Lectured in
Teaching Type In person
Faculty for (2024/2025)
Fundamentals of Management
Computation for Economists
Alessandro Pinheiro holds a degree in Business Administration (a 4-year course, pre-Bologna), a postgraduate degree in Marketing, a master's degree in Business Administration, and a Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology. He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Science and Technology (ISCTE-IUL) and an Assistant Professor in the undergraduate programs in Management Informatics, Game Development, and Computer Engineering (European University). An education enthusiast, he believes in the transformative power of knowledge and is passionately dedicated to promoting learning.
Portuguese and European Economics
Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes is an Associate Professor at ISCTE, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE - IUL), at the ISCTE Business School (IBS) and she is affiliated with the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL) of ISCTE - IUL. She earned her PhD in Economics from the Lisbon School of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon (ISEG - UL, Lisbon, Portugal). She is the author of articles about Open Macroeconomics, Business Cycles, Endogenous Growth Theory, and Empirical Economics, published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Ecological Economics, Economic Modelling, Open Economies Review, Oxford Economic Papers, Public Finance Review, Regional Studies, and Tourism Management. She was the sub-director of BRU-IUL between February 2014 and August 2016 and the director of the Msc. in Economics between July 2019 and June 2021.
Fundamentals of Management
Álvaro Rosa is a professor of Management. His areas of research and study are Strategy, Governance and Cross-Cultural Management. In addition, he is also a researcher and teacher of Chinese Studies, namely Contemporary China. Currently, he is the Director of Master Degree in Chinese Studies, a joint program of University of Aveiro and ISCTE - IUL. Professionally, he is a coach and trainer in negotiation techniques.
Management Accounting I
Fundamentals of Finance
Portuguese and European Economics
Carlos Coimbra is currently an Invited Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at ISCTE and Consultant to the Board of Directors of Banco de Portugal. Graduated in Economics from ISEG (1983), took Pedagogical Aptitude and Scientific Capacity Tests at ISCTE (1993). He was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Statistics Institute (2012-2022) and Director of its Department of National Accounts (2007-2011). Previously, he was Deputy Director of the Statistics Department of the Bank of Portugal (2004 and 2007) and coordinator of the Portuguese economy area of the Economic Research Department of the Bank of Portugal (2001-2004). In 2000, he coordinated the Mission Team of the Ministry of Finance of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union, and the representation of the country in the Economic and Financial Committee, having been distinguished with praise by the Minister of Finance. From 1998 to 2000, he was Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister, with responsibilities for monitoring the economic situation and providing technical support for the negotiation of Agenda 2000, having earned the praise of the Prime Minister in this respect. From 1995 to 1998, he coordinated the short term economic analysis unit at the economic research department of the Bank of Portugal. From 1991 to 1995 he was coordinator of the core of quarterly national accounts at the Study Office at INE. Between 1985 and 1991, he was an Economist at the Studies Office of the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers and, between 1983 and 1985, he was technical advisor to trade union associations for the collective negotiation of Company Agreements in the communications and audiovisual sectors. He is the author of several studies on economic policy and the Portuguese economy.
Microeconomics I
Introduction to Economics
Cristina Sousa is Associate Professor at ISCTE/IUL. She has a Master's degree in Economics and Management of Science and Technology and a PhD in Economics, both from ISEG/UTL. Her research interests include innovation, creation and circulation of knowledge and entrepreneurship. Currently, her research is focused on networks, on entrepreneurship in knowledge-intensive sectors and on the transition to a sustainable energy system. The results of her research were object of publication in academic journal and books and were presented in several national and international conferences and workshops.
Public Finance and Economics |
Monetary Economics
Labour and Human Resource Economics
Development Economics |
Introduction to Economics |
Competitiveness Policies
Economics of Industrial Organization |
Microeconomics II
Macroeconomics II
João Madeira is an Associate Professor at ISCTE-IUL. He obtained his PhD in 2008 at Boston University and worked afterwards at the University of Exeter and the University of York. He is a macroeconomist whose research focuses on the sources of business cycle fluctuations and in particular the role played by labour market rigidities. He currently works on understanding better inflation expectations and how disagreement in monetary policy committees arises and impacts the economy.
