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6 Anos
30 jul 2019
Registo DGES
Registo inicial R/A-Cr 42/2012 de 06-06-2012
Registo de alteração R/A-Cr 42/2012/AL01 de 20-08-2014 | R/A-Cr 42/2012/AL02 de 10-02-2020 | R/A-Cr 42/2012/AL03 de 16-09-2021


Catarina Delgado
 Ala Autónoma, Gabinete 236

Leccionado em Inglês
Tipo de ensino Presencial

Corpo Docente para (2024/2025)

Gestão de Carteiras de Investimentos
Gestão de Risco | Opções Financeiras
Análise e Avaliação de Empresas
Full Professor of Finance at ISCTE/IUL. He was the Dean of ISCTE Business School and President of INDEG Executive Education. He has also been a non-executive director in several boards of large listed companies such as CIMPOR, CTT and EDP. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Board of EDP Renewables.  He has been a consultant in the areas of risk management, corporate governance and executive compensation. He was also President of the Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance. He is a regular contributor to the media and he is author of several books in the area of finance.
Futuros, Forwards e Swaps | Gestão de Activos e Passivos
Seminário de Projecto em Finanças
Engenharia Financeira | Opções Reais
José Carlos Dias is Full Professor of Finance at the Department of Finance of Iscte Business School. He holds a PhD degree in Finance from Iscte and is the Director of the Department of Finance. He was also the Director of the PhD in Finance and the Director of the Master in Finance of Iscte Business School. His current research interests include option pricing, structured products and exotic options, volatility derivatives and real options. He has published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Quantitative Finance, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Review of Derivatives Research, Journal of Derivatives, and Applied Mathematics and Optimization, among others. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Review of Derivatives Research.
Métodos Quantitativos para as Finanças
José Dias Curto is full professor at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL Business School, Quantitative Methods Departament) and investigator at Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal. He earned his PhD in Quantitative Methods for Management from the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), MA in Management from Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) and Bachellor's degree in Economics from Instituto Superior de Economia, Portugal. His primary research focuses statistics and econometrics with applications to finance, accounting and economics. List of journals where he published: Research in International Business and Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Economics and Finance, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research Journal, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money, Statistical Papers, International Statistical Review, European Accounting Review, Australian Accounting Review.
Modelização para Finanças da Empresa
LUIS LAUREANO. Assistant Professor at ISCTE Business School and researcher in Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL). Degree in Management (ISCTE-IUL), master in Information Systems Management (ISCTE-IUL) and doctorate in Management- specialization in Finance (ISCTE-IUL). Has taught several finance courses in different undergraduate, post-graduate and masters. Is co-author of books on finance and co-author of papers published in national and international scientific journals.
Finanças Empresariais
Estratégia Financeira
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