
Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-Iscte)
PhD Management
Building 4, room 329
(+351) 210 464 195
monday to friday, 10:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:00
Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)
Programme Structure for 2025/2026
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
1st Year | ||
Advanced Data Analysis Methods
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Construction of Theory in Social Work
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Public Policies and Social Protection
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Research Seminar in Social Work
12.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 12.0 |
Qualitative Methods in Social Research
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Paradigms and Models of Social Work Research
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Social Work Research and Professional Competences Development
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Applied Research in Social Work
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Optional Courses > Free Or Supplementary | 6.0 |
2nd Year | ||
Phd Thesis in Social Work
180.0 ECTS
Phd Thesis in Social Work | 180.0 |
Advanced Data Analysis Methods
LG1 | Operationalization of analytical dimensions through composite variables (Indexes)
LG2 | Acquire and develop knowledge about factorials analyses
LG3 | Acquire and develop knowledge about multiple linear regression
LG4 | Apply Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
LG5 | Apply t-test, ANOVA and multiple linear regression
LG6 | Analyse and interpret the results of the different models
LG7 | Report the results in a thesis/paper
1. Operationalization of analytical dimensions by indexes
1.1. Dimension reduction
1.1.1. Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
1.1.2. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
1.2. Reliability
1.3. Technical definition of the composite variables
1.4. Apply statistical software
1.5. Report results in a thesis/paper
2. Modelling relations
2.1. T-test
2.2. Analysis of Variance
2.3. Multiple linear regression
2.4. Apply statistical software
2.5. Statistical interpretation of the results
2.6. Report results in a thesis/paper
The assessment of the course consists of an individual assignment (100%), in which the different quantitative methods are applied with the support of statistical software.
The assessment of this course does not include a final written exam.
Title: Bryman, Alan (2012). Social research methods. Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 4th Ed.
Carvalho, H. (2017). Análise Multivariada de Dados Qualitativos, Utilização da Análise de Correspondências Múltiplas com o SPSS, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, 2ª ed.
Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B. and Anderson, R. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson New International Edition, 8th ed.
Maroco, J. (2014). Análise Estatística com o SPSS Statistics, Pero Pinheiro, ReportNumber, 6ª ed.
Maroco, J. e Bispo, R. (2003). Estatística aplicada às ciências sociais e humanas, Lisboa, Climepsi Editores.
Reis, E. (2001). Estatística Multivariada Aplicada, Lisboa, Sílabo, 2ª ed.
Tabachnick, B. e Fidell, L. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics, USA, Person International Edition, 6th ed.
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Construction of Theory in Social Work
- Questioning of theoretical issues in the construction and production of Knowledge in Social Work;
- To deeper a reflection on the Theory of Social Work was founded in historical and contemporary perspectives;
- Reconstruction of the references in Social Work Theory and its application to act professional Social Worker.
I. Building Process Theory Social Work:
- Conflictuality internal social sciences and Social Work.
- Theorizing and knowledge construction in Social Work.
- Classical Social Theory.
II. Theoretical references of Social Work:
- Re - conceptualize the theory and models of Social Work in the contemporary world, which integrates the dimensions: global, international, national and regional;
- Scientific deepening: (theoretical-methodological) and professional (instrumental).
III. Contemporary perspectives:
- Reconfiguration of Social Theory in contemporary times.
- Construction of an Integrated Theory in Social Work.
A written individual paper on the Epistemology and Theory of Social Work, based in authors of Social Work.
Presentation of a theory as to reveal: Epistemological base of Social Work; Theoretical Framework of Social Work. Theory; Theory of Social Work; Chains, Foundations and Principles of Social Work; Critical positioning of the student.
- Periodic evaluation =100%
Title: HEPWORTH, Dean H. e als). (2010). Direct Social Work Pratice. Theory and Skils. Eighth Edition.USA. Ed. BROOKS/COLE Cengage Learning. ISBN- 13: 978-0-495-60167-8.
