
Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
1st Year | ||
Anthropological Research Methods
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Ethnographic Research Projects: Work in Progress
21.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 21.0 |
Theoretical Issues in Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Designing Ethnographic Research Projects
15.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 15.0 |
Contemporary Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Regional Approaches in Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
2nd Year | ||
Thesis in Anthropology
120.0 ECTS
Tese em Antropologia (120 Ects) | 120.0 |
Anthropological Research Methods
1. To understand the relationship between the transformations undergone by anthropology throughout the second half of the 20th century and the methodological innovations which characterized that period;
2. To provide a forum for discussion and group debate by doctoral candidates about methodological issues suited to their specific research projects;
3. To establish contact with relevant contemporary examples of the renewal of methodological strategies with respect to different styles and uses of 'qualitative methods' in general;
4. To refine the ways through which, in doctoral candidates' project proposals, methodological steps are enunciated.
1. introduction to the UC: Programme and work proposal. Presentations by students and their projects.
2. Research in anthropology: epistemological and methodological issues in ethnographic experiences
3. From building the project to writing the thesis: methodological and ethical questions
4. Theoretical itineraries from postmodern critique to native anthropology: how to decolonise methodologies?
5. Collaborative research and participatory methods: interlocutions
6. Fieldwork under fire
7. Biographical approaches and auto-ethnography
8. Anthropology beyond the human
9. Multimodal anthropology, visual methods and digital platforms
10. Cyber-ethnography and digital ethnography
11 and 12 State of Play: Presentations of doctoral students' final essay proposals.
This semester is directed toward the elaboration of a final version of the 'Methodology' section in research proposals, which will be evaluated by the Department with a view toward the continuation of each doctoral student in the 2nd year.
a) oral presentation (15 min) of the 'Methodology' section of your project (40%)
b) semi-final written version of the same presentation, including in the discussion references to recent methodologies addressed in the UC (max. 8 pages) (60%)
DAVIES, Charlotte Aull. 1999 Reflexive Ethnography: A Guide to Researching Selves and Others. Londres: Routledge.
DENZIN, N. e Y. LINCOLN 2011 (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. (4ª edição) Thousand Oaks: Sage.
FARDON, R. et. al. (orgs.) 2012 The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology. 2 Vols. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
GLICK-SCHILLER, N. e G. FOURON 2001 Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home. Durham: Duke University Press.
GOODY, Jack 2000 [1996] O Oriente no Ocidente. Lisboa: Difel (Introdução, Caps. V, VII, VIII).
GREENHOUSE, Carol, Elizabeth MERTZ e Kay WARREN 2002 (orgs.) Ethnography in Unstable Places: Everyday Lives in Contexts of Dramatic Political Change. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
ROBBEN, A. e J. SLUKA 2007 (orgs.) Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. Oxford: Blackwell
Não pretendendo ser exaustiva, esta bibliografia suplementar procura: (a) alargar o campo de referências sobre metodologias etnográficas, sobretudo sobre histórias de vida biográficas e entrevistas, e (b) fornecer um leque mínimo de textos-chave, quer sobre as metodologias etnográficas ditas clássicas (p. ex. observação participante, entrevistas, estudos de caso aprofundados), quer em torno de algumas alterações metodológicas e teóricas influentes desde os anos 1980. Leituras e pesquisas subsequentes, em cada texto, resultam num efeito de tipo bola-de-neve: as práticas metodológicas etnográficas desdobram-se, e aparecem afinidades interdisciplinares com metodologias em áreas científicas afins (cf. o entrelaçar em diversos textos de Denzin e Lincoln de metodologias qualitativas na sociologia, na antropologia e, ainda, noutras ciências sociais). Deve-se, assim, considerá-la como um mero instrumento. Como referido encima ('Processo de Ensino-aprendizagem'), raros são os textos que não se encontrem pelo menos numa das três bibliotecas especializadas que nos são próximas no ISCTE-IUL e no ICS.
While the following bibliography should not be seen as definitive, it proposes: (a) to enlarge the field of references concerning ethnographic methodology, particularly on biographical life-histories and interviews, and (b) to provide a minimal list of key texts about classic ethnographic methodology (participant observation, interviews, extended case-studies, etc.), as well as about some influential shifts in methodology and theory since the 1980's. Further reading and research, in each title, usually results in a snow-ball effect: ethnographic methodological practices flow into others, revealing interdisciplinary affinities (such as, for example, the interweaving of qualitative sociological, anthropological, and other social-scientific methodological angles in various articles by Denzin and Lincoln). It should be considered simply as an instrument. As mentioned above ('Teaching Methodology'), the vast majority of these texts are available in one or another of our three specialized libraries in ISCTE-IUL or the ICS.
