
Biblioteca • Notícias
Artigos científicos depositados no Repositório ISCTE-IUL no mês de junho 2018

Barraza, N., Moro, S., Ferreyra, M. & de la Peña, A. (2018). Mutual information and sensitivity analysis for feature selection in customer targeting: a comparative study. Journal of Information Science. Disponível em:

Campos, L., Bernardes, S. & Godinho, C. (2018). Food conveying masculinities: how conformity to hegemonic masculinity norms influences food consumption. Journal of Health Psychology. Disponível em:

Cortez, P., Moro, S., Rita, P., King, D. & Hall, J. (2018). Insights from a text mining survey on Expert Systems research from 2000 to 2016. Expert Systems. 35 (3) . Disponível em:

Costa, C. G., Zhou, Q. & Ferreira, A. I. (2018). State and trait anger predicting creative process engagement – the role of emotion regulation. Journal of Creative Behavior. Disponível em:

Costa, C. J. & Aparicio, M. (2018). Gamification: software usage ecology. The Online Journal of Science and Technology. 8 (1), 92-100. Disponível em:

Cunha, M. P. E., Fortes, A., Gomes, E., Rego, A. & Rodrigues, F. (2018). Ambidextrous leadership, paradox and contingency: evidence from Angola. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Disponível em:

Eloy, S., Pauwels, P. & Economou, A. (2018). AI EDAM special issue: advances in implemented shape grammars: solutions and applications. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. 32 (2), 131-137. Disponível em:

Ferreira, M. A. M. (2018). An approach with a queue system to the pandemic period study. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing. 14 (5), 288-290. Disponível em:

Fiske, A. P., Seibt, B. & Schubert, T. (2018). The sudden devotion emotion: kama muta and the cultural practices whose function is to evoke it. Emotion Review. Disponível em:

Gomes, J., Martins, A. & Ferreira, J. (2018). Assessment of perceived quality: comparison of sports apparel retail chains. International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS). 4 (3), 1-7. Disponível em:

Kindt, S., Vansteenkiste, M., Josephy, H., Bernardes, S. F. & Goubert, L. (2018). Helping your partner with chronic pain: the importance of helping motivation, received social support, and Its timeliness. Pain Medicine. Disponível em:

Lasio, D. & Serri, F. (2018). The Italian public debate on same-sex civil unions and gay and lesbian parenting. Sexualities. Disponível em:

Lopes, A. I. & Coelho, A. M. (2018). Engaged in integrated reporting? Evidence across multiple organizations. European Business Review. 30 (4), 398-426. Disponível em:

Malet Calvo, D. (2018). Understanding international students beyond studentification: a new class of transnational urban consumers. The example of Erasmus students in Lisbon (Portugal). Urban Studies. Disponível em:

Marchesi, S., Marques, P. M. & Soares, H. (2018). Monads on projective varieties. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 296 (1), 155-180. Disponível em:

Moro, S., Cortez, P. & Rita, P. (2018). A divide-and-conquer strategy using feature relevance and expert knowledge for enhancing a data mining approach to bank telemarketing. Expert Systems. 35 (3) . Disponível em:

Neves, L., Cordeiro, C., Scott, S. K., Castro, S. L. & Lima, C. F. (2018). High emotional contagion and empathy are associated with enhanced detection of emotional authenticity in laughter. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Disponível em:

Oliveira, J., Azevedo, G. & Oliveira, B. (2018). Impairment losses: the impact of the first-time adoption of the accounting standardization system In Portugal. Australian Accounting Review. Disponível em:

Pestana, M. H. & Sobral, M. R. (2018).  Alzheimer's disease research: a network science approach. International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis. 1 (3), 201-217. Disponível em:

Pinheiro, M. (2018). Lisbon and its port: urban planning and surveillance expectations and results. Portuguese Journal of Social Science. 17 (1), 3-17. Disponível em:

Ramalho, J. J. S., Rita, R. M. S. & da Silva, J. V. (2018). The impact of family ownership on capital structure of firms: exploring the role of zero-leverage, size, location and the global financial crisis. International Small Business Journal. Disponível em:

Saint-Maurice, A. & Pintassilgo, S. (2018). Ethnic differences in results of fertility and mother’s health care: Portuguese population and Cape Verdeans living in Portugal. Journal of Population Research. 35 (2), 131-150. Disponível em:

Sales, C. M. D., Neves, I. T. D., Alves, P. G. & Ashworth, M. (2018). Capturing and missing the patient's story through outcome measures: a thematic comparison of patient-generated items in PSYCHLOPS with CORE-OM and PHQ-9. Health Expectations. 21 (3), 615-619. Disponível em:

Santos, M., Batel, S. & Gonçalves, M. E. (2018). Participar está na moda: uma abordagem psicossocial dos orçamentos participativos. Psicologia e Sociedade. 30. Disponível em:

Seibt, B., Schubert, T. W., Zickfeld, J. H. & Fiske, A. P. (2018). Touching the base: heart-warming ads from the 2016 U.S. election moved viewers to partisan tears. Cognition and Emotion. Disponível em:

Suleman, F. & Figueiredo, M. C. (2018). Wage differentials within a female dominated occupation: domestic workers in informal and flexible jobs in Portugal. International Labour Review. 157 (1), 129-152. Disponível em:

Vauclair, C.-M., Rodrigues, R. B., Marques, S., Esteves, C. S., Santos, F. & Gerardo, F. (2018). Doddering but dear et al even in the eyes of young children? Age stereotyping and prejudice in childhood and adolescence. International Journal of Psychology. Disponível em:

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