Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)
2300.00 €Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
Bank Accounting
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Financial Regulation Law
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Behavioural Economics and the Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Macroeconomics and Systemic Risk
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Financial Assets and Markets
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Economics of Banking
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Market Risk Management
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Banking Regulation and Supervision
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Risk and Regulation of Financial Institutions
6.0 ECTS
Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Industrial Dynamics and Capital Markets
6.0 ECTS
Optional Courses | 6.0 |
Bank Accounting
LO1 - To understand the scope of the banking activity;
LO2 - To understand the structure of the main financial statements in bank sector institutions and other financial companies;
LO3 - To record the impact of the main banking operations on those financial statements;
LO4 - To evaluate the impact of banking operations on the performance and in the maintenance of the supervisory regulatory requirements.
1. Introduction
1.1.Scope of banking activity;
1.2. Control activities and regulatory requirements.
2. Financial reporting;
2.1. Accounting standards;
2.2. Financial statements;
2.3. Banking transactions;
3. Banking transactions and performance
3.1. Capital key indicators;
3.2. Profitability key performance indicators;
3.3. Other activity indicators.
The process of assessment of knowledge covers the following assessment methods:
1) Assessment throughout the semester;
2) Assessment by exam.
The method mentiond in 1) integrates a Mid.term test (with a weighting of 40% in the final grade) and a Final Test (with a weighting of 60% in the final grade). In both testes, the minimum mark is 7,5 points (in a 20 scle points).
The method "Assessment by exam" occurs exclusively during the assessment period and covers all the material taught in the curricular unit. It will be ensured throughout a written test, with a weighting of 100% in the final grade.
Title: Banco de Portugal, RGICSF - Regime Geral das Instituições de Crédito e Sociedades Financeiras (Decreto-Lei n.º 298/92, de 31 de dezembro)., 1992.
Caiado, A. C., (2019). Bancos: Normativos, contabilidade e gestão, 2ª Edição, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Title: González, A. F. S; Pascual, J. L. (2015). Economia e Gestão Bancária, Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Lopes, I. T. (2020). Controlo de Gestão: Uma Visão Integrada do Desempenho Empresarial, 2ª Edição, Coimbra: Edições Almedina.,
Financial Regulation Law
LG1. Knowledge at an introductory level of financial regulation and supervision.
LG2. Capacity to identify and assess institutional regulatory and supervisory solutions.
LG3. Capacity to identify trends in financial regulation and supervision
I. Importance and objectives of financial regulation and supervision. Conceptual definitions.
II. Structuring principles and legal sources
III. Models of financial regulation and supervision
a. Institutional, functional, integrated and twin peaks models
b. The role of central banks
c. Capture and (In)dependence and the regulator
d. Accountability
e. Liability of the Supervisor
IV. The Portuguese case
V. European Union
a. Before and after de Larosière
b. The Banking Union
i. Legal basis
ii. Structure
c. The SSM, in particular
i. Relation between EBA and EBC
ii. Relation between EBC, EBA and the NA
VI. Financial regulation
a. Types of subjects
b. Access and activity
i. Prudential regulation
ii. Conduct regulation
c. Resolution
The student assessment uses the types of exams and evaluation dates in ISCTE regulations. In terms of assessment, students will be able to choose, alternatively, between continuous assessment (consisting of oral assessment (30%) and the preparation of a mandatory assignment(70%)), and final assessment (a final exam, under the terms set by the ISCTE regulation). If the student does not have a continuous assessment, he/she will necessarily be in the final assessment.?
BibliographyTitle: - Carlos Costa Pina - Instituições e Mercados Financeiros, Almedina, Coimbra, 2004.
- Paulo Câmara, Manuel Magalhães (coord.) O Novo Direito Bancário, Almedina, 2012.
- João Calvão da Silva - Banca, Bolsa e Seguros. Direito Europeu e Português, tomo I ? Parte Geral, 4.ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2013.
- Luís Morais, Modelos de Supervisão Financeira em Portugal e no contexto da união Europeias, Banco de Portugal, 2016.
- Rute Saraiva, Direito dos Mercados Financeiros, AAFDL, 2.nd ed., 2015.
Title: - WYMEERSCH, Eddy - The Structure of Financial Supervision in Europe: About single, twin peaks and multiple financial supervisors.
- TISON, Michel - Do not attack the watchdog! Banking supervisor?s liability after Peter Paul, Ghent University, Financial Law Institute, Working Paper n.º 2005/02, 2005.