Anderson, Benedict 1991 [1983] Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Londres: Verso (Comunidades Imaginadas: Reflexões sobre a Origem e a Expansão do Nacionalismo, Lisboa: Edições 70, 2005; trad. Catarina Mira).
Angrosino, Michael 2011 'Recontextualizing Observation: Ethnography, Pedagogy, and the Prospects for a Progressive Political Agenda' Denzin, N. e Y. Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3ª edição). Thousand Oaks: Sage; 729-745.
Beaud, S. e F. Weber. 2007 Guia para a Pesquisa de Campo: Produzir e Analisar Dados Etnográficos. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes (Guide de l'Enquête de Terrain: Produire et Analyser des Données Ethnographiques, Paris: Éditions La Découverte, 1997).
Bernard, H. Russell 1995 Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press.
Bertaux, Daniel 1997 Les Récits de Vie: Perspective Ethnosociologique. Paris: Nathan.
Bourdieu, Pierre e Loïc Wacquant. 1992 An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Brettell, Caroline 1993 (org.) When They Read What We Write: The Politics of Ethnography. Westport, Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey/Greenwood.
Caplan, Pat 1997 African Voices, African Lives: Personal Narratives from a Swahili Village. London: Routledge.
Cardeira da Silva, Maria 1997 (org.) Ethnologia Nº 6-8 (Trabalho de Campo).
Clifford, James e George Marcus 1991 [1986] (orgs.) Retóricas de la Antropología. Madrid: Júcar Universidad (Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, Berkeley: University of California Press).
Crapanzano, Vincent 1980 Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Denzin, Norman & Yvonna Lincoln 2000 [1994] 'Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research' Norman Denzin & Yvonna Lincoln (orgs.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage (2ª edição); 1-28.
Douglass, William e Joseba Zulaika 1996 Terror and Taboo: The Follies, Fables, and Faces of Terrorism. Nova Iorque: Routledge.
Ferréol, Gilles e Guy Jucquois. 2004 (dir.) Dictionnaire de l'Alterité et des Relations Interculturelles. Paris: Armind Colin.
Fox, Richard 1991 (org.) Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
Godelier, Maurice e Robert Cresswell 1976 (orgs.) Outils d'Enquête et d'Analyse Anthropologiques. Paris: Maspero.
Gunder Frank André 1998 ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Gunder Frank, André & Barry Gills 1996 [1993] (orgs.) The World System: Five Hundred Years or Five Thousand? Londres: Routledge.
Gupta, Akhil & James Ferguson 1997 (orgs.) Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology. Durham: Duke University Press.
Griaule, Marcel 1957 Méthode de l'Ethnographie. Paris: PUF.
Hammersley, Martyn e Paul Atkinson 1995 [1983] Ethnography: Principles in Practice. London: Routledge.
Hymes, Dell 1999 [1969] (org.) Reinventing Anthropology. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Ann Arbor Paperbacks.
Jackson, Anthony 1987 (org.) Anthropology at Home. Londres: Tavistock.
Kincheloe, Joe e Peter McLaren 2011 'Rethinking Critical Theory and Qualitative Research' Denzin, N. e Y. Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3ª edição). Thousand Oaks: Sage; 303-342.
Knauft, Bruce 2002 Critically Modern: Alternatives, Alterities, Anthropologies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Kuper, Adam e Jessica Kuper (orgs.) 1996 [1985] The Social Science Encyclopedia. Londres: Routledge (2nd edition) 923 pp.
Kvale, S. 1996 InterViews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Lee, Raymond M. 2003 Métodos Não Interferentes em Pesquisa Social. Lisboa: Gradiva (Unobtrusive Methods in Social Research, Buckingham: Open University Press, 2000).
Marcus, George 1995 'Ethnography In/Of the World System: The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography' Annual Review of Anthropology; 95-117 (reimpresso in George Marcus, Ethnography Through Thick and Thin, Princeton: Princeton University Press; 1998; 79-104).
Marcus, George 1999 (org.) Critical Anthropology Now: Unexpected Contexts, Shifting Constituencies, Changing Agendas. Santa Fe, New Mexico: SAR Press (School for Advanced Research on the Human Experience).
Marcus, George e Michael Fischer 1999 [1986] Anthropology as Cultural Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Mauss, Marcel 1967 [1926] Manuel d'Ethnographie. Paris: Payot.
Mintz, Sidney 1974 [1960] Worker in the Cane: A Puerto Rican Life History. Nova Iorque: W.W. Norton (trad. fr. Taso: La Vie d´un Travailleur de la Cane, Paris: Maspero, 1979).
Narayan, Kirin 1997 [1993] 'How Native is a 'Native' Anthropologist?' in L. Lamphere, H. Ragoné e P. Zavella (orgs.) Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life. Nova Iorque: Routledge; 23-41.
