Doctorate Degree (PhD)


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6 Years
30 Jul 2019
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Ef 3372/2011 de 18-03-2011
Update registry R/A-Ef 3372/2011/AL01 de 20-02-2020
School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00

PhD Management
 Edifício Sedas Nunes (Edifício I), sala 2W08

(+351) 210 464 017

Lectured in English
Teaching Type In person

The program’s faculty includes highly qualified Iscte professors and researchers and national and international experts in a wide range of subjects and methodologies, internationally connected, and with strong scientific productivity.

Faculty and advisors are deeply involved in research that includes fundamental research in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes; assessment and intervention in individual and family contexts, formal and informal education and community contexts; social disparities and diversity, risk and environment, and social relationships in health contexts; psychosocial dimensions of societal change in relational, institutional and cultural contexts. They also have expertise in a variety of research methodologies, from highly controlled experimental laboratory studies to large-scale field research and qualitative data analysis.

Faculty for (2024/2025)

Research Seminar in Psychology – Advanced Methods
Training of Academic Skills in Psychology
Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Issues
Raquel António has a Ph.D. in Social Psychology (2020) and a Master's in Social and Organizational Psychology (2011) - Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon. She is currently a Junior Researcher at the Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS - Iscte). She is currently coordinating a project supported by La Caixa Foundation and participated in several others as a team member. She has participated in research projects since 2012 at the Center for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS - Iscte). She worked as a science manager and researcher at APPsyCI: ISPA - Instituto Universitário from 2021-2022.  Her research interests include bullying, homophobia, and intergroup relations. She is also interested in reactions to prejudice and discrimination. Her more recent work focuses on bystanders and their role in bias-based cyberbullying. She is a board member of No Bully Portugal Association.
Training of Academic Skills in Psychology
Rita Guerra has a PhD in Social Psychology (2007), and she is currently an Auxiliary Researcher at the Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS_Iscte). She was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychology, University of Delaware for two years, and later in 2010 she joined Cis_Iscte. She is interested in intergroup relations among ethnic majority and minority groups, common identity interventions to reduce prejudice and discrimination, acculturation dynamics,  on the dynamics of collective narcissism, extremism, and hostility, and more recently on hate speech. She coordinated projects supported by several competitive grants from the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) and the European Commission (European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants, EIF, Citizens, Equality,  Rights and Values Programme, (CERV), and participated in several others as a team member. Her research has been published in respectable journals in her field (e.g., Psych. Science; Eur. J. of Soc. Psychology., Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, J. Personality and Social Psychology, J. of Applied Social Psychology, Eur. J. of Personality, Political Psychology, Journal of Social Issues) and chapters in edited peer-reviewed volumes (e.g., Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping and Discrimination), accumulating over 1000 citations. She actively integrates research into teaching activities, teaching in master programs in intercultural relations, social psychology, and emotional sciences, and supervising PhD and master students.  She is Associated Editor of Journal of Applied Social Psychology and served as a Guest Editor of a Special Issue, Unpacking the social psychology of populism, for the Journal of Theoretical and Social Psychology, as well as for a Special Section, Social Psychology as a social science, for the Portuguese Journal of Social Sciences. She served as the Vice Director of CIS_Iscte from 2016-2020 and is currently a co-coordinator of the Thematic Line Global Governance of the recently created SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy (Iscte).
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
César Lima is an Associate Professor with Habilitation in the Department of Psychology at Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon. His research focuses on the psychology and neuroscience of music, voice and emotion (MUVE Lab). He addresses these topics by combining experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience approaches, in healthy individuals of all ages, in specialised populations (e.g., musicians), and in clinical populations (e.g., with neurological disorders). He has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles in journals including Emotion Review, Cerebral Cortex, Brain, Current Biology, Trends in Neurosciences, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, and Annual Review of Psychology. César Lima is on the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (category Neuroscience) and Royal Society Open Science (category Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience). He has been invited to review papers for journals such as Psychological Bulletin, American Psychologist, or Nature Human Behavior, and grant applications for the Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society, Czech Science Foundation Swiss National Science Foundation, and the Dutch Research Council.   Before joining Iscte, César Lima completed his Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Porto (2011), was a Research Associate at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience - University College London (2012-2016), and a Senior Research Associate at the University of Porto (2016-2017). His work as principal investigator has been funded by the British Academy and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. At Iscte, he teaches cognitive psychology and neuroscience courses. He is also the director of the MSc in Emotion Sciences.    