HEALY, Karen (2001). Trabajo. Social: perspectivas contempráneas, Madrid e Corunha: Ediciones Morata e Fundación Paideia.
Davis, Martin (2008) The Blackwell Companion to Social Work. ª edição. Blackwell publishing. USA
BROWNING, Gary; Abigail Halcli, e Frank Webster (2000). Understanding Contemporary Society? theories of the present. Londres, Thousand Oaks, Nova Deli: Sage.
ADAMS, Robert; DOMINELLI, L. and Payne, Malcolm, (2002). Critical Practice in Social Work, N. York. Ed. Palgrave.
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Title: VISCARRET, Juan Jesús (2009). Modelos y métodos de intervención en Trabajo Social. Madrid. Editora Alianza Editorial.
TURNER, Bryans S.(ed). (1996). Teoria Social. Tradução: Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento. Lisboa. Ed. DIFEL, Difusão Editorial. Blackwell Publishers, Ltd.
TORRE, Ramón Ramos e SELGAS, Fernando Garcia. (1999). Globalización, riesgo, reflexividad. Tres temas de la teoria social contemporânea. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Madrid. Ed. ACADEMIA.
Sen, Amartya (2018) Escolha coletiva e Bem-Estar Social. Edições Almedina. Coimbra
Sudbery, John and Whittaker, Andrew (2019) Human Growth and Development An Introduction for Social Workers. 2ª Edition. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. New York and London.
Ferreira, Jorge M. L., y Raya Díez, Esther (2015) "El objeto de estudio en trabajo social: dimensión científica" in Métodos y técnicas de investigación en trabajo social. Caparrós, Neus Civera y Raya Díez Esther (coord). ed. ciclo grupo 5 S.L.U, Espanha (Espanhol)
ESPINOSA, Emilio Lamo e IBÁNEZ, José Henrique Rodríguez (1993). Problemas de Teoria Social contemporânea. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Madrid. Ed. ACADEMIA.
Rocha, H. B.; Ferreira, J. (2016); "An Ecosocial model for the sustainability of vulnerable communities" chapter 9 in the book "Ecosocial transformation in society - Research on the contribution of social work and social policy". Matthies & Närhi (eds.) Routledge, (Taylor & Francis Group) London (data de publicação set/2016)
Thompson, Neil and Stepney, Paul (2018) Social Work Theory and Methods The Essentials. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. New York and London
RESTREPO, Olga Lúcia Vélez (2003). Reconfigurando el trabajo social. Perspectivas y tendências contemporaneas. Editorial Espacio, 1ª edição. Buenos Aires.
LEE, Judith A.B. 2001. The Empowerment Approach to Social Work Practice. Building the Beloved Community. 2ª ed. Nova York. Columbia University Press.
FRANS, Douglas J. (1993). A Scale for Measuring Social Worker Empowerment, Research on Social Work Practice, 3, 312.
CALVO, Liliana. 2009. Familia, Resiliencia y red Social. Un abordge experiencial en el Trabajo Social com famílias. 1ª ed. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
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Public Policies and Social Protection
Acquisition of knowledge and reflective capacity on:
1. The origins and causes of the development of welfare states;
2. The distinctive features of European social policy;
3. The institutional and political diversity of welfare states;
4. How different countries and/or models reform their welfare states;
5. The prices and constraints facing social policies.
1. Origins and Development of the Welfare State;
2. Political Legitimacy and Welfare State;
3. State, Society and Market in the provision of welfare and social protection;
4. Welfare regimes;
5. Social protection in Portugal: Brief history and evolution;
6. Policies: Retirement pensions, Health, Continuing care, Work accidents and illness, Disability, Unemployment, Activation for the labor market, Social assistance, Family benefits and Family support services, Housing, Education;
Protection Rights and Responsibilities;
7. Tension Zones and controversies over the Welfare State;
8. Social Protection, technological revolution and changes in work;
9. Financial sustainability of the social protection system;
10. Globalization, migration and social protection;
11. Attitudes, aspirations and preferences of citizens;
12. The Future of the Welfare State;
The modality of knowledge assessment is continuous assessment, requiring a minimum attendance of 14 hours. Student assessment consists of the preparation of an individual work with a maximum of 10 pages, in which students demonstrate the usefulness of the Curricular Unit, as a whole or some of the topics covered, for their doctoral thesis projects.