- TEIXEIRA, Pedro Gustavo - The evolution of the law and regulation of the Single European Financial Market until the crisis, In Revista de Concorrência e Regulação, A. 1, n.º 2, Abr.-Jun. 2010.
- 'Twin Peaks' Revisited... a second chance for regulatory reform, CSFI, n.º 89, 2009.
- TAYLOR, Michael ? The road from twin peaks and the way back, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal, Vol. 16, 2009.
- QUINTYN, Marc; Silvia Ramirez; Michael W. Taylor - The Fear of Freedom: Politicians and the Independence and Accountability of Financial Sector Supervisors, IMF Working Paper n.º 07/25, 2007.
- QUINTYN, Marc; Michael W. Taylor ? Regulatory and supervisory independence and financial stability, IMF Working Paper n.º 02/46, 2002.
- MASCIANDARO, Donato; Marc Quintyn; Michael Taylor - Financial Supervisory Independence and Accountability ? Exploring the Determinants, IMF Working Paper n.º 08/147, 2008.
- LASTRA, Rosa M., The Governance Structure for financial regulation and supervision in Europe, Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol. 10, 2003.
- JURKOWSKA-ZEIDLER, Anna - The role of central banks in financial supervision. The European perspective, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdansk.
- HÜPKES, Eva; Marc Quintyn; Michael W. Taylor - The Accountability of Financial Sector Supervisors: Principles and Practice, IMF Working Paper n.º 05/51, 2005.
- GOODHART, Charles - The Role of Macro-Prudential Supervision, 2010.
- GIESEN, Ivo - Regulating regulators through liability. The case for applying normal tort rules to supervisors, Utrecht Law Review. Vol. 2, n.º 1, 2006.
- GARICANO, Luis; Rosa M. Lastra, Towards a new Architecture for financial stability, CEP Discussion Paper No 990, 2010.
- FERRAN, Eilis, The Reorganisation of Financial Services Supervision in the UK: An Interim Progress Report, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law, Research Paper n.º 49/2011, 2011.
- The Rationale for a Single National Financial Services Regulator, FSA Occasional Paper n.º 2, 1999.
- BRIAULT, Clive, Revisiting the Rationale for a Single Financial Services Regulator, FSA Occasional Paper n.º 16, 2002.
- BENINK, Harald; George Benston - The Future of Banking Regulation in Developed Countries: Lessons from and for Europe.
- ATHANASSIOU, Phoebus - Financial sector supervisor's accountability: A European perspective, Legal Working Paper n.º 12, 2011.
- ABRAMS, Richard K.; Michael W. Taylor - Issues in the Unification of Financial Sector Supervision, IMF Working Paper n.º 00/213, 2000.
Behavioural Economics and the Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions
The main goals associated with this course are related to the development of the following skills:
- (LO1) Recognise and analyse the ?anomalous? patterns of behaviour with economic relevance in the functioning of financial markets.
- (LO2) Evaluate institutional solutions in terms of regulation to the overcoming of individual decision and collective action problems through the appliance of behavioural theories.
- (LO3) Knowledge and understanding of the main general principles associated with the regulation of financial market participants in a post-crisis environment
- (LO4) Knowledge and understanding of banking regulations
- (LO5) Knowledge and understanding of the main advantages and limitations of financial regulation
The abridged course syllabus is the following:
- (P1) Bounded Rationality and the Critique of the Behavioural Presuppositions of the Model of Rational Choice.
- (P2) Heuristics and Behavioural ?Anomalies? in the Individual Decision Making
- (P3) Applications of the behavioral perspective to public policies and regulation in the case of financial markets.
- (P4) General principles of financial regulation
- (P5) The Global Financial Crisis as a disruptive systemic event for the financial markets and the global banking industry
- (P6) The need for banking regulation in a post-crisis environment
The course evaluation comprises:
- individual written examination (50%)
- group work (50%)
The score of the individual written examination must be at least 8 points.
Title: - Shiller, Robert J. 2000. Irrational Exuberance, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
- Mishkin, F.S., 2015. The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets. Eleventh edition. England: Pearson Education Limited.
- Kahneman, Daniel 2012. Thinking, fast and slow, London: Penguin.
- Casu, B, Girardone, C., and Molyneux, P., 2015. Introduction to Banking. Second edition. United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited.