Development Economics
Econometrics I
Joaquim J.S. Ramalho graduated in Economics from the University of Evora in 1993 and received a masters degree in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management from the Technical University of Lisbon (ISEG-UTL) in 1996. In 2002, he completed his PhD in Economics at the University of Bristol. Since 2016, he is Professor at ISCTE-IUL (Dep. Economics) and before that he taught at the University of Evora for 23 years. His research focuses on theoretical and applied microeconometrics, and he has published in a variety of academic journals, including the Journal of Econometrics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Econometric Reviews, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis and International Journal of Industrial Organization.
Management Accounting I
Jonas Oliveira holds a PhD in Accounting from the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, Portugal. He is an Associate Professor of Accounting at ISCTE-IUL Business School, Lisbon. He has previously worked at the University of Aveiro as Adjunct Professor of Accounting. His research interests are corporate risk reporting, enterprise risk management, corporate governance mechanisms, impression management strategies used in corporate reporting, sustainability and integrated reporting. He publishes academic articles regularly in some internationally well-recognized journals such as the Managerial Auditing Journal, Meditari Accountancy Research, Australian Accounting Review, Corporate Communications: an International Journal, European Business Review, and Journal of Risk.
Financial Accounting I
Mathematics II
Econometrics II
Luis F. Martins (1973) is Associate Professor with "Agregação" of Economics at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, since 1998. Previously he has been Junior Assistant of Quantitative Methods at the University of Algarve (1996-1998). He studied economics and econometrics at ISEG-UL, (Licenciatura in Economics, 1995; M.S. in Mathematical Modeling for Economics and Management, 1998) and economics at the Pennsylvania State University (PhD in economics, 2005). His research focus on econometrics and applied macroeconomics and applied finance and he has published a number of articles in refereed journals including Econometric Theory, Econometrics Journal, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Tourism Management, Econometric Reviews, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Quantitative Finance, European Financial Management, and Empirical Economics. He was a member of the LOC of the 2017 Annual Congress of the EEA/ESEM held in Lisbon 2017 (UL and ISCTE-IUL). He was co-director of the PhD program in economics (February 2019 - September 2021). More at the personal webpage:
Introduction to Economics |
Macroeconomics I |
Macroeconomics II
Luís Clemente-Casinhas holds a BSc degree in Management from Nova School of Business and Economics. He completed his MSc in Economics and his PhD in the same field (with a scholarship from FCT) at ISCTE-IUL. In 2019, he began his role as Invited Teaching Assistant at ISCTE-IUL, in the Macroeconomics courses of the Economics Department. He is an Invited Assistant Professor not only at ISCTE-IUL but also at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, presenting teaching experience at ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management as well. He is certified as a Specialist in Microsoft Office Excel (2013), having received the Nova Excellence Award in 2014 and the IBS TOP Master distinction in 2018. He conducts research in the areas of Central Banking and inequality, being part of a project led by the London School of Economics.
Contemporary Economic Issues
Luís Mah is an assistant professor in Development Studies at the Department of Political Economy at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. Between 2015-2022, he lectured at the Master in International Development and Cooperation and the PhD in Development Studies at ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics and Management/University of Lisbon. He has been working for almost 19 years with civil society actors and formerly led the United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) in Portugal. He is particularly interested on the global implications of the (re)emergence of Asia and the international development cooperation of the European Union. He holds a PhD in Development Studies from LSE-London School of Economics and Political Science (London,2004), a MA in Political Science from Yonsei University (Seoul, 1996) and a Licenciate in Social Communication by Nova University Lisbon.
Management Accounting I
Maria João Major (publication name, Maria Major) is Full Professor of Management Accounting and Control at ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon, Portugal). She holds a PhD from the University of Manchester, UK and a Post-doc from the Manchester Business School, UK. Maria João was visiting researcher fellow at Alliance Manchester Business School, UK in 2016 and at Griffith University, Australia in 2001. She has published in academic journals such as ‘Management Accounting Research’, ‘European Accounting Review’, ‘Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal’, ‘Accounting, Organizations and Society’, 'Financial Accountability & Management', ‘Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management’ and ‘Public Money and Management’, among others. Maria João is also the author or co-author of several books and international book chapters. She is on the editorial board of ‘Qualitative Research on Accounting and Management’, ‘Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change’, ‘Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management’ and earlier on the editorial board of the ‘European Accounting Review’. She is additionally active in refereeing articles for a number of leading accounting journals. Maria João has served as member of scientific committees in several international accounting conferences. She was the convenor of ‘Manufacturing Accounting Research (EIASM) 2016’ and of the ‘European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting Change (ENROAC) 2011’ conferences. Aditionally, Maria João has received teaching awards as best professor. Prior to joining ISCTE-IUL she was Associate Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics where she taught in the PhD, Master, Bachelor and Executive Education programmes.
