Doctorate Degree (PhD)


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6 Years
16 Mar 2018
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Cr 59/2018 de 18/06/2018
Update registry
School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00

As optativas podem ser selecionadas de entre a oferta de outros doutoramentos na NOVA FCSH ou ISCTE-IUL.

Tuition fee EU nationals (2025/2026)

1.stYear 1500.00 €
2.ndYear 1500.00 €
3.rdYear 1500.00 €
4.thYear 1500.00 €
1500€ por ano (4 anos)
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

In addition to the Curricular Units listed below, its mandatory the enrollment each semester, in 1 Optional Curricular Unit from another course.

Optional course units have a limited number of places and will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.

Programme Structure for 2025/2026

1st Year
Anthropological Theory
6.0 ECTS
Methodoloy and Project Design in Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
Outline of Project in Anthropology
12.0 ECTS
Themes in Anthropology
6.0 ECTS
12.0 ECTS
Anthropological Debates
6.0 ECTS
2nd Year
Thesis in Anthropology
180.0 ECTS


• Provide in-depth theoretical, conceptual and methodological tools for the study of Anthropology;
• Provide the necessary conditions for the debate of fundamental themes adequate for an advanced level of training;
• Develop critical reflexive capacities;
• Supply the competencies required for research;
• Train students for the development of independent work.

• Capacity to research independently;
• Ability to debate complex issues developing the capacity of synthesis;
• Apprehend concepts, theories and methodologies inherent to the development of research in Anthropology;
• Articulate the contributions from Anthropology to other disciplines;
• Capacity to present clearly and coherently complex intellectual problems orally and in writing;
• Ability to carry out documental research, fieldwork and;
• Understand and relate complex phenomena in diverse social and geographical contexts.

School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00
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