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Faculty for (2024/2025)
Extensive Methodologies: Selected Sociological Researches |
Phd Thesis in Sociology
PhD in Sociology. Full Professor at ISCTE, where she has taught since 1993. She is currently a member of the Department of Social Research Methods at the School of Sociology and Public Policy and a researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte). Her main areas of research have been: education and adult education; competences, literacy and reading practices; science and society; and research methodologies in the social sciences. She has coordinated and been part of several research projects funded by national and international agencies, private and public organisations. She is the author and co-author of several scientific publications including books, book chapters and articles in indexed journals. She has extensive teaching experience, having coordinated and taught courses in undergraduate, postgraduate, master's and doctoral programmes in the fields of sociology and data analysis in the social sciences.
She is currently the Director of Iscte's Doctoral Programme in Sociology, coordinator of the CIES ‘Education and Science’ Research Group, a member of Iscte's General Council, a member of the National Education Council, where she coordinates the Specialised Commission on ‘Democratisation and Educational Inequalities’, and a member of the Higher Statistics Council, where she chairs the Standing Section on Social Statistics.
Research Project Seminar in Sociology
Elsa Pegado has a PhD in Sociology from Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and a Master's degree in Communication, Culture and Information Technology from the same institution. She is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Research Methods. She is a researcher and deputy director at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of Iscte (CIES-Iscte). She has developed research in the area of sociology of health and illness, more specifically on Complementary and Alternative Medicines and on medications; in the area of social inequalities and poverty and social exclusion; and in the field of evaluation methodologies, evaluation of public policies, programs and projects. She is author and co-author of several publications and communications on these themes.
Sociological Research in Portugal
Born in Luanda, Angola, in 1959. Holds a BA (1983) and a PhD (2001) in Sociology by ISCTE-IUL. Full Professor at the Department of Sociology of ISCTE-IUL and Senior Researcher of CIES-IUL. Former Vice-Rector for Research of ISCTE-IUL (2014-2018). Former member of the General Council of ISCTE-IUL (2013-2018). Former Director of CIES-IUL (2006-2014). Former Director of the Doctoral Program in Sociology (2011-2014). Founder and former Director of Mundos Sociais publisher (2010-2014). Long record of research and publication on social classes and inequalities; migration and ethnicity; youth; sociology of sociology; economic and cultural value of the Portuguese language. Supervised or co-supervised 14 doctoral thesis and 31 master dissertations. Started a professional career at the Instituto de Estudos para o Desenvolvimento (1984-1986) and entered ISCTE-IUL as Assistente Estagiário in 1985. Research Assistant at the Institute for Social Sciences, Lisbon University (1987-1989). In 2023, he was awarded, ex aequo, the Prize João Ferreira de Almeida, category "Books", with Investigação Sociológica em Portugal. Um Guia Histórico e Analítico, Porto, Afrontamento, 2022.
Classical Sociological Theories: Major Works
Associate Professor (with Habilitation) of the Department of Sociology in ISCTE-IUL. Lecturer in the Doctoral Programmes of Sociology (ISCTE-IUL, since 2006), Urban Studies (FCSH-UNL/ISCTE-IUL, 2016-7), and Social Work (ISCTE-IUL, 2004-5). Lecturer (since 2006), member of the Commission for the Evaluation of Applications (since 2023), and director (2009-2022) in the Master Programme of Sociology in ISCTE-IUL. Lecturer in the Graduation Programmes of Sociology (since 1994) and OGE (1991-4) in ISCTE-IUL, and Environment Engineering in Instituto Superior Técnico (1997-9).
Member of the Council for the Coordination of the Internationalization of Iscte-IUL (since 2020). Alternate member of the Scientific Commission (since 2022), vice-director (2013-6) and member of the Executive Commission (1995-8) of the Department of Sociology ISCTE-IUL. Member of the Scientific Commissions of the Doctoral Programme in Sociology (since 2006) and Social Work (ISCTE-IUL, 2007-8), and of the Master Programme in Social Sciences (ISCTE-Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, 2003-6). Member of the Nucleous for Studies on Disability of ISCTE-IUL (since 2023).