O'Neill, Brian Juan 2006 [1995] 'Estudo de Caso: Duas Mulheres Transmontanas' in Antropologia Social: Sociedades Complexas. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, Série Manuais, 296; 112-42 ('Diverging Biographies: Two Portuguese Peasant Women' in Ethnologia Europaea/Journal of European Ethnology XXV, 2: 97-118).
--- 2009a 'Histórias de Vida em Antropologia: Estilos e Visões, do Etnográfico ao Hipermoderno' in Elsa Lechner (org.) Histórias de Vida: Olhares Disciplinares. Porto: Afrontamento; 109-21.
--- 2009b [1987] Social Inequality in a Portuguese Hamlet: Land, Late Marriage, and Bastardy 1870-1978. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (on-line edition).
--- 2011 [1988] 'Prefácio à 2ª edição: Reflexões sobre o Estudo de Caso Antropológico' in Proprietários, Lavradores e Jornaleiras: Desigualdade Social numa Aldeia Transmontana 1870-1978 [1984]. Porto: Afrontamento ('Reflexões sobre o Estudo de Caso Antropológico' in O Estudo da História: Boletim da Associação de Professores de História 5-6 (II Série) 1988; 5-23).
O'Reilly, Karen 2005 Ethnographic Methods. Londres: Routledge.
Pelto, Pertti e G. H. Pelto 1984 [1970] Anthropological Research: The Structure of Inquiry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Poirier, Jean, S. Clapier-Valladon e P. Raybaut 1989 [1983] Les Récits de Vie: Théorie et Pratique. Paris: PUF (trad. port. Histórias de Vida: Teoria e Prática, Oeiras: Celta, 1995).
Prattis, Ian 1996 'Reflexive Anthropology' David Levinson & Melvin Ember (orgs.) Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. 4 Vols. Nova Iorque: Henry Holt/Yale University - Human Relations Area Files; 1072-1076.
Rabinow, Paul 1977 Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco. Berkeley: University of California Press (Reflexiones sobre un Trabajo de Campo en Marruecos, Madrid: Júcar Universidad, 1992).
Rabinow, Paul e William Sullivan 1979 (orgs.) Interpretive Social Science: A Reader. Berkeley: University of California Press (Interpretive Social Science: A Second Look, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987).
R.A.I. (Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 1967 [1874] Notes and Queries on Anthropology (Sixth Edition). Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Rapport, Nigel e Joanna Overing. 2000 Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts. Londres: Routledge.
Reynoso, Carlos 1992 (comp.) El Surgimiento de la Antropología Posmoderna: C. Geertz, J. Clifford y Otros. Barcelona: Gedisa.
Ries, Nancy 2002 ' 'Honest Bandits' and 'Warped People': Russian Narratives about Money, Corruption, and Moral Decay' Carol Greenhouse, Elizabeth Mertz & Kay Warren (orgs.) Ethnography in Unstable Places: Everyday Lives in Contexts of Dramatic Political Change. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press; 276-315.
Sanjek, Roger 1990 (org.) Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Santos Silva, Augusto e José Madureira Pinto 1986 (orgs.) Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto: Afrontamento.
Sarró, Ramon e Lima, Antónia 2003 (orgs.) Terrenos Metropolitanos: Ensaios sobre a Produção Etnográfica. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Schensul, Jean et. al. 1999 (orgs.) Mapping Social Networks, Spatial Data, and Hidden Populations. Walnut Creek, California: Sage/Altamira.
Spradley, James 1979 The Ethnographic Interview. Nova Iorque: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Srinivas, M. N. 1966 'Some Thoughts on the Study of One's Own Society' M. N. Srinivas Social Change in Modern India. Berkeley: University of California Press; 147-63; 185.
Taussig, Michael 2003 Law in a Lawless Land: Diary of a Limpieza in Colombia. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Tönnies, Ferdinand 1979 [1887] Comunidad y Asociación: El Comunismo y el Socialismo como Formas de Vida Social. Barcelona: Península (Community and Association [Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft], Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul, translated and supplemented by Charles P. Loomis, 1974).
Van Velsen, J.1987 [1967] 'A Análise Situacional e o Método de Estudo de Caso Detalhado' Bela Feldman-Bianco (org.) Antropologia das Sociedades Contemporâneas: Métodos, São Paulo: Global Universitária; 345-74.
Whitaker, Mark 2002 [1996] 'Reflexivity' in Alan Barnard & Jonathan Spencer (orgs.) Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Londres: Routledge; 470-473.
Wilson, Samuel M. e Leighton C. Peterson 2002 'The Anthropology of Online Communities' in Annual Review of Anthropology 31; 449-67.
Wolf, Eric 1982 Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Zulaika, Joseba 1995 'The Anthropologist as Terrorist' in Carolyn Nordstrom & Antonius Robben (orgs.) Fieldwork Under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival. Berkeley: University of California Press; 206-22.