- Allen, F., and Carletti, E., 2012. The Roles of Banks in Financial Systems. In: Allen N. Berger, Philip Molyneux, and John O.S. Wilson, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Banking. Second edition. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, pp. 27-46.
Title: - Saunders, A., and Cornett, M.M., 2014. Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach. Sixth edition. United States of America: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Hull, J.C., 2015. Risk Management and Financial Institutions. Fourth edition. United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Lourenço, J.S.; Ciriolo, E.; Almeida, S.R. e Troussard, X. (2016) Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy: European Report 2016, Bruxelas, Comissão Europeia.
- Loewenstein, George; Prelec, Drazen (1992), ?Anomalies: Intertemporal Choice. Evidence and an Interpretation?, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2), 573-597.
- Leão, E., Lagoa, S., and Leão, P., 2012. Política Monetária e Mercados Financeiros. Portugal: Edições Sílabo.
- Laibson, David (1997), ?Golden Eggs and Hyperbolic Discounting?, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112: 443-477.
- Benartzi, Shlomo e Thaler, Richard H. (2013), ?Behavioral economics and the retirement savings crisis?, Science 339: 1152?1153.
- Benartzi, Shlomo e Thaler, Richard H. (2007), ?Heuristics and Biases in Retirement Savings Behavior?, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21 (Summer), pp. 81?104;
Macroeconomics and Systemic Risk
LG1 - Know the main stylized facts of business cycles
LG2 - Understand the main aspects of the "New Keynesian Model"
LG3 - Understand the limitations of the models
1. Business cycles regularities
2. Goods market equilibrium
3. The Central bank and the monetary policy rule
4. Inflation, unemployment, and aggregate supply
5. Macroeconomic equilibrium
6. Conventional and unconventional monetary policy in the AD-AS model
7. Fiscal policy in the AD-AS model
8. Financial crises
The student can choose between two of the following options
Evaluation throughout the semester:
1. Midterm test: 50% of the final grade
2. Final test: 50% of the final grade
Final grade = [0 , 20], approval granted if the final grade is >= 10.
Final Exam:
Final grade = [0 , 20], approval granted if the final grade is >= 10.
Title: Sørensen, P. B. and Whitta-Jacobsen, H. J. (2010). Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics: Growth and Business Cycles, 2 ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
Burda, , M., & Wyplosz, C. (2017). Macroeconomics: a European text. 7th Edition, Oxford University Press.
Title: Mishkin, F. S.(2014), Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice, 2nd Edition, Pearson, Addison-Wesley, New York.
Financial Assets and Markets
This course has the following learning goals (LG):
LO 1- Knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the bonds market, stock market, housing market, and financial derivatives market;
LO 2 - Knowledge and understanding of the main principles of assets management and of the equilibrium in financial markets;
LO 3 - Ability to compute the fundamental value of bonds, shares, housing assets, and financial derivatives;
LO 4 - Ability to study and perform research with autonomy.
1. Introduction to financial markets and institutions
2. Management of assets portfolios
3. Equilibrium models of the capital markets
4. Valuing shares
5. Monetary policy and financial markets
6. Valuing bonds
7. Financial derivatives
8. Real estate market
Students can choose between:
Assessment throughout the semester: Group Work (50%) and Frequency (50%).
Assessment by exam: the weighting of the exam is 100%.
Title: Leão, E., Leão, P., Lagoa, S. (2019). Política Monetária e Mercados Financeiros. 3ª edição, Edições Sílabo.
Leão, E, Barradas, R. (2023), Mercados Financeiros: Emoção e Razão, Edições Sílabo.
Damodaran, A. (2012), Investment Valuation: tools and techniques for determining the value of any asset, 3rd edition, Wiley Finance.
Bodie, Z., Kane, A., Marcus, A. (2019), Investments, 11th Edition, Mc-GrawHill/Irwin
Title: Mishkin, F. S., Eakins, S. (2014), Financial markets and institutions, 8th edition, Pearson
Mishkin, F. S., Matthews, K. and Giuliodori, M. (2013). The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets. EUROPEAN EDITION. 1st edition, Pearson.
Huang, C. and Litzenberger, R. (1988). Foundations for Financial Economics, Prentice Hall.
Bailey, R. E. (2005). The Economics of Financial Markets. Oxford University Press.