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Carla Moleiro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at ISCTE - IUL. She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA in 2003. Initially, she specialized in Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Lisbon and as a psychotherapist at the Portuguese Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. He has developed clinical and research work on complex disorders and dual diagnoses, personality disorders, and presently with immigrant, refugee, ethnic and sexual minority (LGBTI+) clients. She is currently a researcher at the Center for Research and Social Intervention (CIS), working on mental health and diversity, as well as clinical skills for individual and cultural diversity. Her work also includes issues of community psychology, ethics, intervention with at risk populations and child protection. 
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Cecília Aguiar is an associate professor at ISCTE-IUL and a senior researcher at CIS-IUL. With background in developmental and educational psychology, she has both conducted and participated in research on ECEC quality and teacher practices in ECEC, focusing on children’s social outcomes (i.e., peer social interactions, networks, and relationships) and, especially, on the social participation of children with disabilities. Other research areas include adult-child interactions, early childhood special education, and early childhood intervention. Aguiar served as an Associate Editor of the Early Childhood Research Quarterly between 2016 and 2019. She has been awarded several grants, all of which secured through competitive calls promoted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, including a doctoral fellowship, two post-doctoral fellowships, and two Scientific Career Development Fellowships awarded to her as the principal investigator of two projects: “Enhancing peer relationships: Preschool teachers' ideas and practices” and “Enhancing social participation of preschoolers with disabilities”. Further, she coordinated the dissemination workpackage in the FP7 CARE Project and the workpackage on curriculum, pedagogy, and social climate in the H2020 ISOTIS Project. Aguiar was also the national coordinator for Erasmus+ Projects KIT@ and BECERID. She is the coordinator the team of, a research-based blog on inclusiveness in early childhood education. Between 2019 and 2022, she coordinated the Erasmus+ project PARTICIPA - Professional Development Tools Supporting Participation Rights in Early Childhood Education. Currently, she is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ project KidLe: Developing an intercultural game as a pedagogic tool for the inclusion of pupils with migrant bacKground in new Learning environments.
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
I am a Cross-cultural Psychologist with a PhD from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (awarded in 2011). I joined the research centre Cis_ISCTE at the end of 2011 as a Marie Curie Research Fellow after a 1-year postdoc at the University of Kent, UK. I am an Assistant Professor at ISCTE since 2019.   I am very interested in the relation between the individual and the larger society and how characteristics of the social, cultural and physical environment are related to individuals´ well-being, moral beliefs and intergroup relations. As such, my work usually integrates theories and insights from different disciplines, such as Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Sciences (apart from Psychology).  My current research projects focus on age discrimination towards younger workers in different cultures as well as the issue of subtle discrimination (also referred to as microaggression) towards ethnic minorities in different societies.    I am teaching courses at Bachelor and Master level on research methods, (cross-)cultural psychology, and intercultural relations. From 2016 to 2021, I also coordinated the funded Erasmus Mundus programme “European Master in the Psychology of Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society” (Global-MINDS) which is a joint master programme delivered by an international consortium of partner universities. Global-MINDS is currently coordinated by the University of Limerick and includes ISCTE-IUL, the University of Oslo and SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities as full partners.    I welcome any expressions of interest for Master thesis or PhD supervision on morality, cross-cultural comparisons, youngism and microaggressions (from an enactor and/or victim perspective).  
Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Issues
I completed my Ph.D. in Social Psychology at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte) in 2010. Since then, I have been mostly focused on my research career. Among other scientific production, I have (co-)authored severalinternational peer-reviewed papers and book chapters (e.g., The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and romantic relationships). Most of this production was published in collaboration with international (e.g., Brighton and Sussex Medical School; Texas State University) and national research networks (e.g., Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra). My research recently received an Honorable Mention for Best Psychology Paper by The Journal of Sex Medicine, and I received an award from the Center for Open Science in 2018 for transparency and good practices in research. I have also pedagogic publications (e.g., how to improve scientific communication). During this time, I participated in national and international scientific events (oral and poster presentations), I was invited to talk about my research to broader audiences (e.g., Sexual Health Alliance), and took part in activities aimed at disseminating science to the general public (e.g., Social Observatory of the “la Caixa” Foundation; 90 Segundos de Ciência) and tackling social relevant social issues (e.g., prevent extremism and radicalization). I have also participated in several projects with competitive funding (e.g., Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, European Commission), I am currently the principal investigator of a “la Caixa” Foundation project and an individual project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, and I have obtained funding from CIS-Iscte for various projects (most of which included the supervision of undergraduate and Master’s students).    Currently, my main research interests are focused on understanding: (a) if and how individual motives for security and pleasure shape sexual behaviors and sexual health practices and (b) the roots of social stigmatization against minority groups (e.g., individuals in consensual non-monogamous relationships; asexual individuals). Other research interests are linked with the work of my collaborators and/or students and include the role of sexual behaviors (e.g., pornography use) on relationship dynamics (e.g., sexual satisfaction); the impact of visual cues (e.g., emoji) for digital communication outcomes; the role of social support for individual and relationship functioning; or the development and validation of databases and instruments (e.g., image databases including facial expressions; development of new measurement instruments).   I have always been committed to the training of young researchers and students. My supervision experience includes several Master’s students, research fellows, and several research internees. I have also participated in multiple academic juries in different academic institutions, serving as Discussant or President. I currently (co-)supervise Ph.D. students (some of which received grants from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) and Master’s students. My supervision work has resulted in publications (e.g., Carvalho & Rodrigues, 2022) and presentations at scientific events (e.g., 2021 SSSS Annual Conference), and one of my students received the Best Student Manuscript Award 2022 from the International Academic of Sex Research. My teaching experience includes undergraduate and graduate courses, mostly related to interpersonal relationships (e.g., Person Perception and Interpersonal Relations; Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships: Social and Organizational Contexts), methods (e.g., Psychometrics), and research skills (e.g., Academic Competencies II; Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Methodologies). Other teaching experience include being an invited lecturer (e.g., ISMAT; Universidade de Évora) to teach undergraduate courses in different Psychology domains (e.g., Social Psychology) or to give methodological workshops (e.g., E-Prime; Qualtrics).   Lastly, I have experience in management and scientific positions. I am currently an elected member of the Scientific Committee at CIS-Iscte and over the years I have, among other activities, served as a member of the Scientific Committee for multiple scientific events, been part of the Editorial board of different scientific journals, reviewed funding applications, coordinated the Behavior, Emotion, and Cognition research group at CIS-Iscte, and served as the Vice-President of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia.
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Diniz Lopes initiated his academic activities in 1997, being a Junior Researcher at Instituo de Ciências Socias, Universidade de Lisboa until 2000. At the same time, in 1998, he was hired by ISCTE-IUL where he developed his teaching and research activities. In 2007, he got his PhD in Social Psychology from the Departamento de Psicologia Social e das Organizações, Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa. He is presently, Associate Professor with Habilitation and Head of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Between 2010 and 2013 he was a post-doc fellow in the Universities Paris Ouest, Paris Descartes, Universidade do Porto. His present research interests focus on the analysis of interpersonal relationships, namely commitment, infidelity, derogation of alternatives, stay-leave behaviors and pornography use within romantic relationships; the relationships between humans and companion animals; as well as the application of statistical models to data analysis in Psychology. His works are published in different national and international scientific journals, such as Animals, Behavior Research Methods, PlosOne, The Journal of Sex Research, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, Personal Relationships, among others
Project Seminar in Psychology | Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Paula Castro is Full Professor of Psychology at ISCTE-IUL & a researcher at CIS-iscte. She holds a PhD in social and environmental psychology (ISCTE, 2000), and a degree in psychology (Univ-Lisboa,1987). Her research looks at the processes of meaning-making and communication involved in the reception of new laws and public policies - mainly environmental ones - developing a social psychology of legal innovation. She has mainly investigated how new laws and regulations governing climate action, biodiversity conservation, public participation or urban regeneration are received by the public (e.g., contested, accepted, negotiated) and the implications of this reception for social change. The studies, both quantitative and qualitative, often focus on (the asymmetric) relations between public and scientific experts/decision makers. Other areas of interest are people-place relations, local knowledge, social memory and the history of social psychological theories.  She coordinated and participated in several financed projects (FCT, EU) and supervised various PhD and Pos-Doc projects, with the resulting work published in international journals of high impact in the areas of social, political, environmental and community psychology, as well as environmental policy. She was Director of the Psychology Department (2008–2010), Director of the PhD program in Psychology (2010–2013), Director of the Masters in Studies of Environment and Sustainability (2015-19), Member of ISCTE's SC (2010-2014), and CIS-iscte SC (2016-19) and Director of CIS-iscte (2019-2021).