Work and Organizational Psychology
Econometrics I
Mathematics I |
Mathematics II
Marina Alexandra Pedro Andrade is an Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematic, ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal. She has a PhD in Statistics and Data Analysis, an MSc in Probability and Statistics and graduated Applied Mathematics- Probability and Statistics. She is a Researcher at ISTAR – IUL (Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Center – University Institute of Lisbon) and has authored or co-authored several technical papers and reports.
Microeconomics II
Microeconomics I
Nadia Simoes holds a PhD in Economics and a Master degree in Economics from ISEG (Universidade de Lisboa). Started to teach in the Economics Department of ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa in 2002. Director of the Bachelor Degree in Economics (Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa). Former Director of the Master in Business Economics and Competition for nine editions of the programme.
Researcher of the Economics Group of the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL). She has published paper articles in several journals such as Economics Letters, Journal of Economic Surveys, Empirical Economics, Acta Oeconomica, International Review of Applied Economics, Telecommunications Policy, Panoeconomicus, International Journal of Social Economics, Economics Bulletin, among others.
Associate Editor of the journal International Journal of Education Economics and Development (SCOPUS Q4) and Editor of the journal Cogent Economics & Finance (SCOPUS Q3).
Member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues (SCOPUS Q1); Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (SCOPUS Q2); Panoeconomicus (SCOPUS Q2); Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (SCOPUS Q2); Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (SCOPUS Q3); the International Journal of Entrepreneurship (SCOPUS Q3); and Revista Galega de Economia (SCOPUS Q4).
NEP Editor for the area of Education (nep-edu).
Member of the Editorial Board of the European Training Foundation (European Union).
She has participated in several research national and international research projects financed by public institutions (including two projects funded by FCT and a project funded by the Ministry of Employment).
Financial Accounting I
Economic and Social History
Professor at Lisbon University Institute, Nuno Luis Madureira works currently in the areas of energy and environmental history. Visiting scholar at University of Harvard and visiting scholar at University of Berkeley, USA; member of the permanent pool of referees of the European Science Foundation (2006-2013) and of the College of Reviewers of the European Science Foundation (2016-2023). Member of the Research Foundation- Flanders (FWO) Review College. Consultant of the NWO -Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Member of ISCTE's General Board. Editor of the Journal Frontiers in sustainability. Coordinator of several collective research projects. Author of thirteen Books, the last of which, "Key concepts in energy: technology, economy and History", Springer, was published in 2014. Author of academic articles published in the following journals: Entreprise & Society; Frontiers in Energy Research; Energy Policy; Environment and History; Technology & Culture; Business History; Business History Review; Journal of the Philosophy of History; Journal of Global History; Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional; Contemporary European History; European Review of History- Revue Europeenne d'Histoire; Journal of Contemporary History; Política y Sociedad and LLul. Short articles can also be found in several International Encyclopedias and web sites. N.L. Madureira speaks fluently French and English.
International Economics
Nuno Crespo holds a PhD in Economics and a Master degree in International Economics. He is the Director of the Master in Business Economics and Competition. In the most recent years, Nuno Crespo was Vice-Rector of ISCTE-IUL and assumed several other positions such as Director of the Department of Economics, Scientific Commission of the Department of Economics, and the coordenation of courses (Master in Portuguese Economy and International Integration and Master in Health Services Management).
Researcher at Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL), he has several publications in scientific journals such as World Economy, World Development, Economics Letters, Review of World Economics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Economic Surveys, Empirical Economics, Papers in Regional Science, Tourism Analysis, Journal of Economics and Social Measurement, Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Informetrics, Scientometrics, International Review of Applied Economics, International Journal of Social Economics. Publications of books and book chapters in his areas of expertise. He is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal and member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals (European Journal of International Management, International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Sustainability, and Tourism Analysis, among others). Editor of the MPRA. Member of the International Economics Advisory Board of the Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Global Partner of the National Economic Education Delegation (NEED).
Member of the Advisory Council of A3ES.