Economics of Banking
OA1. Knowledge and comprehension of the main characteristics of the banking system in the contemporaneous world, namely at the level of diversity of banking institutions, products and services supplied by banks and trends in banking business
OA2. Knowledge and identify the characteristics of the main financial documents of banks in order to assess their economic and financial performance
OA3. Identify the main challenges faced by banks, in a contex of increasing innovation, competitiveness and regulation
1. Banks and Financial Intermediation
2. Types of Banking
3. Banking Products and Services
4. Innovation and Trends in Banking Business
5. Governance of Risks in Banks
6. Economics of Banking and Financial Analysis
7. Banking Competition and Financial Stability
The students assessment uses the types of exams (frequência and exame) and evaluation dates (1.ª época and 2ª época) in ISCTEs regulations.
The periodic evaluation has a weight of 50% for the frequency and a weight of 50% for group work, and the frequency grade cannot be less than 9.5 values.
In the evaluation in the final examination, the exam has a weight of 100%.
Title: Casu, Barbara; Claudia Girardone; and Philip Molyneux. 2015. Introduction to Banking. 2nd Edition. Pearson Education Limited
Title: Smith, Roy C.; and Ingo Walter. 2003. Global Banking. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press
Matthews, Kent; and John Thompson. 2005. The Economics of Banking. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Howells, Peter; and Keith Bain. 2005. The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance. A European Text. 3rd Edition. Pearson Education Limited
Mishkin, Frederic S. 2010. The Economics of Money, Banking & Financial Markets. 9th Edition. Addison-Wesley
Choudhry, Moorad. 2011. An Introduction to Banking. Principles, Strategy and Risk Management. 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Market Risk Management
1. Learn how to use different analytic tools to analyze the market risk of a portfolio of financial instruments.
2. Know the regulatory framework applicable to financial institutions and the management of their risks.
1. Financial Risk Management
(a) Introduction
(b) Measurement of return, risk, and correlations
(c) Distribution of risk
(d) Risk modelling and validation
2. Risk of Different Assets
(a) Equity and portfolios
(b) Interest rate
(c) Liquidity risk
3. Derivative Financial Products
(a) Risk management with derivatives
(b) Linear derivatives: Futures and Forwards
(c) Swaps
(d) Non-linear derivatives: Options
4. Value at Risk (VaR)
(a) Parametric VaR
(b) Historical simulation
(c) VaR of portfolios
(d) Alternative measures to VaR
5. Regulatory Framework
(a) Standardized Approach
(b) Internal Models Approach
Continuous evaluation consisting of a group assignment (40%) and final exam (60%), or only final exam (100%).
BibliographyTitle: Alexander, Carol, Market Risk Analysis Vol IV: Value at Risk Models, 2009, Wiley,
Hull, John, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, 2023, 6th edition, Wiley,
Title: Alexander, Carol, Market Risk Analysis Vol III: Value Pricing, Hedging and Trading Financial Instruments, 2008, Wiley,
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basel II: International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework, 2006 (
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basel III: Finanlising post-crisis reforms, 2017 (
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, High-level summary of Basel III reforms, 2017 (
Banking Regulation and Supervision
The main goals associated with this course are related to the development of the following skills:
- (LO1) Advanced knowledge related to the impact of financial development on economic growth
- (LO2) Advanced knowledge of the general principles and models of banking regulation
- (LO3) Advanced knowledge of BASEL III as a regulatory response to the Global Financial Crisis
- (LO4) Knowledge of the main regulatory financial agencies and their interconnectedness
- (LO5) Knowledge and understanding of the main advantages and limitations of financial regulation
The abridged course syllabus is the following:
-(P1) Financial development and economic growth. The State?s financial policy and the role of public banks
-(P2) Multiple forms of institutional arrangements associated with financial regulation
-(P3) Overall evolution of financial regulation (emphasis on banking regulation) in Europe
-(P4) BASEL III as a response to the Global Financial Crisis
-(P5) The importance of the Banking Union
-(P6) Coordination among regulatory agencies
-(P7) Excessive regulation and regulatory arbitrage, and the onset of un-regulated banking sectors (e.g., as ?shadow banking industries?)
The course evaluation comprises:
- Written examinations (70%) and
- Group essay writing assignment (30%)
Title: - Moosa, I.A., 2015. Good Regulation, Bad Regulation ? The Anatomy of Financial Regulation. U.S.A.: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Leão, E., Lagoa, S., and Leão, P., 2012. Política Monetária e Mercados Financeiros. Portugal: Edições Sílabo.