Title: Calado, Alexandre, Luís Capucha e Pedro Estevão (2019), ?Welfare State Development in Portugal?, Comparative Sociology, 18, pp. 658-686.
Arts, Will A. e John Gelissen (2010), ?Models of the Welfare State?, in Francis Castles, Stephen Leibfried, Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger e Christopher Pierson, The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 569-583.
Esping-Andersen, Gösta (1990), ?Introduction? e ?The three political economies of the Welfare State?, in The three worlds of welfare Capitalism, Cambridge, polity Press, pp. 1-5 e 9-35.
Kuhnle, Stein e Anne Sander (2010), "The Emmergence of the Western Welfare State?, in Francis Castles, Stephen Leibfried, Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger e Christopher Pierson, The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp.61-80.
Almeida, João Ferreira de (2013), ?Perspetivas sobre o Estado?, in Desigualdades e perspetivas dos Cidadãos. Portugal e a Europa, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais, pp. 191-214.
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Title: Gough, Ian e Göran Therborn (2010), ?The global future of Welfare States?, in Francis Castles, Stephen Leibfried, Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger e Christopher Pierson, The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 703-720.
Duane Swank (2010), ?Globalization?, in Francis Castles, Stephen Leibfried, Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger e Christopher Pierson, The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 318-330.
Hemerijck, Anton (2013), ?In defense of affordable Social Investment?, in Changing Welfare States, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Moreno, Luís (2019), Robotization and welfare scenarios, Instituto de Política y Bienes Públicos (IPP), CSIC, Working Paper,. 2019.01. Acessível em:
Stephens, John D. (2010) ?The social rights of citizenship?, in Francis Castles, Stephen Leibfried, Jane Lewis, Herbert Obinger e Christopher Pierson, The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 511-525.
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Research Seminar in Social Work
Know relevant national and international experiences related to research in Social Work; acquire instrumental skills related to the application of methods and techniques of research in social work to contribute to the production of knowledge in Social Work.
ProgramOrganization of sessions for presentation of several researches and presentation, discussion of doctoral research projects.
Evaluation processThe assessment of this course is the development of the thesis project - 100%.
The project should not exceed 15 pages and delivery is 30 days after the last class. Project evaluation in public session. has transition effects for the 2nd year.
Title: A bibliografia básica é variável e depende da problemática de estudo da cada doutorando, sendo complementada com referências bibliográficas básicas desta UC.
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Title: Turner, Jonathan (2005) A new approach for theoretically integrating micro and macro analysis, in Craig Calhoun, C. Rojek, B. Turner (Ed.) , The Sage Handbook of Sociology, London, Sage Publications, pp. 405-422.
Smelser, Neil Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences, Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice-Hall
Shaw, Ian; Gould Nick (2001) Qualitative Research in Social Work, 2nd edition London, Sage Publications.
Rodrigues, Maria Lúcia (1998) Cultivando a pesquisa reflexões sobre a investigação em ciências sociais e humanas, UNESP, S Paulo, 1998
Nunes, A. Sedas, (1977) Questões Preliminares sobre as Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Edições Presença.
Kaufmann, Jean-Claude, (1996), L'entretien compréhensif, Paris, Nathan
Costa, António Firmino da (1986), Pesquisa de terreno em sociologia in, J.Madureira Pinto e A. S. Silva (orgs.), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, Porto, Edições Afrontamento.
Carvalho, Helena (2004), Análise Multivariada de Dados Qualitativos, Lisboa, Sílabo.