Ethnographic Research Projects: Work in Progress
1. To deal in detail with the empirical dimensions of doctoral candidates' research proposals in the light of key recent work published in anthropology within the domains chosen for analysis by the latter;
2. To heighten awareness by doctoral candidates of the need to update and incorporate within their projects some of the major tendencies towards reformulation and revision of anthropological theory during the last decade (for example: reflexive anthropology, practice theory, and ethical dilemmas);
3. To perfect the style of presentation of the final versions of the candidates' projects, in terms of the most coherent and convincing argumentation.
Preliminary analysis of the provisional versions of project proposals coming from the end of the 1st semester, with identification of problematic areas for refinement;
Discussion of major theoretical schools within contemporary anthropology: tendencies, movements, recent bibliography;
Presentation and detailed discussion of doctoral candidates' projects, distributed prior to each seminar.
This seminar is directed towards the elaboration of a final version of each project, to be evaluated with a view towards the continuation of each student in the 2nd year.
The project (about 15 pp.) will count for 60% of the final grade, the remaining 40% applying to seminar participation.
This course does not contemplate evaluation via a final exam.
ORTNER, S. 2006 'Introduction: Updating Practice Theory' Anthropology and Social Theory: Culture, Power, and the Acting Subject. Durham: Duke University Press; 1-18.
MOORE, H. & T. SANDERS (orgs.) 2006 Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology. Oxford: Blackwell.
INGOLD, T. (org.) 1994 Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Londres: Routledge.
FARDON, R. et. al. (orgs.) 2012 The Sage Handbook of Social Anthropology. 2 Vols. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage/ASA.
DAVIES, C. 1999 Reflexive Ethnography: A Guide to Researching Selves and Others. Londres: Routledge.
CHRISTIANS, C. 'Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research' N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln (orgs.) 2011 The Sage Hankbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage (4th edition); 61-80.
AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 2007 (1998) 'Code of Ethics' A.Robben & J. Sluka (orgs.) Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. Oxford: Blackwell; 325-330.
TAYLOR, Victor E. & Charles E. WINQUIST (orgs.) 2001 Encyclopedia of Postmodernism. Londres: Routledge.
SMELSER, Neil J. & Paul B. BALTES (orgs.) 2001 International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 26 Vols. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
SILLS, David L. (org.) 1968 International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 18 Vols. Nova orque: Macmillan/Free Press.
SEYMOUR-SMITH, Charlotte 1986 Macmillan Dictionary of Anthropology. Londres: Macmillan.
SANTOS, Armindo dos 2002 Antropologia Geral: Etnografia, Etnologia, Antropologia Social. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta / Série Manuais 259.
RUBY, Jay. 1982 A Crack in the Mirror: Reflexive Perspectives in Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
PRATTIS, Ian. 1996 'Reflexive Anthropology' David Levinson & Melvin Ember (orgs.) Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. 4 Vols. Nova Iorque: Henry Holt/Yale University - Human Relations Area Files; 1072-1076.
ORTNER, S. 1984 'Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties' Comparative Studies in Society and History. 26, 1 (Jan); 126-66.
O'NEILL, Brian Juan 2006 Antropologia Social: Sociedades Complexas. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta / Série Manuais 296.
OKELY, Judith 2010 'Fieldwork as Free Association and Free Passage' M. MELHUUS, J. Mitchell & H. WULFF(orgs.) Ethnographic Practice in the Present. Nova Iorque: Berghahn; 28-41.
MARCUS, G. 2010 'Notes from Within a Laboratory for the Reinvention of Anthropological Method' M. Melhuus, J. Mitchell & H. Wulff (orgs.) Ethnographic Practice in the Present. Nova Iorque: Berghahn; 69-79.
MANNERS, Robert & David KAPLAN (orgs.) 1968 Theory in Anthropology: A Sourcebook. Chicago: Aldine.
MacCLANCY, Jeremy (org.) 2002 Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
LEVINSON, David & Melvin EMBER (orgs.) 1996 Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. 4 Vols. Nova Iorque: Henry Holt/Yale University / Human Relations Area Files.
LEVENSON, Michael (org.) 1999 The Cambridge Companion to MODERNISM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
LAYTON, Robert 2001 (1997) Introdução à Teoria em Antropologia. Lisboa: Edições 70.
KUPER, Adam 1996 (1973) Anthropologists and Anthropology: The Modern British School. Londres: Routledge (3rd revised edition).
INGOLD, Tim (org.) 1997 Key Debates in Anthropology. Londres: Routledge.
INGOLD, T. (org.) 1994 Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Londres: Routledge.
HOLMES, Douglas & George MARCUS 2010 'Epilogue 2: Prelude to a Re-functioned Ethnography' M. Melhuus, J. Mitchell & H. Wulff (orgs.) Ethnographic Practice in the Present. Nova Iorque: Berghahn; 176-84.