Patrícia A. Filipe is an Associate Professor at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, where she teaches courses in the area of Probability and Statistics. Her main research area is statistical modeling, in particular, it focuses on the study of dynamic models of individual growth, statistical models applied to health data and, more recently, analytical methods in Big Data. She has participated in research projects, and in the dissemination of the work developed in national and international scientific meetings, with the publication of several scientific papers.
Financial Accounting I
PhD in Management, Master in Business Sciences, Degree in Management by Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte) and Bachelor of Accounting at ISCAC Coimbra Business School. Assistant Professor at ISCTE, where he teaches in Undergraduate, Masters and Executives Masters and has coordinated various courses. Executive Director of the Executive Master in Corporate Reporting of INDEG/ISCTE. Received a teaching award (2014). Was member of the Pedagogical Committee (1st cycle degree) and year coordinator in 1st cycle degree.
Was CEO of Overgest/ISCTE - Management and Finance Specialization Center and Director of several Executive Masters, Postgraduate Programs, Specialization Courses and Programs for Executives. Was Senior Partner of Paradigma Consulting, SA, Senior Consultant at SE.MAR.TE Consulting, Consulting Supervisor at BDO International, Deputy Director Financial MAP-Plastics (current Map-Key Plastics, SA) and Chartered Accountant of several companies.
Was member of the Students' Union Board and a member of Scientific Council (representing the students) of ISCA Coimbra Business School. He is co-author of books in the accounting field, articles and communications to scientific conferences.
Contemporary Economic Issues
Computation for Economists
Fundamentals of Management
Pedro is a co-Diretor of ISCTE Executive Education's Executive MBA.
He is an Integrated Member of the Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL) of the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), having already authored 3 books and published several articles in top journals, like the Harvard Business Review.
His main areas of interest are General Management, Stakeholders' Management and Negotiation, and Corporate Governance.
Pedro has significant management experience, holding positions in various corporate bodies of large companies, as well as academic management positions.
Pedro has high teaching experience at various levels of education, with very good performance evaluations.
Economic Law
First as Lawyer and after as jurisconsult Pedro Quartin Graça has large experience on providing preemptive legal support in legal areas as advertising law, corporate law and law of the sea.
He is a consultant in Corporate and Company Law, Environmental Law and Law of the Sea as well as in Advertising, Consumer and Intellectual Property Law.
Assistant Professor at ISCTE - IUL (Portugal) and former President of the 1st Section of the Jury of Ethics of the Advertising Selfregulation (former ICAP - Portugal).
Pedro Quartin Graça has a large number of books and academic publications in Portuguese, German and Chinese concerning advertising law, law of the sea, european law and consumer law.
Pedro Quartin Graça has a wide international experience, namely concerning the relations with Africa, Asia and Central America countries.
He teached law at the Chinese Academy of Governance (former China National School of Administration - CNSA), China - Europe Public Administration Project, People's Republic of China, at the Global Distance Learning Network of World Bank for East Timor and at the ProPALOP-TL ISC PNUD postgraduation in Angola.
From 2005 until 2009 he served as a Member of the Parliament of Portugal (10th parliamentary term). He was also a member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantee; of the Committee on Social Security and Labour; of the Sub-Committee on Internal Security; of the Sub-Committee on Media and Fundamental Rights and of the Sub-Committee on Equal Opportunities.
Member of the Portuguese national delegation into the 97th Session of the International Labour Conference - International Labour Organization, Genève, Switzerland.
Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee in order to monitor the application of the Selvagens islands to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, since September 2016.
Member of the Review and Advisory Board for the preparation of the Proposal of Major Options for the National Maritime Strategy until 2030 (2023)
Chief Editor of REM - Revista de Estudos do Mar.
Editor of Editor Program.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Master´s degree in Law of the Catholic University of Brasília, Brazil.
External expert responsible for EQAVET verification processes, from the National Association for Qualification and Vocational Education. I.P., Ministry of Education and Science
President and member of the External Assessment Committee of A 3 ES - Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency
Member of the International Relations Commission of the Geographical Society of Lisbon
Economic Sociology
Assistant Professor of Sociology of Labour and Labour Relations at the Department of Sociology of the School of Sociology and Public Policy of Iscte-Lisbon University Institute. Researcher at CIES-Iscte and Associate Researcher at ICS-ULisboa and SOCIUS/CSG-ISEG-ULisboa. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Researcher at SOCIUS/CSG-ISEG (2007-2015) and ICS-ULisboa (2015-2024) and a member of the correspondent team of the European Working Life Observatory/Eurofound (2007-2015). She has published work in the European Journal of Industrial Relations, Transfer, Cultural Trends, International Journal of Police Science & Management, Minerva, among other journals, and is the author and organiser of books and book chapters published by Routledge, Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, l'Harmattan and other academic publishers.