Burgess, Robert, (2001) A pesquisa de terreno, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Bryman Alan (2007) Barriers to integrating quantitative and qualitative research? Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1, pp.8-22
Bryman, Alan (2006) Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: how is it done Qualitative Research, 6 pp.97-113
Brannen, Julia (2005) Mixed Methods research: a discussion paper, Economic & Social Research Council, National Centre for Research Methods. URL:
Brannen, Julia (1995) Mixing Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research, London, Ashgate.
Bourdieu, Pierre, (2001) ?Compreender, in Pierre Bourdieu, Petropolis, Editora Vozes, 2001,pp. 693-713.
Blanchet, A. et. al., (1985) L'entretien dans les Sciences Sociales, Paris, Dunod.
Berthaux, Daniel, Oral History Approaches to an International Social Movement?, in Oyen, Else,(1990), Comparative Methodology. Theory and practise in international social research,London, Sage Publications, Sage Studies in International Sociology.
Baptista, Myriam Veras (1992) A produção do conhecimento social contemporâneo e a sua ênfase no Serviço Social, S Paulo, Brasil
Silva, Augusto Santos e J. Madureira Pinto, (1986) (Org), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais,Porto, Edições Afrontamento.
A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Schmitter, Philippe C. (2008). The design of social & political research?, in Della Porta,Donatella e Michael Keating (eds.) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences.
Quivy, R. e L. Champenhoud, (2003), Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa,Gradiva.
Vázquez-Aguado, O., Fernández-Borrero, M. A., Álvarez-Pérez, P., Harris, V. W. (2015). Spanish-Moroccan Families in a Context of Family Diversity in Spain. Challenges for the Construction of Interculturalism. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 3, pp. 22-35, ISSN: 2183-1912
Harris, V. W., Bedard, K., Moen D., Álvarez-Pérez, P. (2015). The Role of Friendship, Trust, and Love in Happy German Marriages. Marriage & Family Review, ISSN: 0149-4929
Álvarez-Pérez, P., Vázquez-Aguado, O., Fernández-Borrero, M. A. (2015). Unrecognized rights, nonexistent laws. The invisibility of foreign teenage mothers: a challenge for social work in Spain. ARBOR, 191-771, ISSN: 0210-1963
Oyen, Else, (1990), Comparative Methodology. Theory and practise in international social research, London, Sage Publications, Sage Studies in International Sociology.
Ghiglione, Rodolphe e Benjamin Matalon (1992) O Inquérito. Teoria e Prática, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
Gauthier, Benoît (2003), Investigação Social da problemática à colheita de dados, Loures, Ed.Lusociência.
Jorge M. L. Ferreira, y Esther Raya Díez "El objeto de estudio en trabajo social: dimensión científica" in Métodos y técnicas de investigación en trabajo social. Caparrós, Neus Civera y Raya Díez Esther (coord). ed. ciclo grupo 5 S.L.U., 2015,Espanha (Espanhol)
Baptista, Myriam V. (2001) A investigação em serviço social Ed. Veras, Lisboa/S. Paulo,Cpihts.
Bachelard, Gaston, (1984) O Racionalismo Aplicado?, em A Epistemologia, Lisboa, Edições 70.
Babbie, Earl (1989) The practise of Social Research, Belmont, California Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Sociais da Sociologia em João Ferreira de Almeida (coord.), Introdução à Sociologia, Lisboa,Universidade Aberta, pp. 13-33; pp. 193-213; pp. 212-222.
Almeida, João Ferreira de, Fernando Luís Machado, Luís Capucha e Anália Cardoso Torres(1994), Ciências Sociais e Sociologia, Metodologia da pesquisa empírica?, Contributos
Almeida, João Ferreira e Pinto, José Madureira, Condições e Problemas Genéricos da Pesquisa Empírica em A Investigação nas Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Ed. Presença, 1976 (1ªEdição). pp. 61-114.