HO, Karen 2009 Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street. Durham: Duke University Press.
HERZFELD, Michael (org.) 2001 Anthropology: Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society. Oxford: Blackwell/UNESCO.
HARRIS, Marvin 1968 The Rise of Anthropological Theory: A History of Theories of Culture. Nova Iorque: Thomas Y. Crowell.
GUPTA, Akhil & James FERGUSON (orgs.) 1997 Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology. Durham: Duke University Press.
GOULD, Julius & William L. KOLB (orgs.) 1964 A Dictionary of the Social Sciences. Nova Iorque: Free Press of Glencoe/UNESCO.
ENCICLOPÉDIA EINAUDI 1984-2001 43 Vols. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional/Casa da Moeda. Dir. Ruggiero Romano (Coord. edição portuguesa, Fernando Gil).
DRESCH, Paul, Wendy JAMES & David PARKIN (orgs.) 2000 Anthropologists in a Wider World: Essays on Field Research. Oxford: Berghahn.
DIRKS, Nicholas., Geoff ELEY, & Sherry ORTNER (orgs.) 1993 Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
DENZIN, N. & Y. LINCOLN (orgs.) 2011 The Sage Hankbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage (4th edition).
DENZIN, Norman & Yvonna LINCOLN 2011 'Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research' Norman Denzin & Yvonna Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage (4th edition); 1-19.
CÁTEDRA, María. et. al. (orgs.) 2007 Diccionario de Relaciones Interculturales: Diversidad y Globalización. Madrid: Editorial Complutense.
CANNELLA, G. & Y. LINCOLN 2011 'Ethics, Research Regulations, and Critical Social Science' The Sage Hankbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage (4th edition); 81-89.
BOURDIEU, Pierre 2002 (1972) Esboço de uma Teoria de Prática, Precedido de Três Estudos de Etnologia Cabila. Oeiras: Celta.
BATALHA, Luís 2005 Antropologia: Uma Perspectiva Holística. Lisboa: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa / ISCSP.
BARNARD, Alan & Jonathan SPENCER (orgs.) 2002 (1996) Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Londres: Routledge.
BARNARD, Alan 2000 History and Theory in Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BARFIELD, Thomas (org.) 1997 The Dictionary of Anthropology. Oxford: Blackwell.
ANGROSINO, Michael 2011'Recontextualizing Observation: Ethnography, Pedagogy, and the Prospects for a Progressive Political Agenda' Denzin, N. e Y. Lincoln (orgs.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (4ª edição). Thousand Oaks: Sage; 729-745.
Apart from the texts selected for focused discussion in seminars, included here is a brief general bibliography indicating a number of useful syntheses of major trends in anthropological theory, which may be supplemented by specialized dictionaries and encyclopedias. Clearly, any theoretical line, tendency, movement, or 'school' will possess its own past and present legacy (the latter, as well, in certain cases still in the process of formulation). Thus, these references are nothing more than signposts of a generalized nature. For example, a large array of references in anthropology and related social sciences (key titles in their own specific sub-fields) are not mentioned (i.e., in post-structuralism, post-modernism, post-colonialism, interpretive anthropology, the anthropology of globalization, etc.).
Obviamente, cada linha teórica, tendência, movimento ou 'escola' terá o seu próprio legado bibliográfico passado e presente (esta, também, em certos casos ainda em processo de formulação). Assim, estas referências não são mais do que indicações prévias de cunho generalista. Por exemplo, não inclui um grande leque de títulos que, na antropologia, e por vezes transversal a outras ciências sociais, constituem referências-chave em âmbitos específicos (cf., no pós-estruturalismo, pós-modernismo, pós-colonialismo, antropologia interpretativa, antropologia da globalização, etc.).
Independentemente dos textos escolhidos para as discussões especificas nos seminários, inclui-se aqui uma breve bibliografia de referência generalizada, indicadora de alguns dos textos que constituem sínteses úteis de algumas das grandes linhas da teoria antropológica, a serem complementados por dicionários e enciclopédias especializados.
Theoretical Issues in Anthropology
This UC aims to enable students to critically think ethnographic theory and methodology from a phenomenological and hermeneutic perspective. meta-theoretical issues raised by PhD projects in progress.
ProgramAnthropology today ( Ortner
Anthropology and ethnography: ethnographic theory (Ingold)
Processes of categorisaton and classification ( Hacking)
The uses of comparison ( Candea and Van der Veer)
The uses of concepts ( Abu-Lughold; Descola)
The production of knowledge ( Fabian)
The divorce between the sciences and the humanities.
Ars critica and historicism.
Romantic Theories of Interpretation.
The methodological dualism of the social sciences (Dilthey and Weber)
Between Vienna and Krakow - anthropology.
