BIP Incoming

Iscte professors interested in organising a Blended Intensive Programme should contact the International Relations Office and submit an application form indicating the title, programme, partner universities, number of participants, number of ECTS, etc.

Detailed information on the BIPs offered by Iscte can be found on the following pages:

2024/2025 - Technologies for Businesses


BIP in "Technologies for Businesses" (TBA)


Sandra de Sá Guerra Marques Pereira


PHYSICAL PART: 5 days - 17/03/25 to 21/03/25



Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon


Czech Republic - Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Finland - Laurea University of Applied Sciences

France - Universite Gustave Eiffel


2024/2025 - Cities Futures Interdisciplinary Challenges


Based on the principles of the Learning by Developing (LbD) pedagogical model, this BIP/school pilot includes modules, but not only, on:

Futurism – cities foresight;
Information, Data Visualization and Accessibility for User Decision Making;
Design thinking for envisioning cities futures focused on the LbD challenges;
Transport innovation – Sustainable Urban Development;
Human centred Artificial Intelligence;
Sensing mobility data;
Intermediate presentations of the challenges proposed by the associated partners;
Hackathon Future Cities From Vivid Reality: Inclusive and Sustainable and Challenges in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area;


Catarina Ferreira da Silva


PHYSICAL PART/5 days (20h) - 20/01/25 to 24/01/25

VIRTUAL PART before physical part - end of October (duration of 12 weeks: 9 online modules/ 2h each)


Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon


Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finlândia, membro da Aliança PIONEER

Université Gustave Eiffel, França, membro da Aliança PIONEER

University of Zilina, Eslováquia, membro da Aliança PIONEER

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Eslováquia


2024/2025 Housing solutions in 21st century cities: facing the affordable housing crisis


The course aims to acquire the skills to problematise and test creative and informed solutions to specific housing problems having into account three main objectives: 1) design of solutions to concrete problems resulting from the housing crisis in a metropolitan context that illustrate the ripple effects - conceptually, contextually and methodologically grounded solutions; 2) comprehensive Understanding: gain a thorough understanding of contemporary political, social and urban dynamics related to housing issues; 3) insight into Real Estate Development: explore the workings of real estate development, including its stakeholders, motivations, and the criteria used to assess and monetize housing, ranging from location considerations to architectural signature.


Urban Studies


Sandra de Sá Guerra Marques Pereira


PHYSICAL PART: 5 days - 11/11/24 to 15/11/24

VIRTUAL PART: 3 days - 2 before physical part and 1 after physical part


Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon


Belgium - University of Antwerp| UAntwerp

Belgium - Hasselt University

Germany - TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences

Italy - Università degli Studi di Salerno

Romania - Gheorghe Asachi - Technical University of Iasi

Serbia - University of Belgrade

Slovakia- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


2024/2025 - Digital Transformation in a Public Services


This program blends theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on experience, aiming to empower participants to become catalysts for digital innovation in public services. The ultimate goal is to contribute to more efficient, inclusive, and responsive public services that meet the needs of all citizens, especially in areas critical to social welfare and development.


Public Administration Public Policy


David Ferraz


PHYSICAL PART: 5 days - 04/11/24 to 08/11/24

VIRTUAL PART: 3 days - 2 before physical part and 1 after physical part


Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon


Bulgaria - University of National and World Economy| UNWE

Finland - Laurea University of Applied Sciences

Lithuania - Kaunas University of Technology| KTU

Romenia - National School of Political and Administrative Studies| SNSPA


2024/2025 - Marketing Strategy and Innovation in Service Design


This course aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of service design principles integrated with marketing strategy and innovation. Students will explore foundational marketing concepts tailored for service contexts, analyse consumer behaviour within service environments, and apply design thinking to enhance marketing strategies.




Ricardo Godinho Bilro


PHYSICAL PART: 5 days - 04/11/24 to 08/11/24

VIRTUAL PART: 3 days - 2 before physical part and 1 after physical part


Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon


Finland - Laurea University of Applied Sciences

France - Université Gustave Eiffel

Germany - Köln International School of Design (KISD)


2024/2025 - TRIVARSITY Upcoming Digital Technologies for Sustainable Construction


To give students an insight into the interdisciplinary nature of sustainable construction in practice through the vehicle of the BIM Methodology. Students work in cross-country and disciplinary teams to design multi-use buildings in real conditions tackling urban, architectural and structural design, sustainability assessment, cost and time planning.




Ricardo Pontes Resende


PHYSICAL PART: 5 days - 03/11/24 to 07/11/24

VIRTUAL PART: 3 days (before Physical part) -  10/10/24; 17/10/24; 24/10/24


Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon


Cyprus - Frederick University

Denmark - KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology

Ireland - South East Technical University

Poland- Wrocław University of Science and Technology


2023/2024 - Staff Week - Promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for all

Organisation: Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon (P LISBOA07)
BIP ID: 2022-1-PT01-KA131-HED-000056127-2

Short Description: The Erasmus+ Programme brought new challenges and has created new dynamics in the International Relations Office and the Academic departments/faculties of higher education institutions.