- Casu, B, Girardone, C., and Molyneux, P., 2015. Introduction to Banking. Second edition. United Kingdom: Pearson Education Limited.
- Cargill, T.F., 2017. The Financial System, Financial Regulation and Central Bank Policy. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
- Busch, A., 2009. Banking Regulation and Globalization. U.K.: Oxford University Press.
- Boccuzzi, G., 2016. The European Banking Union ? Supervision and Resolution. U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Allen, F., and Carletti, E., 2012. The Roles of Banks in Financial Systems. In: Allen N. Berger, Philip Molyneux, and John O.S. Wilson, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Banking. Second edition. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, pp. 27-46.
Title: - Mishkin, F.S., 2015. The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets. Eleventh edition. England: Pearson Education Limited.
Risk and Regulation of Financial Institutions
LO1. Knowledge at an introductory level of the banking risks.
LO2. Knowledge of the activities of the various FIs and the markets in which banks operate.
LO3. Capacity to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the risks of FI and of the banking system.
1. Classification of financial institutions
2. Main markets where banks operate
3. Introduction to the main risks and interest rate risk
4. Credit Risk
5. FInancial analysis and risk of banks
6. Introduction to the regulation of the main banking risks.
7. Loans sales, securitisation and other techniques to control credit risk.
Students can choose between:
Assessment throughout the semester: Test 60%+ Team work 40%
Evaluation in final exam: 100% of the exam grade.
Title: Saunders, Anthony and Cornett, Marcia (2021), Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach, 10.ª edição, McGraw-Hill.
Armour, John, Awrey, Dan, Davies, Paul, Enriques, Luca, Gordon, Jeffrey N., Mayer, Colin, and Payne, Jennifer (2016), Principles of Financial Regulation, Oxford University Press.
Title: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2011), Basel III: A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems, Bank for International Settlements.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2017), Basel III: Finalising post-crisis reforms, Bank for International Settlements.
Bessis, Joel (2010), Risk Management in Banking, 3th Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
Brunnermeier, Markus, Crockett, Andrew, Goodhart, Charles, Persaud, Avi, and Hyun Shin (2009). The Fundamental Principles of Financial Regulation, 11th Geneva Report on the World Economy, Geneva.
European Central Bank (2011). The Monetary Policy of the ECB, ECB
Fabozzi, Frank J. (2012), Bond Markets: Analysis and Strategies, Prentice Hall, 8th edition.
Foo, C.-T. (2008), ?Conceptual lessons on financial strategy following the US sub-prime crisis?, The Journal of Risk Finance, 9: 3, pp. 292-302.
Golub, B. W. and Crum, C. C. (2010), ?Risk Management Lessons Worth Remembering from the Credit Crisis of 2007-2009?, The Journal of Portfolio Management, 21-44.
Hull, John (2012), Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Prentice Hall, 3th edition.
Lang, W. W., Jagtiani, J. A. (2010), ?The mortgage and financial crises: The role of credit risk management and corporate governance?, Atlantic Economic Journal, 38, pp. 295-316.
Leão, E., Leão, P. and Lagoa, S. (2011), Política Monetária e Mercados Financeiros, Edições Sílabo, 2.ª Edição.
Matthews, Kent; and John Thompson (2005), The Economics of Banking, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mishkin, F. S., Matthews, K. and Giuliodori, M. (2013). The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, European Edition, Pearson.
Walsh, C. (2017), Monetary Theory and Policy, 4th edition, MIT Press.
Industrial Dynamics and Capital Markets
1. Knowledge and comprehension of how competition and firms' strategies affects firms' performance in a given sector.
2. Capacity to determine the quantitative and qualitative impact of changes in competition and firms' strategies on firms' performance in a given sector, and be able to make proposals about the desirable financing structure of firms.
3. Capacity to evaluate the level of competition of a given sector
4. Capacity to make arguments and justify them from a theoretical and empirical point of view, and be able to communicate them.
1. From the industry to the market: measures of concentration
2. Competition and competitive advantage
3. Analysing the industry: an integration of models of analysis
4. Competition law and regulation
5. Firms´ boundaries and goals
5.1. Productive efficiency
5.2. Vertical integration
5.3. Product diversification
5.4. Incentives and agency
5.5. Mergers and acquisitions
6. Industries, the business cycle and the stock market
7. Analysis of key industries of the Portuguese and European economy
Assessment Throughout the Semester:
Test: 60%
Group Work (Presentation and Discussion): 40%
Approval requires an average equal to or higher than 9,5 points
Assessment Through Exam:
Exam (First Season) Exam (Second Season): 100%
Approval requires a grade equal to or higher than 9,5 points
Title: Dranove, D.; Besanko, D.; Shanley, M.; e Schaefer, S. (2017). Economics of Strategy. 7th Edition. New York: Wiley.