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Qualitative Methods in Social Research
Students are expected to achieve the following learning objectives:
LO1: Place intensive methodologies within the framework of social work research, identifying their specificities and possibilities of articulation with extensive methodologies
LO2: Develop knowledge about the main case selection methods in qualitative research
LO3: Distinguish the main methods and techniques in qualitative research
LO4: Identify potential ethical issues and develop adequate strategies to each situation
LO5: Develop content analysis competencies.
PC1. Qualitative research in the scope of social research
PC2. The selection of cases in qualitative research
PC3. Interviews
PC4. Biographical research and research on sensitive topics
PC5. Field research
PC6. Research using documents and images
PC7. Ethical issues in qualitative research
PC8. Content analysis: theory and practice
Individual essay with a minimum score of 10 values.
The essays must be original, authored by the students themselves, both from the point of view of writing, as well as the organisation of ideas and construction of the argument, in accordance with the Iscte Code of Academic Conduct and the Iscte Code of Ethical Conduct in Research.
Title: Bardin, Laurence (2000), Análise de Conteúdo, Lisboa, Edições 70.
Bryman, Alan (2016), Social Research Methods (5th ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Burgess, Robert G. (2001), A Pesquisa de Terreno. Uma Introdução, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
Denzin, Norman S. e Yvonna S. Lincoln (eds.) (2000), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Londres, Sage.
Flick, Uwe (2005), Métodos qualitativos na investigação científica, Lisboa, Monitor.
Plummer, Ken (2001), Documents of life 2: An invitation to a critical humanism, London, Sage.
Ragin, Charles C. e H. Becker (eds.) (1992), What is a Case? Exploring the Foundations of Social Inquiry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Ragin, Charles (1994), Constructing Social Research. The Unity and Diversity of Method, Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge.
Seale, Clive, Giampietro Gobo, Jaber F. Gubrium e David Silverman (eds.) (2004), Qualitative Research Practice, London, Sage.
Shaw, Ian & Nick Gould (2001), Qualitative Research in Social Work, London. Sage.
Silverman, David (ed.) (2011), Qualitative Research (3rd ed.), London, Sage.
Almeida, João Ferreira de, Fernando Luís Machado, Luís Capucha e Anália Torres (1994), “Metodologia da pesquisa empírica”, em João Ferreira de Almeida (coord.), Introdução à Sociologia, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, pp. 13-33; pp. 193-213; pp. 212-222.
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Title: Bertaux, Daniel (ed.) (1981), Biography and Society. The Life History Approach in Social Sciences, Beverly Hills, Sage.
Creswell, John W. & J. David Creswell (2018), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (5th edition), Thousand Oaks, Sage.
Flick, Uwe (2014), An Introduction to Qualitative Research, 5th edition, London, Sage.
Foddy, William (1996), Como perguntar. Teoria e Prática da construção de perguntas para entrevistas e questionários, Oeiras, Celta Editora.
Gubrium, Jaber F., James A. Holstein, Amir B. Marvasti e Karyn D. McKinney (eds) (2012), The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research: The Complexity of the Craft, Thousand Oaks, Sage.
Guerra, Isabel (2006), Pesquisa Qualitativa e Análise de Conteúdo. Sentidos e formas de uso, São João do Estoril, Principia.
Joubert, Lynette & Martin Webber (eds.) (2020), The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Practice Research, Abingdon, Routledge.
Kuckartz, Udo e Stefan Rädiker (2019), Analyzing Qualitative Data with MAXQDA: Text, Audio, and Video, Springer.
Maxwell, Joseph A. (2005), Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Padgett, Deborah K. (2017), Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research, 3rd edition, Thousand Oaks, Sage.
Pinto, José Madureira e Augusto Santos Silva (orgs.) (1984), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, Porto, Edições Afrontamento.
Poirier, Jean, Chapier-Valadon, Simone e Paul Raybaut (1995), Histórias de Vida: Teoria e Prática, Oeiras, Celta.
Quivy, Raymond e Luc Campenhout (1992), Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva.
Silverman, David (2000), Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook, London: Sage.
Strauss, Anselm e Juliet Corbin (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques, London, Sage.