From epistemology to ontology - art, world and truth in Heidegger.
The rehabilitation of the humanistic tradition and its central ideas - Bildung, sensus-communis, judgment, taste (Gadamer).
Anthropology - between pragmatism and solidarity.
Anthropology and its possible readers - the thesis as a text.
Ongoing evaluation and full attendance are a requirement. The final paper (up to 12 pages) should be based on 6 texts from the bibliography ( 80%).
BibliographyHacking, I., “The Looping Effect of Human Kinds” i, 1996, D. Sperber, D. Premack & A. J. Premack (eds.), Causal Cognition. A Multidisciplinary Approach, Oxford, Clarendon Press, pp.351-383.,
Verde, F., Fechados no quarto de espelhos: o perspectivismo ameríndio e o ´jogo comum´ da antropologia., 2017, Anuário Antropológico 42 (1).,
Ortner, S., “Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties”,, 1984, Comparative Studies in Society and History 26(1): 126-166,
Ortner, S., “Dark Anthropology and Its Others: Theory since the Eighties”, 2016, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 6(1): 47–73.,
Ingold, T., “Anthropology is not ethnography”, 2008, Proceedings of the British Academy,154: 69-92.,
Ingold, T, “That’s enough about ethnography”,, 2014, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 4(1): 383-395.,
Ingold, T., “Anthropology contra ethnography”,, 2017, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 7(1): 21-26.,
BERLIN, I., 1979 - "The Divorce Between the Sciences and the Humanities", in Against the Current - essays in the history of ideas. Princeton University Press.
por Joel Weinsheimer e Donald G. Marshall. London: Sheed & Ward, 1989.
RORTY, Richard. 1979 "Pragmatism, Relativism, Irrationalism". In: _____. Consequences of Pragmatism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982.
RORTY, R., 1998 - "Rationality and Cultural Difference", in Truth and Progress. Cambridge University Press.
RORTY, R., 1991 - "Solidarity or Objectivity" & "On Ethnocentrism: A reply to Clifford Geertz", in Objectivism, in Relativism and Truth. Cambridge University Press.
Fabian, J., “Cultural Anthropology and the question of knowledge”, 2012, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 18(2): 439-453.,
ABU-LUGHOD, L.,, “Writing Against Culture”,, 1991, Fox, R. (ed.), Recapturing Anthropology. Working in the Present, Santa Fe, School of American Research Press, 137-162.,
Descola, P., Beyond Nature and Culture, 2013, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 129-143.,
Oliveira. Pacheco de, “Uma Etnologia dos ‘Índios Misturados’? Situação Colonial, Territorialização e Fluxos Culturais”,, 2004, Oliveira, J. P. (ed.), A Viagem de Volta. Etnicidade, Política e Reelaboração Cultural no Nordeste Indígena, Rio de Janeiro, Contra Capa – Laced, 13-42.,
Candea, M., On two modalities of comparison in social anthropology”, 2016, L’Homme, 218(2),
Van der Veer, “The Value of Comparison”, 2014, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7(1), 2-13. Book symposium on The Value of Comparison, HAU 7 (1): 509-536.,
Figueiredo, G., Towards a pragmatist anthropology - objectivity, relativism, ethnocentrism, and intropathy., 2022, Anthropological Theory 22 (2).,
Alexandre, R., Over the ruins of subjects: A critique of subjectivism in anthropological discourse, 2023, Anthropological Theory 23 (3),
Fórum, “Forum. What is Analysis? Between Theory, Ethnography and Method”,, 2018, Social Analysis, 62(1): 1-30.,
COL, G da and GRAEBER D.,, “Foreword. The Return of Ethnographic Theory”,, 2011, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 1(1): vi-xxxv.,
SCRUTON, R., 1997 - "On Humane Education", in The Aesthetic Understanding. Augustine's Press.
VERDE, F., 2018 - "Fechados no Quarto de Espelhos - o perspectivismo ameríndio e o 'jogo comum' da antropologia", in Anuário Antropológico 2017.
WACHTERHAUSER, Brice R. "Getting it Right: Relativism, Realism, and Truth". In: Dostal, Robert J. The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer. Cambridge: Cambrige University Press, 2002.
Designing Ethnographic Research Projects
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to uphold a first draft of their PhD research project, to be perfected in the second semester of the first year of the PhD program.
OA1. Define the research object and theme, as well as main hypotheses
OA2. Write a first draft of the relevant state of the art
OA3. Define methodology and calendar
OA4. Uphold the originality and contribution of the project
CP1: Due to the specific nature of the course, classes will consist on the presentation of successive drafts of a research project form adapted from the FCT (Ministry of Science) form for research project application. Each draft is discussed with the lecturer and rewritten for each session, following the items in the form.