Bodie, Z.; Kane, A.; e Marcus, A. J. (2018). Investments. 11th Edition. New York: Mc-GrawHill.
Leão, E.; e Barradas, R. (2023). Mercados Financeiros - Emoção e Razão. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Textos de Apoio (a disponibilizar pela equipa docente)
Title: Banco de Portugal. (2010). "Estrutura e Dinâmica das Sociedades não Financeiras em Portugal". Estudos da Central de Balanços. Dezembro.
Caraça, J.; Lundvall, B. A.; e Mendonça, S. (2009). "The Changing Role of Science in the Innovation Process: From Queen to Cinderella?". Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 76: 861-867.
Carlton, D. W.; and Perloff, J. M. (2004). Modern Industrial Organization. Fourth Edition. Pearson
Klepper, S. (1997). "Industry Life Cycles". Industrial and Corporate Change. 6 (1): 145-81.
Malerba, F. (2006). "Sectoral Systems: How and Why Innovation Differs Across Sectors". The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press.
Mata, J. (2012). Economia da Empresa. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Leão, P. (2011). Economia dos Mercados e da Empresa. Escolar Editora.
Relatórios Sectoriais da Economist Intelligence Unit.
Introduction to Econometrics
OA1. Knowledge and understanding of basic concepts in Mathematics and Statistics.
OA2. Knowledge and understanding of the most relevant introductory modeling techniques for cross-section and time series data, namely the least squares estimation and inference in linear regression.
OA3. Knowledge and understanding of some of the most relevant specification tests in linear regression.
OA4. Ability to make use of sources of statistics and application of econometric techniques to the analysis of economic policies for cross section and time series data.
1.Basic concepts in Mathematics and Matrix Algebra
2.Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics
3.Simple Linear Regression Model
4.Multiple Linear Regression Model
Does not apply.
BibliographyTitle: Wooldridge, J.M. (2012), "Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach", 5th Ed., South Western Publishers.
Title: Kennedy, P. (2008), "A Guide to Econometrics", 6th Ed., MIT Press.
Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W. (2006), "Introduction to Econometrics", 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley.
Introduction to Monetary and Financial Economics
The module's goal is to develop the following students' competences (learning objectives):
Knowledge and comprehension:
- LO1. Of how financial markets work and interest rates are set.
- LO2. Of the main macroeconomic variables important for monetary economics.
Knowledge's application
- LO3. Capacity to determine the price of shares and bonds, and the equilibrium in a given product market
- LO4. Capacity of using mathematical and statistical instruments in the solution of economic problems.
- LO5. Capacity to elaborate and justify arguments from an empirical and theoretical point of view, and communicate them using graphs and equations.
1. Banks and financial markets
a. Bonds and yields
b. Price of bonds and shares
c. Medium and long term interest rates.
d. Efficiency of financial markets
f. Investment funds and other institutional investors
2. Macroeconomics in the short run
a. Measuring GDP
b. Investment and savings
c. Price indexes
d. Payment account
3. Uncertainty, prices of assets and fundamental concepts
a. Expected value
b. The use of the logarithm in economics
c. The use of the concept of limit in economics
d. Differential calculus in economics and profit maximization
4. Main market structures
a. Perfect competition
b. Monopoly
c. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly
No formal assessment.
BibliographyTitle: Varian, H. (2014). Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach. 9th ed. - international student edition. W. W. Norton & Company.
Leão, E., Leão, P., Lagoa, S. (2023). Política Monetária e Mercados Financeiros, 4ª Edição, Edições Sílabo.
Dornbusch, R., Fischer, S., Startz, R. (2017). Macroeconomics, 13th Edition, McGraw Hill Education.
Bodie, Z., Kane, A., Marcus, A. (2021). Investmentn, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill education.
Title: Leão, P. (2011). Economia dos Mercados e da Empresa. Escolar Editora.
Mata, J. (2012). Economia da Empresa. 7ª Edição. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Chiang, A., Wainwright , K. (2005). Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics. 4th ed. McGraw Hill Education.