Thyer, Bruce A. (ed.) (2011), The Handbook of Social Work Research Methods, Thousand Oaks, Sage.
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Paradigms and Models of Social Work Research
This UC aims to provide students with major conceptual and operational tools for fundamental and applied research design in social work, in order to develop innovative and creative research projects.
To meet these objectives the program is designed to provide students with conceptual tools:
1) Social Work as a scientific discipline in the scope of social sciences;
2) Currents of thought in Social Theory and its relationship with research paradigms;
3) Research models in Social Work.
1. Social Work as a knowledge discipline: historical pathway, boundaries and relation with Social Sciences.
2. Social Theory currents of thought:
a. Overarching debates in Social Theory: subject/structure, order/conflict, macro/micro;
b. Classical currents of thought in Social Theory: functionalism, structuralism, interactionism.
c. Debates in contemporary Social Theory: structuration theory, structural-constructivism, critical theory, rational choice theory, actor-network theory
3. From Social Theory to research paradigms:
a. Positivism, neo-positivism and rationalism.
b. Interpretivism, phenomenology and constructivism.
c. Critical realism, anti-oppressive and participatory approaches.
Participatory learning process based either in sessions organized by doctoral students both in conferences and/or seminars of depth studies in Social Work.
The assessment implies the following types of personal work:
- A synthetic presentation in the classroom of the application of the subjects addressed to the final written work (20%);
- Final written work (individual) (80%).
Title: Webb, S (2000), "Some consideration on the validity of Evidence-based practice in Social Work" in British Journal of Social Work, 31.
Shaw, I (2016), Social Work Science, Columbia University Press, Nova Iorque.
Gray, M; J Midgley, e S Webb (org.s) (2012), The Sage Handbook of Social Work, Sage, Londres.
Garcia, JL, e H Martins (org.s) (2019), Lições de Sociologia Clássica, Edições 70, Lisboa.
Ferreira, J (2011), " Contributos para o debate da epistemologia em Serviço Social" in Trabajo Social Global Revista de investigaciones en intervención social; Vol 2, No 3 (2), Barcelona, pp. 62-77.
Creswell, J (2003), Research Design, Sage, Thousand Oaks.
Bryman, A (2012), Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Blaikie, N (2000), Designing Social Research, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Baert, P, e FC da Silva (2014), Teoria Social Contemporânea, Mundos Sociais, Lisboa
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Title: Amaro, MI (2018), "Conhecimento, acção e investigação em Serviço Social: questões de um campo em construção", pp. 1-26.
Wilson, Kate (2008) Social Work, Essex, Pearson Education Limited
Whittaker, Andrew Research skills for social work (2010) Mixed Sources,UK
VILELAS, José (2009) O Processo de Construção do Conhecimento. Lisboa. Edições Sílabo
Shaw, Ian; Gould Nick (2001) Qualitative Research in Social Work, 2nd edition London, Sage Publication
RUBIN, Allen, BABBIE, Earl (2008), Research Methods for Social Work. Sixth edition. USA.Ed. Thomson Brocks/Cole.
Ragin, Charles (1994), Constructing Social Research. The Unity and Diversity of Method, Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge;
Orme, J. e D. Shemmings (2010) Developing Research-Based Social Work practice, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
OLABUÉNAGA, J. (1999), Metodología de la investigación cualitativa, Bilbao, Universid de Duesto
Martins, Alcina (1999) Serviço Social e Investigação in Serviço Social Profissão Identidade e Trajectória, Lisboa, São Paulo, Veras Ed.
Ian Shaw, Katharine Briar-Lawson; Joan Orme, and Roy Ruckdeschel (org.s) (2010), The Sage Handbook of Social Work Research, Sage, Londres.
McLaughlin, Hugh (2012) Understanding social work research , London, Sage ed.