Evaluation processOn-going evaluation, with necessary full attendance (20%). The final evaluation consists of the final project version (80%).
BibliographyDada a natureza da UC, não se aplica. Sugestões de leituras poderão ser feitas pelo professor considerando cada caso individual, bem como pelo orientador.
Due to the very specific nature of the course, it does not apply. reading suggestions may be made by the lecturer, according to each student's project - as well as by the supervisor.
Projeto de Tese
Contemporary Anthropology
LG1: Knowing, identifying and use different analytical frameworks of understanding social contexts.
LG2: ethnographic engagement of different analytical perspectives and themes.
CP1. The notion of Sociality. The person as ssocially constituted
CP2. Engaged Anthropology
CP3. Gender, race and social class as social forms of diferentiation. Interseccionality
CP4. New critical aproaches to the concept of Class
CP5. Emotion and Time in anthropology
CP6. New mobilities
Seminar work. Final term paper (<15 p.). No exam. participation in seminars: 70%.
Regional Approaches in Anthropology
Upon successfully completing the course, the students should have acquired:
LO1 - A broad understanding of major analytical perspectives in regional perspectives in Anthropology;
LO 2 - The ability to identify and discuss the characteristics and transformations of anthropological debates on specific regional contexts;
LO 3 - The competence to understand the relevance of area studies in anthropology as well as their relationship with global studies.
1. Introduction to the seminar; anthropology and "area studies" a 20th century long history; a revaluation of "area studies" inputs.
2) Criticism of the idea of region ( Bourdieu 1980) and of Caribbean region (Trouillot 1992)
3) Orientalism and the studies on India
4) the place-concept binary ( Candea) and the notion of 'portable analytics' (Boyer and Howe)
5) The lowland South-America cultural area and the debates on animism
6) Ethnographies of "Europe" - Greece and Portugal
7) Problematising the regional approaches : transnacionalim and diaspora.
8) Global studies and area studies.
The course requirements include the following:
1) Class participation (20%);
2) A final essay based on one or two of the course topics (10 pages) double spaced) (80%);
Participants in this course are supposed to attend all sessions, complete the required readings before the class for which they are assigned and actively participate in the debates.
Final exam - there is no oral exam.
Appadurai, A., 1988 "Putting Hierarchy in its Place", Cultural Anthropology 3,1:36-49
Asad, T. et alter, "Provocations of European Ethnology", American Anthropologist 99, 4: 713-730.
Bourdieu, P.. 1994 (1980), Elements for a critical reflection on the idea of region', Language and symbolic Power, London, Polity Press.
Boyer, D and C. Howe, 2015 'Portable analytics and lateral theory', in D. Boyer, Faubion and G. Marcus (eds), Theory can be more than it used to be: Learning Anthropology's method in a Yime of transition, Cornell University Press, 15-38.
Candea, M. 2019 "Comparison, re-placed", in Eriksen, Blanes eds. Going to Pentecost. An Experimental Approach to Studies in Pentecostalism, Berghahn Books : 179-186.
Clifford, J., 1994, "Diasporas", Cultural Anthropology 9, 3: 302-338.
Herzfeld, M., "The Horns of Mediterranist dilemma", American Ethnologist 11, 3:439-454
Said, E., 2004 (1978), Orientalismo, Lisboa, Cotovia
Castelo, Cláudia, 1998, "O Modo Português de Estar no Mundo". O luso-tropicalismo e a ideologia colonial portuguesa (1933-1961), Lisboa, Afrontamento.
Fardon, Richard, 1990, Localizing Strategies: Regional Traditions of Ethnographic Writing, Edimburgo e Washington, Scottish Academic Press e Smithsonian Press.
Gupta, Akhil e James Ferguson (orgs), 1997, Anthropological Locations. Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Gringrich, Andrew e Richard J. Fox, 2002, Anthropology, By Compairaison, Londres/Nova Iorque, Routledge.
de Haan, L. J. (2010), Perspectives on African Studies and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, in: Africa Spectrum, 45, 1, 95-116.
Mbembe, A., 2001, On the Postcolony, University of California Press
Slocum, Karla e Deborah A. Thomas, 2003, "Rethinking Global and Area Studies", American. Anthropologist 105, 3: 553-565.
Szanton, David, 2002, The Politics of Knowledge: Area Studies and the Disciplines, GAIA Books, University of California (
Trouillot, M. R. 1992, 'The Caribbean region: An Open frontier in Anthropological Theory', Annual Review of Anthropology, 21, 19-42.
Thesis in Anthropology
After attending this UC, students must be able to :
OA1- identify methods and techniques of scientific practice, mostly those related to the anthropological ethnographic method.
OA2- demonstrate understanding of the diversity of anthropological methodologies and capacity to know when and how to use them
OA3- describe and interpret social interaction processes using ethnographic techniques.