Member of the Commission for the Evaluation of the Activity of the Researchers in the field of Communication and Culture (since 2021), President of the General Assembly of the Cooperative (2012-2024), member of the Scientific Council (since 1998), co-coordination of the research area of Inequalities, Migrations and Territory (2006-2022), member of the Executive Board of the Cooperative (2006-12), member of the Executive Board (1998-2000; 1995-8) and integrated researcher at CIES-IUL (since 1987).
Member of the Executive Board (1998-2000) and researcher at OBSERVA - Observatory of the Environment, Society and Public Opinion (1997-2001). Researcher at Centre of Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (2005-6). Member of the Executive Board (1991-3) and researcher at Centre for Territorial Studies CET-IUL (1991-2005). Research scholarships at the Institute of Social Sciences (1990-1), the Permanent Observatory of University Students (1989-90), and the National Board for Scientific and Technological Research (JNICT) (1988-9). Researcher at Nucleus for Urban and Territorial Studies CIES-IUL (1987-91).
Collaboration in 59 research projects and studies, 32 as coordinator.
Participation in 23 books, 25 scientific articles, 21 papers in scientific congress acts, and 98 oral communications in scientific events.
Member of the Editorial Council (since 2003) and the Editorial Board (1993-2018) of the journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas.
Member of the Deontological Board (2006-10), the General Assembly (1994-8), the Coordination Commission of the Professional Field (1991-4), and associate (since 1988) of the Portuguese Sociological Association. Member of the International Sociological Association, and the European Urban Knowledge Network.
Collaboration with diverse universities in Portugal and other countries, namely with University of Cabo Verde, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, University of Stellenbosch, State University of St. Petersburg, Universidad de Las Palmas, and University of South Australia.
Contemporary Sociological Theories: Major Works
Pedro Vasconcelos completed his graduation in Sociology (Licentiate degree) in 1995 at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, his Research Master's Degree in Social Sciences in 2002 at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and his Doctorate in Sociology at Iscte in 2011 (all Pre-Bologna Process). He teaches at graduate and post-graduate levels since 1996 at Iscte. Since 1992 he has participated in several research projects about issues such as categorization processes, social representations and identities, family and social class, generations and values, family and youth, sexuality, social networks, kinship, social inequalities, gender and transgender issues. Presently his main interests are about social and sociological theory, social inequality and multidimensionality, gender, class and racialization/ethnicity.
Intensive Methodologies: Selected Sociological Researches
Renato Miguel do Carmo is an associate professor (with habilitation) at the Department of Sociology of ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon and research fellow at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL), Portugal. He is Director of the Inequality Observatory and participates in the scientific coordination of COLABOR. Issues such as social and spatial inequalities, welfare state, employment and labor market, public policy, mobilities and social capital have been at the core of his research projects. His publications have appeared in Current Sociology, European Societies, Journal of Civil Society, Sociologia Ruralis, Time & Society, Sociological Research Online, Geoforum, Community Development, European Planning Studies, Journal of Labor and Society, and others. He has published 37 books (24 as editor and 13 as author or co-author), five of them published by international publishing houses (Bristol University Press, Berghahn, Palgrave, Springer, Annablume). Since obtaining PhD, he has received several scientific awards such as: João Ferreira de Almeida Award 2023 (1st edition); António Dornelas Award 2022; CIES-Iscte I&D Awards 2022; awarded with the ISCTE-IUL prizes for one of best international articles published in 2011, 2015, 2016 and 2019; award to the best article in the field of regional studies published in Portuguese journals in 2008 (Portuguese Association for Regional Development, APDR); special Prize of the Jury 2009 for the best article published in the journal Análise Social by a young researcher.
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00