The degree in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies offers comprehensive training in the development of algorithms and models that enable machines to analyze large volumes of data, identify complex patterns and make intelligent decisions. These skills are fundamental in areas as diverse as process optimization, predictive modelling or task automation.
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Artificial Intelligence is already part of our daily lives. From mobile applications, which adapt their operations to our behavior, to industrial automation for efficiency gains, to medicine and entertainment, AI has become a key part of the way we live and work. However, there is still a huge shortage of qualified professionals who master these technologies and know how to apply them effectively in organizations.
Iscte-Sintra's Artificial Intelligence degree is designed to fill this gap, offering training focused on practice and solving concrete problems.
The teaching and learning methods are student-centered, promoting an active and integrated experience. Teaching activities are concentrated in shifts (morning or afternoon), allowing for greater flexibility and a focus on self-study.
Throughout the course, students develop advanced skills in programming, machine learning, optimization and advanced algorithms, applying these tools to solve complex problems in real contexts, thus being prepared to work in different professional contexts, such as technology companies, consultancy and data analysis.
In the final year of the course, students have the opportunity to choose optional subjects that allow them to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, aligning their training with the professional and academic goals they wish to achieve.
We look forward to seeing you at Iscte-Sintra.
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