Kuen (2009). Nonlife Actuarial Models. Cambridge University Press .
2. N. L. Bowers Jr, H. U. Gerber, J. C. Hickman, D. Jones e C. J. Nesbitt, Actuarial Mathematics, Society of Actuaries, Chicago, 1986. (*)
1. (*)M. I. Fraga Alves, Teoria do Risco, Texto de apoio, Edições CEAUL, 2005.
Bibliografia Geral:
- Textos de Apoio dos slides teórico/práticos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre;
Reference: null
Title: 4. Stuart A. Klugman, Harry H. Panjer, Gordon E. Willmot, Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, 3rd Edition. Wiley, 2008.
3. R. Kaas, M.J. Goovaerts, J. Dhaene & M. Denuit (2002). Modern Actuarial Risk Theory. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 2002
2. M. I. Fraga Alves, Introdução à Teoria do Risco, Working Paper no 62, ISEG, CEMAPRE, 1997.
1. M.L. Centeno, Teoria do Risco na Actividade Seguradora, Celta editora, 2003.
Reference: null
Topics of Real Analysis
LG1: Understand the structure and properties of real numbers and functions and their importance in mathematical applications.
LG2: Improve the ability to relate and integrate different mathematical concepts, such as limits, continuity, differentiability and integration.
LG3: Develop the competence to apply elementary mathematical concepts in the analysis and resolution of complex and abstract problems, using fundamental principles to approach more advanced questions.
PC1. The real numbers: ordered sets; fields; the field of the real numbers.
PC2. Basic topology: cardinality of sets; metric spaces; compact sets.
PC3. Sequences and series: convergent sequences; subsequences; Cauchy sequences; series; some convergence criteria; power series.
PC4. Continuity: limits and continuity of functions defined on metric spaces; continuity and topology.
PC5. Differentiation: the derivative of a real function; fundamental theorems; Taylor's theorem; differentiation of functions of several variables; partial derivatives and derivatives of higher order.
PC6. The Riemann integral: definitions and properties; integration and differentiation.
PC7. Sequences and series of functions: uniform convergence; uniform convergence and continuity, differentiability and integrability.
Students can choose from one of the following assessment methods:
Assessment throughout the semester:
Four exercise sheets (FE), with theoretical-practical questions (the average of the best 3 counts for 40%).
Final test or group work (2 students) with an oral presentation on a topic to be agreed upon (60%).
Assessment by Exam:
Written exam (100%), covering all the material taught in the course unit.
A minimum score of 8.5 out of 20 is required to pass the final test.
The responsible professors reserve the right to conduct oral exams whenever they deem it necessary.
Title: Stephen Abbott, Understanding Analysis, 2015, 1,
- S. Mendes, Tópicos de Análise Real (Notas de apoio às aulas), 2021.
- J. Campos Ferreira, Introdução à Análise Matemática, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 11ª Edição, 2014.
- W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 1976.
- Curso Elementar de Equações Diferenciais, Miguel Ramos,Textos de Matemática do DMFCUL, 2000.
Reference: null
Financial Markets
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Understand the structure and functioning of financial markets.
2. Understand the key concepts underlying bond analysis and valuation.
3. Price fixed rate bonds.
1. Financial Markets
1.1. Money Markets
1.2. Foreign Exchange Markets
1.3. Capital Markets (Bonds, Equities and Derivatives
2. Bond Valuation
2.1. Basic concepts
2.2. Term structure of interest rates
2.3. Pricing of fixed rate bonds
2.4. Yield measures
2.5. Term structure estimation
2.6. Rating and credit risk
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam (100%)
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, that is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: - Artigos científicos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre.
- Textos de Apoio teórico/práticos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre;
Reference: null
Title: - Martellini, L., P. Priaulet e S. Priaulet, Fixed Income Securities ? Valuation, Risk Management & Portfolio Strategies, Wiley Finance, 2003.
