Erasmus+ Programme

The Erasmus+ program is funded by the European Union, which offers a wide range of opportunities to people and institutions from all sectors of education, training, youth, and sports. 

The program is structured in 3 Key Actions (KA) and Jean Monnet actions as follows: 

  • Key Action 1: supports the mobility of individuals (students, professors, invited experts, VET trainers, etc.) abroad; 
  • Key Action 2: promotes the setting up of transnational networks of organizations to create cooperative partnerships for innovation; 
  • Key Action 3: supports policy reform at the institutional level; 
  • The Jean Monnet Actions support policy reform at the institutional level. 

In higher education, the Erasmus+ program provides students of all levels and degree programs, professors, staff, and researchers with mobility opportunities in European countries (program countries) and the rest of the world (partner countries). It is also possible for universities that are a part of the program to participate in transnational partnerships with the rest of the world, targeting innovation, modernization, and the internationalization of higher education, through cooperation agreements and innovation projects. 

program COUNTRIES 

The Member States of the European Union: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, and Sweden. 

EFTA States: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; 

Candidate States for Accession: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey. 

Western Balkans Region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro. 

The ERASMUS+ program AT ISCTE 

Iscte's participation in the Erasmus+ program exists under the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 - ISCTE granted in 2014 and renewed in 2020, for the 2021 -2027 period. 

Currently, within the scope of its Erasmus Policy Statement ISCTE_ErasmusPolicyStatement_Erasmus_2021_2027 Iscte has approved Erasmus+ projects, all of them with a diversified offer of opportunities for Iscte students, professors, staff, and researchers, including: 

  • Strategic Partnerships Projects  

Learn more about the program in this guide Erasmus+ program at Iscte. 

More information 


Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027

ISCTE Erasmus+ program at Iscte

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