Research Seminar in Psychology – Advanced Methods
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
I have a Degree in Psychology from the University of Lisbon in 1990, and since 1993 I have developed my academic career at ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Master in Management and Human Resource Policy, 1995;  PhD in Social Psychology in 2001, Habilitation in 2010) and my research activities at the ISCTE-IUL Center for Research and Social Intervention. My research focuses mainly on the factors and mechanisms that explain the legitimacy of injustice and victimization, including the phenomenon of "blaming the victim". This research is theoretically framed by the Belief in a Just World Theory, whose development and consolidation I have contributed to, especially in what refers to the legitimation of the injustices that happen to the members of our group. I have also developed research on the predictive value of the fundamental need to perceive the world as just to various indicators of well-being. My research has been published in international and national journals,  and has also been done in collaboration with master and doctoral students under my supervision.    
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Graduated in Clinical Psychology (University of Coimbra). Completed a master’s degree and PhD in Social Psychology at ISCTE (with a research internship at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia). Specializes in Work, Social, and Organizational Psychology, and holds an advanced specialty in Psychotherapy (Portuguese Psychologists’ Association - OPP), with training in EMDR (Levels 1 and 2). She has been a lecturer at ISCTE and a researcher at CIS since 1999, holding various management roles during this period. Currently, she serves as Director of the Master’s program in Community Psychology and Protection of Children and Youth at Risk (also held this position in 2018-2019) and as Chair of the Specialized Psychology Ethics Commission. She was also President of the ISCTE Pedagogical Council (2019-2023). She has coordinated and collaborated on studies and social/community intervention projects, particularly in their evaluation at local/municipal levels (e.g., Communication for Integration - C4i/Amadora; CM Sintra - ADN Socioemocional 2.0; CM Cascais - Crescer a Tempo Inteiro), national levels (e.g., Playgroups for Inclusion/Grupos Aprender, Brincar, Crescer; Programa Escolhas, 7G; studies for CNCS), and international levels (e.g., ISCWeB - International Survey on Children's Well-being; GRIT - Erasmus+ Project - Growing in Urban Education and Diversity; Yar4all). In 2018, she worked as a Quality Monitor for the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on an OECD-led project on socio-emotional skills and served as a technical and scientific consultant for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in the Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies projects (2018-2022). In addition to her interest in inclusion (having been involved in the Portuguese Diversity Charter), she has worked in the field of risk (gambling and adolescence, in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University) and child and youth protection, developing, in collaboration with colleagues, materials aimed at promoting children’s rights ("Discovering Children's Rights," published by the Portuguese Parliament), universal prevention of sexual abuse ("The Adventures of Búzio and Coral"; "Picos and Avelã Discover the Treasure Forest"), and child hearing in court ("Hearing the Child: Best Practices Guide"; "João Goes to Court/The Day Mariana Didn’t Want"; Project 12: In 2017, she participated in the T.A.L.E. project (Training Activities for Legal Experts), which trained professionals on the correct implementation of the Council of Europe Guidelines on Child-Friendly Justice. She was a member of the Steering Committee of CSIS (Child Safeguarding in Sport) and the Scientific Council of the UBUNTU Leaders Academy. She served as a trainer at the Centre for Judicial Studies (CEJ) on Child Hearing (2016-2023). Supervised family support teams (SCML, 2017-2020). Acted as a consultant for ACRIDES (Cape Verde) and the Council of Europe on a project related to child-friendly justice. Currently, she is part of the VITA Group, a team monitoring cases of sexual violence against children and vulnerable adults in the context of the Catholic Church in Portugal, and is a member of the national board of OPP. She received the OPP South Career Award in 2020.
Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Issues | Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Lígia Monteiro has a Ph.D. from the UNL/ISPA-IU. Presently is an assistant Professor at ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon, and a researcher at CIS-IUL - CED (Community, Education and Development) research group. She has a background on educational and developmental Psychology (ISPA-IU/UNL) and has participated in several research projects  studying the impact of parenting (mother and father) and family dynamics on children’s socio-emotional development, during the first years of live.  She has her work published in several peer-review journals, and book chapters/books. 
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
MARGARIDA VAZ GARRIDO (Ph.D. in Psychology, 2007), is an Associate Professor with Habilitation at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, where she works since 1998. Her research examines human cognition from a socially situated perspective. She has applied this approach primarily to the study of collaborative memory, false memories and second language processing. In parallel, she has explored the applications of her research to the study of vulnerable and clinical populations (e.g., cognitive processing in abusive parenting, memory processes in ASD and aging, interoception in chronic pain) and to consumer psychology and eating behavior (e.g., cross-modality in taste perception). She has been involved in 39 funded research projects (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, ‘la Caixa’ Foundation) and obtained individual grants (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; and two Marie Curie fellowships) that allowed her to work during her Ph.D. at the University of California - Santa Barbara and at Utrecht University (2010/2014). Her research has been published as books, book chapters, and in over 100 scientific journals (e.g., Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Cognition and Emotion, Cognitive Science, Behavior Research Methods; Psychonomic Bulletin and Review; Journal of Memory and Language). Her work, and that of her team, has been acknowledged by the scientific community with several distinctions and awards. She taught 26 courses in psychology and research methods and supervised the work of more than 50 master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral students. She has held academic and scientific management positions as the Director of the Department of Psychology, the Master of Social and Organizational Psychology, and the Ph.D. Program in Psychology. She was also Vice-Director of Research Center Cis-Iscte. She is on the editorial boards of several journals and scientific evaluation panels and served as president of the Portuguese Psychological Association.
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Born in Ovar in 1959, she graduated in Psychology at the University of Lisbon. Since 1982 she has developed her academic career at Iscte, where she is Full Professor of Social Psychology, Co-coordinator of SocioDigitalLab for Public Policy. She develops a wide activity in teaching and scientific orientation.  Her research activity focuses on the application of Social Psychology to health and environmental issues, and is reflected in numerous scientific publications. She is the author of the book "We and others: The power of social ties" published by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation. She was president of the Portuguese Psychological Association. She is Honorary Professor at the University of Bath and a Member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Marília Prada completed her PhD in Social Psychology at ISCTE-IUL in 2010. Since then she has been teaching diverse courses to undergraduate and masters’ students with an emphasis on research methods and academic skills. She has published national and international scientific and pedagogic papers and has also co-edited a handbook on academic skills. Between 2015-2018, she was a postdoctoral fellow on a project funded by the European Commission (“Examining the Boundaries of Embodiment” coordinated by Margarida Vaz Garrido). Currently, she coordinates an FCT project - Individual and contextual determinants of sugar perception and consumption - hosted by the Center for Research and Social Intervention (CIS-IUL). Her research interests include: (a) the development and validation of instruments; (b) processing of affective information; (c) food perception and eating behavior.
Research Seminar in Psychology – Advanced Methods
At the broadest level, I am interested in how such grounding mechanisms as the body, action, modality-specific systems, and environments (physical and social) affect the processing of concepts. I have two lines of research within this broad research theme. The first one investigates the embodiment of cognition with a focus on language processing and the second line is concerned with the role that embodied cognitive processes play in social interactions (i.e., social cognition).
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Ricardo Borges Rodrigues is Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL and integrated researcher at CIS-IUL. With a PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology, he conducts research and intervention in the area of ​​intergroup relations in childhood and adolescence, namely on processes of racial, ethnic, and gender based inclusion and exclusion in educational contexts. Director of the Master in Psychology of Intercultural Relations and academic vice coordinator at Iscte of the Erasmus Mundus Global Mobility, Inclusion and Diversity in Society (Global-Minds). At CIS-IUL, he coordinates the project TEIP4 (consultancy to 15 school districts). Has served in expert committees, such as the Commission for Monitoring and Supervision of Educational Centers (2016-2020) and the advisory group for the Curricular Autonomy and Flexibility Project (DGE, 2017).