- Garbade, K. D., Fixed Income Analytics, The MIT Press, 1996.
- Fabozzi, F., Bond Markets Analysis and Strategies, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, 1993.
Reference: null
Derivatives and Risk Management
At the end of the course, students should be able:
- to characterize the main financial derivatives (excluding options);
- to understand the differences between organized and over-the-counter markets and the role of intermediation;
- to compute the price of each derivative and understanding the link to the spot market associated with each derivative;
- to understand the relationship between pricing and arbitrage;
- to engage in a trading negotiation in the over-the-counter markets by taking the role of the financial institution and of the client;
- to use each derivative as speculative and risk management tool;
- to identify the innovation vectors associated with each derivative and to apply them to innovative solutions in risk management problems related to financing and investment operations and other corporate operations.
1. Introduction to derivatives
2. Forward contracts
2.1. Currency and interest rate forwards (FRA)
2.1.1. Characterization: taxonomy and markets
2.1.2. Pricing and arbitrage
2.1.3. Risk management and speculation
2.1.4. Negotiating in the over-the-counter market
3. Interest rate swaps (IRS)
3.1. Characterization
3.2. Pricing
3.3. Risk management
3.4. Rate management (fixed vs. floating)
3.5. Speculation
4. Futures
4.1. Characterization, participants and market organization
4.2. Stock and commodity futures
4.2.1. Characterization and pricing
4.2.2. Risk management and speculation
5. Derivatives and financial innovation
The evaluation system includes:
- Cases (30%)
- Final Exam (70%)
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, that is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: - Hull, John C., 2011, Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall, Eighth Edition
- Ao longo do trimestre é disponibilizada documentação de apoio que serve de base a cada módulo do programa. Complementarmente são indicadas referências bibliográficas para cada tema.
Reference: null
Title: -
Reference: null
Fundamentals of Economics
By the end of the semester the student should have developed the following competences:
1. understand the relevant modelling techniques;
2. combine the conceptual, mathematical and graphical approaches to solve specific problems.
1 The consumer
Preference and utility,
Demand functions
2 Decision under uncertainty
stochastic dominance
3 The firm
Cost functions,
4 Markets
Evaluation of this learning-teaching unit consists of an individual essay at the end of the term (100%).*
* the mark cannot be below 10 out of 20.
Title: Varian, H. R., Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, 9th ed, New York, W. W. Norton, 2014
Levy, H. (2015). Stochastic Dominance: Investment Decision Making under Uncertainty (3rd ed.). Springer.
Reference: null
Title: Frank, R., Microeconomics and Behavior, 10th ed, Mc Graw-Hill, 2008
Friedman, L., The Microeconomics of Public Policy Analysis, Princeton University Press, 2017
Gravelle, H. e R. Rees, Microeconomics, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall; 3 edition , 2004
Varian, H. R., Intermediate Microeconomic, 8th ed, New York: W. W. Norton
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Numerical Methods
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Distinguish the various types of finite difference methods for parabolic equations, knowing their relative strengths and drawbacks and know how to program the respective algorithms.
2. Use the Monte Carlo method to simulate stochastic variables and numerically solve a differential stochastic equation by the Euler method, programming the respective algorithms.
I. Basic numerical analysis
Numerical Derivation and integration
Linear systems
Euler method for EDO
II. Finite differences for parabolic equations
Explicit and implicit methods (1+1D)
Stability and convergence (1+1D)
Pricing of European options using finite differences.
ADI method (1+2D)
Pricing of American Options using finite differences (1+1D)
III. Monte Carlo method
Simulation of stochastic variables
Stochastic differential equations
Regular grading system:
- One written exam with a worth of 100
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, which is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: Morton, K.W. ; Mayers, D.F. - Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Cambridge, 2nd ed. (2005)
Higham, D.J. - An Introduction to Financial Option Valuation, Cambridge (2004)
Brandimarte, P. - Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics, Wiley, 2nd ed. (2006)
Atkinson, K. ; Han, W. - Elementary Numerical Analysis, Wiley, 3rd ed. (2004)
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Title: Farlow, S.J. - Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, Dover (1993)
Boto, J.P. - Introdução ao MATLAB (apontamentos)
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Econometrics of Financial Markets
The course is devoted to econometric methods related to parameter estimation and time series modelling. We study classical and modern econometrics models to solve typical problems from finance.