Competitiveness Policies
Raul Lopes has a degree in Economics from ISEG-UTL and a Master in Urban and Regional Planning from Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. He has a PhD in Economics (Territory) by ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL).
Raul Lopes is an Associate Professor at ISCTE-IUL and he was Chairman of the Department of Economics and President of DINAMIA (Research Centre of "excellence"), Scientific Director of the Master in Economics and Public Policy, member of the Scientific Commission of Political Economy, and Coordinator of various curricular units of the 1st and 2nd cycle.
Throughout his career he has had teaching duties, consulting and research in the following areas: Economics of the Territory, Innovation and Regional Competitiveness, Strategic Planning, Regional Development Policies and Local Development in Rural Environment, Local Government and Territorial Governance.
.LOPES, Raul (2015) "Firm performance, innovation modes and territorial embeddedness", with Sérgio Nunes, in European Planning Studies,
DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2015.1021666
- LOPES, raul (2014), "O Rural e o Urbano no Brasil", with João F. Rodrigues, in Working Paper do DINAMIA´CET nº2014/02.
- LOPES, Raul (2013) "Economic crisis and the firms' innovation process", with Sérgio Nunes, in Working Paper do DINAMIA´CET nº2013/03.
- LOPES, Raul (2012) "The importance of External Knowledge in a Firm's Innovation Process", with Sérgio Nunes, in Iréne Bernhard (ed.): Entrepreneurship and Innovation Netwoks, University West, Sweden.
- LOPES, Raul. (2001) Competitividade, inovação e territórios. Oeiras, Celta Editora;
- LOPES, Raul. (2004) Understanding Peripheral Rural Áreas as Contexts for Economic Development, with João Ferrão, in Lois Labrianidis, ed., The Future of Europe's Rural Peripheries, pp.31-61, Ashgate .
- LOPES, Raul (2003) "Zones rurales et capacité entrepreneuriale au Portugal: pratiques, représentations, politiques" -. In "Géographie, Économie, Société", 5 (2003), Edições Elsevier, pp. 139-160.
- LOPES, Raul (1990) Planeamento Municipal e Intervenção Autárquica no Desenvolvimento Local, Escher editora.
- LOPES, Raul (1991) O Programa ILE em Portugal: avaliação e perspectivas, IEFP (co-authors José Manuel Henriques and A.J. Mendes Baptista).
Econometrics I
Computation for Economists
Ricardo Dias, Guest Assistant at ISCTE, is a PhD student in Information Sciences and Technologies. His main research interests include Computer Systems, New Technologies and Teaching Methods and Models adapted to the new school reality.
He has published in areas related to Education (e.g., Journal of Educational & Social Research, 4th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3rd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences).
Ricardo has a Degree in Basic Education Teachers, 2nd Cycle variant (ISCE), a Master's in Pedagogical Supervision (ISEC) and is in the second year of his PhD in Information Sciences and Technologies (ISCTE-IUL).
He is a Teacher at the José Afonso School Group, in Loures and Municipal Education Councilor, in the same municipality.
Public Finance and Economics
Ricardo Barradas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Economy from School of Social Sciences at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and Integrated Researcher at Centre for the Study of Socioeconomic Change and the Territory (Dinâmia'CET) in Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. His main research interests are in the fields of political economy, post-keynesian economics, financialisation and other related areas. He is author of several scientific articles that are published in reputable international journals, such as Economic and Industrial Democracy, Economic and Labour Relations Review, International Review of Applied Economics, Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Review of Keynesian Economics, Review of Political Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics, among others.
Monetary Economics
Mathematics I |
Mathematics II
Macroeconomics I
Vivaldo Mendes has been a Professor of Economics at the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) since 1998. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Sussex and a degree in Economics from the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão of the University of Lisbon. He has held several university management positions in the last two decades always at ISCTE-IUL, from Vice-Rector between 2005 and 2009, President of the General Assembly between 2002 and 2005, Director of the Department of Economics between 2010 and 2014, elected member of the General Assembly between 2000 and 2002, member of the Scientific Council between 2010 and 2014, and Director of the Master in Economics between 2010 and 2013. He was also a member of two specialize