Bachelor Degree


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6 Years
30 Jul 2020
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Ef 1027/2011 de 18-03-2011
Update registry R/A-Ef 1027/2011/AL01 de 19-04-2017 | R/A-Ef 1027/2011/AL02 de 29-03-2018
School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

Faculty for (2024/2025)

Internship | Anthropology and Visual Images | Practicing Anthropology
Cultures: Identifications and Differentiations | Ethnographic Maps 2: Asia and Oceania | Power: Economic and Political
Contemporary Theoretical Debates | Portuguese Ethnography
Science, Society, and Culture | Biographical Methods
Catarina Frois is Associate Professor (with Habilitation) at the Department of Anthropology. She is author of several books and scientific articles, both national and international, with a special emphasis in the study of security policies, incarceration, control and surveillance technologies.
History of Anthropology | Ethnographic Readings | Key Problematics of Anthropological Reflection
Francisco Vaz da Silva works on symbolic representations, which he mostly addresses in the fields of fairy tales, religious art, and comparative anthropology. His books include Metamorphosis: The Dynamics of Symbolism in European Fairy Tales (2002), Archeology of Intangible Heritage [2008], The Meanings of Enchantment: Revisiting Wondertale Symbolism (2023), and an annotated seven-volume collection of European fairy tales, Contos Maravilhosos Europeus (2011-2013). He has published extensively in professional journals, encyclopedias, and companion volumes in America and Europe. He was a visiting professor at the University of Tartu (2016), the University of Reykjavik (2013), and the University of California at Berkeley (2001/2002) and Los Angeles (2009). He has been the recipient of a Fulbright Research grant (1999) and a Faculty Research Grant from the Portuguese Studies Program at UC Berkeley (2001/2002). He serves in the editorial board of Cosmos (UK), Cultural Analysis (USA), Marvels & Tales (USA), and Narrative Culture (USA). [Updated 2023/08/23.]
Science, Society, and Culture | Epistemology and Anthropological Knowledge | Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa | Ethnographic Maps 2: Asia and Oceania | Academic Work Practices
Inês Lourenço, PhD in Anthroplogy ( ISCTE/IUL, University Institute of Lisbon), is a researcher at Centre for Research in Anthropology/University Institute of Lisbon. Her research is focused on the Hindu Diaspora in Portugal supported by fieldwork carried out in Portugal and in India since 2000. Other topics of interest are the consumption of Indian commodities, such as Bollywood, and on the related social uses of culture in the Portuguese society. Her current research is the processes of patrimonialization of communities of Indian origin in Portugal, in an articulation between museology and anthropology.
Ethnographic Maps 1: America and Africa | Symbols: Language, Action and Cognition
Relations: Gender, Families, Kinship
Antónia Pedroso de Lima graduated in Anthropology at ISCTE (Lisbon, 1987), has a MA in Urban Anthropology from Barcelona University (Tarragona, 1991), an MA in Sociology of the Family ISCTE (1993), Ph.D in Anthropology (ISCTE 2001) and Habilitation in Anthropology (ISCTE, 2020). She is the Head of the Department of Anthropology at ISCTE, where she is based since 1989, former President of CRIA, the National Research Centre in Social Anthropology (Portugal), former member of the scientific Committee of Openedition (CNRS) and founder of the LusOpenedition (Lusophone Countries) and former member of the National Committee for the Intangible Heritage (Portuguese Ministry of Culture). She is the Director of the Interdisciplinary MA Program on Gender and Sexuality Studies. Specialist on kinship theory, gender and contemporary family relations Antónia Lima is the author of numerous publications on family in Portugal (focusing both on working class neighbourhoods, middle class families and economic elite), gender, emotions, care, austerity and precarity. Her present research interests are on family relations, gender, care, social reproduction and precarity. Since 2014 Antónia pedroso de Lima is one of the directors of Olhares do Mediterrâneo - Women's Film Festival, the first Portuguese film festival dedicated to women in cinema.
Anthropology and Visual Images | Colonialism, Post- Colonialism and Anthropology | Ethnographic Methods and Research Skills
He holds a PhD in Anthropology and his Professor in the Department of Anthropology at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon and has been a Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Brazil in 2009-10 and 2017-18 and Federal Fluminense University in 2014. He was Vice-President of the Center for Research in Anthropology (CRIA) and Diretor of CRIA-IUL. He is Director of the Audiovisual Laboratory at CRIA-ISCTE. He has made several investigations in Portugal, Spain and Brazil working on themes such as body, ritual, heritage, tourism and, above all, in the area of ​​cultural performances, artistic practices and political activism. He has been collaborating with diverse structures and artistic events.
School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00
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