At the end of this learning unit term, the student must be able to:
1. Recognize and apply the simple/multiple linear regression in specific situations.
2. Recognize and apply ARMA/SARIMAX models in specific situations.
3. Recognize and apply ARCH/GARCH models in specific situations.
4. Recognize and apply VAR/VECM models in specific situations.
5. Use the main econometrics packages (Python).
All classes will make use of personal computers.
1. Introduction
2. Regression
2.1. Correlation and causality
2.2. Simple and Multiple Linear Regression
2.3. Estimation and diagnostic methods. Residuals assumptions.
3. Stationary and Non-stationary univariate methods
3.1. Stationarity and Unit root tests
3.2. ARMA, ARIMA, Box-Jenkins methodology
4. Conditional heteroscedasticity and volatility models: ARCH (Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity)/ GARCH
5. Stationary and Non-stationary multivariate methods
5.1. VAR (Vector auto-regression)
5.2. Granger Causality and Cointegration
5.3. VECM (vector error correction models) and Johansen methodology
6. Applications and case studies
7. Software: Python
The evaluation takes place in 2 periods: Regular and Re-sitting.
- In the Regular evaluation, the students whose option is the assessment during the semester must have a minimum of 2/3 attendance and will be evaluated by:
a) Challenging questions with an individual oral presentation/ debate (min score 10 points) (mid-term), 10%
b) Group work (min score 10 points), 40%
c) Final exam (min score 9.5 points), 50%.
The score must be at least 10 points to get approval for the course.
- Students can enrol in the Re-sitting exam if: they do not achieve a passing score in the first assessment period; to improve the final grade.
Title: 1. Diana Mendes, (2024), Teaching Slides, Python scripts and Notebooks (Moodle, GitHub).
2. Brooks, C., (2019), Introductory econometrics for finance, 4nd ed., Cambridge University Press.
3. Tan, R, and Brooks, C. (2019), Python guide to accompany Introductory econometrics for finance, 4nd ed., Cambridge University Press.
4. Huang, C., and Petukhina, A., (2022), Applied time series analysis and forecasting with Python, Springer.
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Title: 1. Juselius, K., (2006), The Cointegrated VAR Model: Methodology and Applications, Oxford University Press.
2. Lewinson, E. (2023), Python for finance cookbook, 2nd ed., Packt.
3. Various Papers
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Dissertation in Mathematical Finance
Students must be able to
1. Define a scientific problem and motivate for its relevance.
2. Define research goals and possible testing hypothesis;
3. Produce a literature review supporting the dissertation main problem
4. Collect data and apply the methodologies more suitable to test the research hypothesis;
5. Critical reflexion sustained on theoretical frameworks and empirical results.
1. Writing the introduction and abstract
2. Definition of a research problem
3. Definition of research goals
4. Literature review
5. Defining hypothesis
6. Data collection methods
7. Data analysis methods
8. Writing conclusions and defining new research paths
- Written presentation of the thesis
- Oral presentation with the synthesis of the thesis followed by a public defense with a jury.
Title: Shreve, S., 2004, Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models, Springer
Hull, John C., Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall, EIGHT edition, 2011
Bem, Daryl., 2002, Writing the Empirical Journal Article, in In Darley, J.M., Zanna, M.P., & Roediger III, H.L. (Eds.), The Complete Academic: A Career Guide.