Lyons, K. (2000) "The place of research in social work education", British Journal of Social Work education, 30 (4); 433-4
Karsch, Ursula (1988) "A Produção Académica do Assistente Social: alguns pontos de vista sobre a pesquisa, Serviço Social e Sociedade, 28, ano IX, 121-126
Gauthier, Benoît (2003), Investigação Social: da problemática à colheita de dados, Loures, Ed Lusociência.
Fortin, Marie F. (1999) O Processo de investigação, Loures, Ed. Lusociência
FLICK, U. (2005), Métodos Qualitativos na Investigação Científica, Lisboa: Ed Monitor
Dominelli, L. e E, McLeod (1989) Feminist Social Work, Basingstoke, Macmillan
Deshaies, Bruno (1992) Metodologia da Investigação em Ciências Humanas. Colecção Epistemologia e Sociedade. Lisboa. Ed. Instituto Piaget
Cruz, M B (2004), Teorias Sociológicas - os fundadores e os clássicos, vol. I, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.
Babbie, Earl,(1989), The Practise of Social Research, Belmont, California Wadsworth Publishing Company
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Social Work Research and Professional Competences Development
Recognize the different proposals for models and approaches in the relationship between research and practice
- To elaborate matrices of analysis and construction of indicators that promote an informed intervention in Social Work.
-Produce and use evidence in the development of professional skills
1. The construction of Social work intervention in the contemporary world: theory, research and action.
2. Thinking about the relationship between research and practice -Paradigms, methodologies and typologies.
3. The research in social worker practice: diagnosis, decision-making and intervention.
4. The development of competencies for an informed intervention in Social Work.
- Presentation by the Professor;
- Debate and analytical reflection on the themes of doctoral research.
- The evaluation is individual, each doctoral student lecture a class = 40% and prepares 1 paper 3-5 following the topics of the program = 60%.
Title: Joubert, L.& Webber, M. (2022) The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Practice Research
Webber, Martin (2015) Applying research evidence in social work practice, London, Palgrave
Taylor, Brian (2017) Decison Making, Assessment and Risk in Social Work, London, Sage Publ. PP 9-26
Shaw, Ian (2018) Research and the social work picture, uk, Policy Press
Knott, C. and Terry Scragg (2016) Reflective Practice in Social Work
Mclaughlin, Hugh(2011) Understanding Social Work Research, Sage Publ.
Healy, Karen (2014), Social Work Theories in Context: Creating Frameworks for Practice, London, Palgrave Macmillan
Forte, James A. (2014). An introduction to using theory in social work practice. Routledge
Dodd, Sarah-Jane and Epstein, Irwin (2012) Practice-Based Research for Social Workers, Routledge
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Title: Peláez, A. & Kirwan, G. (2023) The Routledge International Handbook of Digital Social Work
Zastrom, Charles H. (2010), The Practice of Social Work. A Comprehensive Worktext, 9th. Edition, USA.Ed. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
Trevithick, Pamela (2012), Social Work Skills and Knowledge, third edition, Berkshire, Open University Press
Teater, Barbra (2010), Applying Social Work Theories and Methods, Berkshire, Open University Press
Stepney, Paul and Deirdre Ford (eds)(2000), Social Work Models, Methods and Theories, Dorset, Russell House Publishing
Orme, J. e D. Shemmings (2010) Developing Research-Based Social Work practice, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Martins, Alcina (1999) Serviço Social e Investigação in Serviço Social Profissão Identidade e Trajectória, Lisboa, São Paulo, Veras Ed.
Lyons, K. (2000) "The place of research in social work education", british Journal of Social Work education, 30 (4); 433-47
Howe, David (2014), The compleat social worker, London, Palgrave Macmillan
Groulx, Lionel -Henri (1994) Liens recherche et pratique: les thèses en pratique in "Nouvelles pratiques sociales" vol 7 /nº2
Gray, Mel and Stephen Webb (2013), The New Politics of Social Work, London, palgrave Macmillan
Albuquerque, C. & Arcoverde, A. (2017) Serviço Social Contemporâneo, ed. pactor
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Applied Research in Social Work
- Dominate drawing strategies of research projects;
- Apply methods and scientific research techniques in Social Work;
- Develop research projects in Social Work based on transdisciplinary research and teamwork.
