Post Graduation Program
School of Technology and Architecture
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E07
(+351) 210 464 013
9:30 - 18:00
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person


Are you interested in protecting cultural heritage and creating a more sustainable world? This course is for you!

The postgraduate course in Conservation and Sustainable Rehabilitation contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by preparing professionals with specialised know-how to carry out management tasks, prepare studies, projects and interventions in cultural heritage (monuments, ensembles and sites).

General objectives:

- To ensure specialized teaching in Sustainable Conservation and Rehabilitation, based on solid knowledge of the principles, methods and techniques of Conservation;

- To complement current university teaching, essentially theoretical, with practical teaching;

- Promote the transdisciplinarity of the areas involved in Rehabilitation: Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Conservation and Restoration, History of Art, Archeology, Anthropology, Sociology, and related areas;

- Stimulate the ability to apply theoretical and practical knowledge to solve concrete problems in multidisciplinary contexts;

- Develop research skills, for the identification, formulation and resolution of problems in a critical and original way;

- Ensure skills that enable lifelong learning, autonomously, exploring traditional and digital methods and tools;

- To promote relationships with professionals and potential employers: universities, public and private entities, national and international.

Specific Objectives (competencies)

Attendance of this Postgraduate Diploma will equip participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the development of consultancy, management, studies, projects, works, in any entity that works with Cultural Heritage.

The following specific objectives are intended to be achieved:

- For Master Architects and Master Civil Engineers: competences for the coordination of projects and supervision of works of Conservation and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage;

- For Archaeologists: competences for the coordination of Projects of Conservation of Archaeological Sites; elaboration of studies in Archaeology of Architecture and participation in Conservation projects and works;

- For Historians: competences for the elaboration of studies on the History of Construction and participation in projects and works of Conservation and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage;

- For Conservators-restorers: skills for the elaboration of studies about construction materials and pathologies and participation in projects and works of Conservation and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage;

- For participants from all scientific areas: skills for the elaboration of specific studies in their field and participation in projects and works of Conservation and Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage.

Director(s) message

Director`s Message

Profa . D aSoraya Genin

Conservation and Rehabilitation of cultural heritage are globally recognized as a means to meet the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the UN's Agenda 2030. The Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Conservation and Rehabilitation fits fully into these goals.

It is a unique course in Portugal in this area. It integrates ateliers in the study plan for the development of construction practices. This teaching method, developed in the "Architecture Practices" workshop since 2012, was recognized by the International Construction Fair TEKTÓNICA with the Promoter Academy award and is a great success among students.

The course relies on the method of practical learning to complement the theoretical teaching. It includes international principles and recommendations for cultural heritage, the history and pathology of construction, diagnostic methods and intervention techniques. 

Students have the opportunity to "get hands-on" to execute conservation works, accompanied by specialized professionals. Traditional and contemporary techniques are addressed, exploring different materials and construction systems.

Learning new technologies using digital tools is applied in the survey, inventorying, documentation, and visualization of cultural heritage, a complementary method to direct observation, both in the analysis and design phases.

Practices are preferably framed in a professional environment and in a real-life context.


General information

1 year
Teaching Type
In person
2025-01-16 09:30 - 2025-02-19 17:00
2025-02-20 09:30 - 2025-04-01 17:00
2025-04-02 09:30 - 2025-05-14 17:00
2025-05-15 09:30 - 2025-06-25 17:00
2025-06-26 09:30 - 2025-08-27 17:00
Tuitions (€) *
* Information for 2025/2026
School of Technology and Architecture
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E07
(+351) 210 464 013
9:30 - 18:00

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