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Title: - Fisher, C. (2007). Researching and writing a dissertation: A guidebook for business students. Essex: Prentice Hall
Bryman, A. (2003). Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Models of the Term Structure of Interest Rates
At the end of this learning unit, the student must be able to:
1. Understand and implement alternatives to the Black and Scholes model in order to cope with volatility smiles in the FOREX and equity markets.
2. Understand and implement equilibrium single-factor and multifactor term structure models.
3. Understand, calibrate and implement no-arbitrage term structure models.
1. Alternatives to the Black-Scholes model: volatility smiles
a. CEV model
b. Heston (1993) model
2. Term structure of interest rates
a. Bond markets
b. Spot interest rates, forward interest rates and discount factors
c. Valuation of fixed-rate bonds
d. Yield-to-maturity
e. Valuation of floating-rate bonds
f. Estimation of the spot yield curve
i. Bootstraping
ii. Nelson-Siegel (1987)
g. Duration and imunization
3. Equilibrium models
a. Vasicek (1977)
b. CIR (1985)
c. Multi-factor CIR model
d. General Framework of Duffie-Kan (1996)
e. Stochastic duration
4. No-arbitrage models
a. HJM models
b. No-arbitrage condition
c. Hull-White (1990) specification
d. Gaussian HJM model: valuation of futures and options
e. Market Models
i. Lognormal LIBOR market model: caps, floors and collars
ii. Jamshidian model: swaptions
Regular grading system:
- One individual exam (80%)
- Individual assessment cases, attendance and active participation (20%)
Students that fail or want to improve their grade in the regular grading system have one additional moment to pass: a re-sit exam, that is worth 100% of the final grade.
In any of the evaluation systems (regular or re-sit exam) it is considered that a student has course approval if he has a grade equal or above 9.5 points.
Title: - Artigos cientificos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre.
- Textos de Apoio teórico/práticos a facultar pela equipa docente durante o trimestre;
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Title: Shreve, S., 2004, Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models, Springer.
Rebonato, R., 1998, Interest-rate Option Models, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition.
Musiela, M. and M. Rutkowski, 2011, Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling, 2nd edition, Springer.
Lamberton, D. and B. Lapeyre, 2007, Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance, 2nd edition, Chapman & Hall.
James, J, and N. Webber, 2000, Interest Rate Modelling: Financial Engineering, Wiley.
Brigo, D. and F. Mercurio, 2006, Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice: With Smile, Inflation and Credit, 2006, 2nd edition, Springer.
Björk, T., 2009, Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press.
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Dissertation in Mathematical Finance
Students must be able to
1. Define a scientific problem and motivate for its relevance.
2. Define research goals and possible testing hypothesis;
3. Produce a literature review supporting the dissertation main problem
4. Collect data and apply the methodologies more suitable to test the research hypothesis;
5. Critical reflexion sustained on theoretical frameworks and empirical results.
1. Writing the introduction and abstract
2. Definition of a research problem
3. Definition of research goals
4. Literature review
5. Defining hypothesis
6. Data collection methods
7. Data analysis methods
8. Writing conclusions and defining new research paths
- Written presentation of the thesis
- Oral presentation with the synthesis of the thesis followed by a public defense with a jury.
Title: Shreve, S., 2004, Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models, Springer
Hull, John C., Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall, EIGHT edition, 2011
Bem, Daryl., 2002, Writing the Empirical Journal Article, in In Darley, J.M., Zanna, M.P., & Roediger III, H.L. (Eds.), The Complete Academic: A Career Guide.
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Title: - Fisher, C. (2007). Researching and writing a dissertation: A guidebook for business students. Essex: Prentice Hall
Bryman, A. (2003). Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Master Project in Mathematical Finance
The MSc in Financial Mathematics aims at the advanced training of staff in the area of stochastic processes applied to Finance and has as its general objectives:
Develop expertise in the valuation of complex financial instruments such as financial derivatives
Develop expertise in modeling and quantifying financial risks relevant to the banking and insurance sectors
Provide students with research methodologies, procedures, and techniques that allow them to develop their research projects with a high degree of autonomy