1.Integration in research teams of CIES-IUL or other centers / research units in Social Work in the research of doctoral student;
2. Experiencing the advanced search exercise in Social Work tutored by centers / national research units and or international;
3. Access the search software and the empirical data produced by the center / research unit.
Produce a report that refers to developed scientific activities, the learning done as well as its assessment of the gains for the advancement of his doctoral thesis project.
BibliographyPhd Thesis in Social Work
To relate an appropriate theoretical and methodological work for the production of knowledge in Social Work;
To interpret and to correlate information gathered in the empirical field to correlate the data information with the theoretical dimension of the subject under investigation;
Stratify and to demonstrate the results in order to sustain an intervention in social work based on research.
I - Organization of advanced national and international seminars in the field of approved research projects.
II - Presentation, exposure, reflection, and debate sessions on progress reports from the Research Project presented by each doctoral student in the classroom, external experts may be included.
III -National and international conferences cycle in the scientific field of Social Work.
IV - Meetings of teams and research networks in the fields of research to encourage scientific publication.
V - Individual tutorial or group sessions with the thesis advisor
Progress report delivered to the advisor.
Final thesis and jury.
Title: Zastrom, Charles H. (2010). The Practice of Social Work. A Comprehensive Worktext. 9th. Edition. USA. Ed. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. 90
Rubin, Allen, BABBIE, Earl (2008), Research Methods for Social Work. Sixth edition. USA. Ed. Thomson Brocks/Cole. 90
Adequada ao projeto de investigação de cada doutorando.
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Phd Thesis in Social Work
Recommended optative
Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.
2nd semester
02825 | Social Work and Civil Society (ESPP | SS)
02874 | Advanced Seminar in Social Work and Disability (ESPP | SS)
The PhD programme in Social Work at Iscte has the following general objectives:
a) To qualify teachers, researchers and professionals at a scientific level, developing a "critical mass" in Social Work;
b) Analyze and understand the epistemological, theoretical, and empirical foundations of Social Work within the framework of contemporary social transformation;
c) Develop analysis of the practice of social intervention based upon research;
d) Develop and execute advanced research in the domain of professional practice, as well as the analysis of social policy in various social and institutional contexts;
e) Foster scientific debate and exchange within Portuguese, European, and international research networks;
f) Encourage the publication of the research outcomes in Social Work.
The PhD programme in Social Work aims prepare Social Work professionals and specialists to:
a) Systematically understand Social Work as a field of study supported by its associated techniques and methods of research;
b) Conduct an original research programme of recognized scientific merit in the field of Social Work;
c) Critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas in Social Work;
d) Promote technological, social and cultural advancement within society based on knowledge from academic and professional contexts;
e) Have the skills to continue learning throughout life with a high degree of autonomy.
This component of the programme also includes attending:
- International conference cycle in Social Work
- Advanced seminars in Social Work
Second Year:
- Presentation and discussion of progress of research developed by doctoral candidates in first year and beginning of second;
- Provides the opportunity for public discussion of peers’ research topics and their progress.
Third Year:
- Presentation of a paper in the 3rd-year doctoral programme colloquium.
- This paper should reflect the progress of the candidate’s research, and should be aimed for subsequent submission for publication in an academic journal of national or international scope.
1) To enroll in the thesis unit, candidates must present an approved research project and their registration.
2) Thesis preparation must include the completion of a research project in the Centre for Research and Studies of Sociology (CIES) or, with the authorization of the directors of the doctoral programme, in another research centre.
3) As an alternative of equivalent requirement to the thesis, doctoral candidates may opt to produce a coherent compilation of relevant research publications that fall under the framework of public policy. These papers must have already been published in scientific journals with internationally recognized selection committees.
4) Either the preparation of the thesis or the compilation of articles must be supervised by an advisor with a PhD named by the programme directors for this purpose.