Lectured in
Teaching Type In person
The faculty of this course is highly qualified in the domain of Enterprise and Labour Law, and has both professional collaborators and a wide network of international contacts.
Faculty for (2024/2025)
Human Resources Management for Lawyers
1) Education:Bsc Social and Organizacional Psychology - ISPA 1989 Msc Organizational behaviour - ISPA 2003 Phd Management - HRM ISCTE IUL 2010 2) Professional Activity's (non academic): 1990-1991 Training and Recruitment chief - LAR Regional airlines1991-1993 Human Resources manager - Lar Regional airlines 1992-1993 Training manager - ODS Iberica 1993 Human Resources manager - Euroair SA 1993 Human Tesources manager - SERVICE AIR SA 1993-1997 Trainer - ICL, HCL, Hotel Roma, Páteo Alfacinha, Hotel do Mar, Hospital de São José, Hospital de vila Franca, Group A. Robalo, Centro de medicina física e reabilitação de Alcoitão, ARS Norte, ISSS, Sta Casa Misericordia. 1993-1997 HRM consultant 2000-2002 Consultant - Fernave1997-2008 - Manager - DSHO Lda 3) Academic work2020 - until now: ECTS coordenator Dept RHCO IBS2005- until now - Researcher at Business Research Unit (BRU) ISCTE IUL 1996 - until now: Teatcher at ISCTE IUL (senior teacher assistant since 2010) - IBS RH&CO Department 2009 - 2019: Languages and soft skills lab director ISCTE IUL 2002-2004 Guest speaker - IADE Photography department 1996-2004 Lecturer FCUL Lisbon 1993 a 1996 Assistant ULHT Psychology Department and HRM department 1994-1995 Guest speaker - ESE Lisbon 1995-1996 Lecturer - ESSS, Lisbon 1994-1996 Lecturer- ESCS Lisboa 1991-1995 Guest speaker - ISPA 1990-1993 Lecturer ISHT Lisbon
Seminar on Labour Law Issues |
Seminar on Corporations
Seminar on Labour Law Issues |
Company Law I |
Company Law II |
Commercial Contract Law |
Master Dissertation in Enterprise and Labor Law |
Seminar on Corporations
Ph.D. in Corporate Law at ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, in 2015.
LL.M. in Private Law at University of Lisbon Law School, in 1998.
LL.M. in Public Law at Catholic University (Lisbon) Law School, in 1993.
Law Degree at Catholic University (Lisbon) Law School, in 1988.
PostDoc in Law at Instituto Jurídico of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, in 2022.
Comparative Labour Law |
Seminar on Labour Law Issues |
Labour Law I |
Labour Law II |
Master Dissertation in Enterprise and Labor Law |
Seminar on Corporations
Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, whith a Master's degree in Business Law, in the area of Labor Law, from ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, she has a PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Corunha (Spain) and from NOVA School of Law (Lisbon-Portugal).
In addition to complementary training courses, he has participated in numerous National and International Congresses and Seminars, often as a lecturer.
He has been teaching at several university institutions, with special emphasis on ISCTE - IUL – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, where he teaches several courses in the Master’s Degree in Business and Labor Law, as well as in the Master’s in Labor Sciences and Labor Relations and in the Master in Human Resources Development Policies. She was an invited Lecturer in postgraduate courses at the Lisbon and Porto Law Faculties.
She has supervised numerous dissertations, in addition to participating, as Arguente, in several Masters juries.
She is the author of several essays and articles published in books and national and international magazines on Employment Law topics.
Labour Procedural Law
Mário Silveiro de Barros completed his PHD in Law, with a Doctoral thesis in Social Security Procedural Law at the Law Faculty of the University of La Coruña, Spain. Develops his academic and research work in Social Security Law, Labor Procedural Law and Employment Law.
Seminar on Labour Law Issues |
Seminar on Corporations
Corporate Tax Law
Accounting for Lawyers
ILÍDIO TOMÁS LOPES He was born on January 18, 1966, in the municipality of Abrantes. He is currently a professor at “Iscte Instituto Universitário de Lisboa” and an associate member of the “Bru_iscte Business Research Unit” at the same institution. He is also a lecturer on the Executive Master's Degree in Business Management at Iscte_Executive Education. Lecturer on the postgraduate course in Economics and Regulation of Financial Institutions at IPPS_ISCTE. He is currently: Director of “Audax_iscte”; Member of the Supervisory Board of Novartis Farma - Produtos Farmacêuticos, SA. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of “Associação Iscte Conhecimento e Inovação” and Member of the Supervisory Board of OROC - Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas. He is also an advisor to the Opinion Council of RTP - Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, SA, on economic and financial matters. He was a Non-Executive Director, Member of the Audit Committee and Member of the Corporate Governance Committee of Banco BIC Português, S.A. (EuroBic). He holds a PhD in Business Management, specializing in Accounting (University of Coimbra, 2009), a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management (ISEGI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2001) and a degree in Business Organization and Management (ISEG, University of Lisbon, 1990). A lecturer in higher education since 1994, he was a lecturer at the School of Management and Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (1997 to 2013), and in recent years has held the position of director of that institution. He was also a collaborative lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (2006 to 2011). He is currently responsible for several curricular units, including: Auditing; Financial Auditing; Financial Performance Assessment; Financial Accounting II; Banking Accounting. He has also held management positions in several multinational companies. Author of several scientific publications, member of various national and international scientific committees and reviewer of articles for scientific journals in the areas of Management and Accounting. Author of the books “KPIs - Key Performance Indicators - Monitoring Business Performance” (Editora D'Ideias, 2025), “Financial Accounting: Theory and Practice” (Editoria D'Ideias, 2022, 2025), “Management Control: An Integrated View of Business Performance” (Edições Almedina, 2019, 2020, 2025), “Accounting and Finance for Non-Financial Managers” (Edições Almedina, 2020, 2023), “Financial Auditing: From Internal Control to Independent External Control” (Edições Almedina, 2019, 2022), ‘Financial Accounting: Preparation of Financial Statements, their Disclosure and Analysis’ (Escolar Editora, 2013, 2017), ‘The Management of Intellectual Capital and Intangibles in the Knowledge Era’ (Escolar Editora, 2013) and ‘Financial Accounting: Solved and Proposed Exercises’ (Almedina Editores, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023). Co-author of the book “Das Sociedades:Aspectos Contabilísticos e Fiscais” (Escolar Editora, 2016), among others.He has published in several international journals, including: Measuring Business Excellence; International Journal of Business Excellence; Contaduría y Administración; International Journal of Disclosure and Governance; International Journal of Business Performance Management; Business: Theory and Practice.His main areas of interest are: 1. Financial Accounting; 2. Corporate Governance; 3. Auditing and Internal Control; 4. Financial Management and Performance; 5. Risk Assessment and Compliance.
Corporate Finance for Lawyers
Corporate Procedural Law
João de Sousa Assis holds a PhD in Law from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, where he also tutored Business Organisations. He graduated in Law and holds a masters in Commercial Law, both from the New University of Lisbon, Portugal. Before joining the Iberian law firm Uría Menéndez, where he worked for two years as a trainee lawyer within the departments of M&A, TMT, banking and labour.
João regularly cooperates with international institutions such as the University of Thammasat (Thailand) or Symbiosis Law School Pune (India), holding the position of Integrated Researcher at IJP – Instituto Jurídico Portugalense research centre (Lisbon), and Research Fellow at the Centre for ASEAN Transnational Studies (CATS) of the University of Chiang Mai Faculty of Law (Thailand).
Company Law I |
Company Law II
Research Methodology in Law
Labour Bargaining
School of Social Sciences
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00