Through practical workshops, a group of diverse learners (academic and administrative staff), will address the topics of inclusion, diversity, intercultural competences, digital inclusion, and inclusive environment.

  1. Inclusion, that over-rides any type of differences of gender, class, geography, etc and ensures inclusion and diversity, equality of opportunity.
  2. Measures to be taken, the application of the fewer opportunities top-ups and the Erasmus+ inclusion support.
  3. The development of new, more digital methodologies - the organization and the promotion of the BIP, the best practices and how to overcome difficulties.

The full programme will be available in mid-June.

Virtual component: 8th July 2024 | On-site component: 15th to 19th July 2024

The on-site component will take place at the Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, Av. das Forcas Armadas, 1649 – 026 Lisboa, Portugal.

The Staff Training Week will be organised as an Erasmus+ BIP and therefore, it is mandatory to participate in the virtual and the on-site components.

Application: closed

BIP Language: English

Participants: Administrative and academic staff members from Higher Education Institutions, preferably with and IIA established with Iscte.

An active participation of all participants is expected to enrich the exchange of experiences and its practices

The minimum number of participants is 15 and the maximum number of participants is 25.

Costs: Cost with travelling, and meals shall be supported by the participants. Those interested should contact the international relations office of their home university to find out if Erasmus+ grants for staff mobility for training are available.

The BIP has no registration fees. Some cultural activities shall be organised, and cost may apply.

More information:

2023/2024 - Smart Systems For Ambient Assisted Living

Short description
Embrace research problems in the context of the application of smart sensors, instrumentation and measurement, IoT technologies at the level of social services, tele-health and beyond.

Provide know-how and experience on software technologies associated with intelligent systems for AAL and interdisciplinary vision  coming from psychology and architectures in strength relation with the environments from home to working place.
Transmit to the master and doctoral students theoretical-practical and experimental knowledge about technologies used in the development of intelligent systems for everyday life in the context of digitalization of the society. At the same time is considered the AAL applied data science and the evaluation of the characteristics and adoption of AAL.
The BIP hosted by Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon is organized in collaboration with Instituto de Telecomunicações and IEEE IMS Portugal Chapter. It is dedicated to the core themes of our ongoing multidisciplinary research, which encompasses the fields of Science  and Information Technology, and Architecture

Dates: 8 – 12 July 2024

Application: closed.

More information: Erasmus + BIP Summer School 2024 – IEEE IMS PT (

Iscte responsible: Professor Octavian Postolache (He)

2023/2024 - From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat

Short Description

The BIP “From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat” (6ECTS)  aims to engage students to collaborative design approaches in diverse social, economic, and technological neighborhood contexts. The Northern Crown of the Lisbon Municipality, specifically the Ameixoeira area, is characterized by territorial fragmentation and a lack of social and urban cohesion.
The Lisbon municipality has implemented various strategies for its redevelopment; however, there are socio-urban precedents such as illegal settlements, the island effect and ghettoization of some resettlement neighborhoods, urban decay in the historic core, and the proliferation of vacant urban spaces and undeveloped land. These challenges are difficult to overcome using conventional approaches.
It is therefore urgent to rethink fragmented territories, their dynamics, and transformations, in more human, democratic, resilient, and sustainable ways through the creation of spaces for transdisciplinary ideation and innovative and collaborative urban creative practices. Only in this way can we promote and foster thought and spatial intervention practices associated with active community participation in the development of public policies for the urban common.
This fragmented territory also lacks a strategy and territorial model that adds value and identity. Public space can play a significant role as a unifying force through its contribution to the physical and functional qualification of the cores and by facilitating better integration between communities and the services provided by elements of the ecosystem - soil, vegetation, fauna, water, sunlight, open space, food production, etc. - promoting pedestrian accessibility, improving functions and activities, creating centralities, fostering innovation, adding value, and contributing to the construction of a more sustainable sense of community.
In this regard, both academics and non-academics should contribute to refocusing the collective construction of the habitat on mediating strategies inherent in negotiation processes in the design of public space.
It is under this perspective that Iscte - Lisbon University Institute (host institution) , in association with the Lisbon City Council DMU/DPU/DRAUGI, Instituto Superior Técnico, and Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, are promoting an integrated and inclusive intervention in fragmented territories.

Physical Component dates: 08 - 12 July 2024

Partner universities:

  • Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy
  • University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication, Austria (TBD)

Application: closed

Iscte responsible: Professor Alexandra Paio (She)

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