The main items for this curricular unit are:
P1. Research Results Criticism.
P2. Paper/ Chapter Discussion.
P3. Seminars/conferences attendancy (mainly attending to CRIA Seminars).
Students will be evaluated through continuous assessment,
To approve this UC students must have a minimum attendance of 80%, participation in seminars (30%), and present a final report at the end of the semester(70%))
The final report on a topic agreed with the teacher.
Students who obtain a final mark equal to or over 10 will approve the course UC.
Stocking, George W. (1992) The Ethnographer?s Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology, Wisconsin, Un.of Wisconsin Press
Quivy, Raymond & Campenhoudt, Luc Van 1998 (1995) Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva
O' Neill, B. J. 1988 "Reflexões sobre o Estudo de Caso Antropológico" in O estudo da História: Boletim dos Sócios da Associação de Professores de História, nº 5-6 (II série), p. 5-23.
Oliveira, Roberto Cardoso de (1998) O Trabalho de Antropólogo, S.Paulo, Ed. UNESP
Marcus, George, 1998 (1995) Ethnography in/of the World System: The emergence of Multi-sited Ethnography? in Ethnography Through Thick and Thin, New jersey, Princeton University Press
Geertz, Clifford 1989 Uma descrição densa: por uma teoria interpretativa da Cultura? in A Interpretação das Culturas, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Guanabara
Da Matta, Roberto (1987) Relativizando. Uma Introdução à Antropologia Social, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco ed.
Vermeulen, Han F & Roldán, Arturo A. 1995 Fieldwork and Footnotes, London & N.York, EASA/Routledge
Stocking, George W. (1992) The Ethnographer?s Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology, Wisconsin, Un.of Wisconsin Press
Sperber, Dan 1992 (s/d) O saber dos Antropólogos, Lisboa, Ed.70
Sousa Santos, Boaventura 1986 Um Discurso sobre as Ciências, Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra
Sanjek, Roger (1990) Fieldnotes. The Making of Anthropology, Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press
Quivy, Raymond & Campenhoudt, Luc Van 1998 (1995) Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva
Poirier,J. & Clapier Valladon, S. & Raybaut (1983) 1995 Histórias de Vida - Teoria e Prática, Celta, Oeiras
O?Neill, Brian J. & Pais de Brito, Joaquim 1991 Lugares de Aqui, Lisboa, D.Quixote
O' Neill, B. J. 1988 "Reflexões sobre o Estudo de Caso Antropológico" in O estudo da História: Boletim dos Sócios da Associação de Professores de História, nº 5-6 (II série), p. 5-23.
Oliveira, Roberto Cardoso de (1998) O Trabalho de Antropólogo, S.Paulo, Ed. UNESP
Okely, Judith & Callaway, Helen 1992 Anthropology and autobiography, London & N.York, Routledge
Marcus, George, 1998 (1995) ?Ethnography in/of the World System: The emergence of Multi-sited Ethnography? in Ethnography Through Thick and Thin, New jersey, Princeton University Press
Maillo, H.V. & Castaño F.J. & Rada, A.D. (orgs.) 1993 Lecturas de Antropologia para Educadores: El ámbito de la Antropologia de la educación y de la etnografia Escolar Editorial Trotta, Madrid.
Leach, Edmund (1982)1989 A diversidade da Antropologia, Lisboa, ed. 70
Kuper, Adam (1973) Anthropologists and Anthropology [versão castelhana: Antropologia y antropólogos : la escuela británica (1922-1972), Barcelona, Editorial Anagrama
Geertz, Clifford (1983)1997, 1999 O Saber Local, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Vozes
Geertz, Clifford 1989 ?Uma descrição densa: por uma teoria interpretativa da Cultura? in A Interpretação das Culturas, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Guanabara
Feldman-Bianco, Bella (org.) 1987 A Antropologia das Sociedades Complexas, S.Paulo, Zahar
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 1976 ?Some Reminescences and Reflections on Fieldwork? in Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press
Da Matta, Roberto (1987) Relativizando. Uma Introdução à Antropologia Social, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco ed.
Copans, Jean 1999 (1996) Introdução à Etnologia e à Antropologia, Lisboa, Publicações Europa-América,
Bourdieu, P.1989 "Introdução a uma sociologia reflexiva" in O Poder Simbólico, Difel, Lisboa, p.17-58.
Thesis in Anthropology
The PhD in Anthropology provides a high level of expertise in multiple domains of action, such as:
- Cultural policies;
- Tangible and intangible heritage and museum related themes;
- Human rights and humanitarian policies;
- Sustainability in the context of globalization;
- Migration and diasporas;
- Cultural impact on the environment;
- Social inequalities and cultural differences;
- Social Theory and Anthropological Theory;
- Ethnography.