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
Sibila Marques has a degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon and a PhD in Social Psychology from ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. She is a researcher at the Center for Research and Social Intervention and teaches as an Assistant Professor in MSc courses at ISCTE-IUL. She is currently the Director of the Master in Social Psychology of Health. Her work has focused on the application of Social and Community Psychology to the understanding of themes with a relevant social impact, especially in the area of health and well-being of communities and individuals. In this sense she has developed work in two priority areas: Social Psychology of Aging and Social Psychology of the Environment. In this field she has presented her work in national and international congresses and public events, and has publications in journals with high impact in the scientific community. She has also developed activities in European and national projects in this field. She is currently part of the Eurage group ( and has taken on the scientific coordination at ISCTE-IUL of the European projects SIforAGE (FP7) and INHERIT (H2020). She is also the author of the essay "Discrimination of the elderly" published by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation in 2011. She is also a frequent appearance in the media to discuss topics related with her subjects of research. 
Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
M.S. (2003) and a PhD (2008) in Social Psychology of Health (ISCTE-IUL). Associate Professor with Habilitation (Agregação) in Psychology  at the Department of Psychology of Iscte, where she started teaching in 1999. She is currently co-coordinator the multidisciplinary research group "Societal Health" of the SocioDigitalLab for Public Policies. She is the former Director of the Psychology Department, and was Vice-Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Director of the Master in Social Psychology of Health, Vice-Director of the Centre for Social Research and Intervention (CIS-IUL) and Coordinator of the Research Group Health for All (H4A). Fascinated by the (social) mind-body relations, she has dedicated much attention to such issues in her teaching and research. Her main research interests have generally revolved around social disparities in health and the role of psychosocial influences on chronic illness adaptation processes. She has mainly explored these issues in relation to a particular health-related topic-(chronic) pain. More specifically, her current main lines of research aim to: (1) understand the psychosocial processes accounting for health-care professionals (gender and social status) biases in the assessment and treatment of a patients pain; (2) investigate the role of interpersonal dynamics in pain experiences, namely, pain-related social support interactions for the promotion of functional autonomy among (older) adults with (chronic) pain. In her research she uses a wide range of quantitative (e.g., experimental), qualitative (e.g., grounded-theory) and knowledge synthesis methodologies (e.g., scoping and systematic reviews, meta-analysis). Currently, her research interests have been moving from the investigation of psychosocial processes underlying health and illness, to the development of novel psychosocial interventions to promote chronic illness adaptation and/or health care professionals' gender awareness. She has coordinated 11 funded projects (6 contracts and 5 grants) and collaborated as a researcher or invited scientific/research fellow in several other national (n=3), and international projects (n=8 of which 3 EU funded). She has over 80 scientific publications (books, book chapters, articles), of which > 45 papers in high impact journals (e.g., PAIN, Health Psychology) and has been an invited speaker at important international scientific meetings (e.g., World and European Pain Conferences). Several scientific awards have recognized her scientific contributions, namely, the Research Merit Award of the Portuguese Health Psychology Society (2008), Young Researcher Award of the Portuguese Psychological Association (2013), Best Paper Awards by the Portuguese Association for the Development of Pain Therapies (ASTOR) and the Grüenenthal PAIN Prize 2016. She has provided scientific assessment services to national (e.g., Portuguese National Funding Agency, Portuguese Associations for the Study of Pain) and international organizations (e.g., ERA-NET, Dutch Cancer Society, European Pain Federation). She is regularly involved in outreach activities, e.g., healthcare professionals' training, development of health-related guidelines, consultancy services to national (pain units, pharmaceutical industry, patient associations) and international organizations (e.g., Childhood Cancer International). She is currently a member of IASP Early Career Presidential Task Force (since 2021), of the Pain Psychology Working Group of the Portuguese Chapter of the European Federation of Pain (EFIC; since 2020) and has been the co-Chair of the Psychology Track of the 2nd EFIC Virtual Pain Education Summit (2021).
Research Seminar in Psychology – Advanced Methods
My research adopts a critical and interdisciplinary perspective to examine the relationship between people, the climate crisis and the territory, specifically around energy transitions towards carbon neutrality, and associated social justice and political participation issues. I am Co-Editor of the journal Papers on Social Representations ( 
Project Seminar in Psychology | Doctoral Thesis in Psychology
School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00
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