Outgoing staff

Outgoing staff

Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching  

The mobility program for Erasmus+ professors is an important project in inter-university cooperation, which aims to promote European standards in the quality of Higher Education.  

This initiative is considered a priority for Iscte. It allows professors to carry out a short-term teaching project at a partner University located in one of the participating countries: the EU Member States, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, and Turkey.  

The mission includes the teaching of courses as part of the official study program at the host institution, contributing to:  

  • The development and consolidation of the relationships between this University and Iscte, the Schools, and their Departments;  
  • The preparation of future academic cooperation projects;  
  • The personal and professional development of the teacher.  

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Participants must be connected to Iscte through a work contract for a teaching project and/or studying during the academic year of their mobility program;  
  • The teaching mission that participants propose must occur at a university that holds an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education with which Iscte has already created a bilateral ERAMUS+ agreement.  

You can contact the International Relations Office (IRO) to learn more about the universities that have a cooperation agreement with Iscte.  

Application Process 

The professor interested in applying must establish contact with the partner university they want to work at and send the following documents to iro@iscte-iul.pt:  

Once all of these steps are completed, the IRO will forward the application for further consideration. Professors will be informed of the result of the application by e-mail.  

Duration of Mobility 

The Mobility program must have a minimum duration of 2 days and a maximum of 2 months.  

To benefit a greater number of professors, Iscte awards grants for mobility programs for a maximum duration of 5 days.  

Mobility Program Scholarship 

The value of the Erasmus+ scholarship varies depending on the costs of living in the country of destination and the duration of the mobility. The total amount distributed is determined annually by the National Erasmus+ Education and Training Agency and includes:  

This amount corresponds to the daily cost of living to cover expenses related to accommodation, food, local transportation (e.g., from the hotel to where classes take place), travel and any travel cancellations, phone service, internet, and other additional costs;  

The value of the scholarship corresponds to the distance, in kilometers, between Iscte and the host University, calculated using the European Commission calculator 

The scholarship will be paid by bank transfer to the NIB indicated in the Teaching File application after the delivery of the Staff Mobility program Agreement for Teaching, duly signed by the parties involved in the Erasmus+ Contract.  

Procedures before the start of the mobility program  

Send an e-mail to iro@iscte-iul.pt including the following information:  

  • Proof of authorization from the teacher's hierarchical superior to travel for work – request made by the teacher through Fénix;  
  • A copy of the European Health Insurance Card (to be requested by the teacher at ADSE or Social Security online or branches), or proof of valid health insurance in the host country and for the mobility period;  
  • Proof of travel booking and accommodation;  

Sign the Erasmus+ Contract, issued by the IRO, and have it signed by the teacher and Iscte.  

Procedures after the end of the mobility program  

Send the following by e-mail to iro@iscte-iul.pt:  

  • The host university issued a Declaration of Presence, indicating the professor's name, the teaching project's effective start, and end dates, and the total of hours taught. The following template can be used: Staff Mobility for Teaching Confirmation of Stay 

Complete and submit the final report of the teaching project using the mobility program platform (EC portal), using the link sent to the teacher from the e-mail xxxx@ec.europa.eu.  

program Alterations 

The teacher's responsibility is to notify the IRO by e-mail to iro@iscte-iul.pt of any changes.  

Changes in dates, destination, and mobility program objectives may require submitting a new application.  

More information 

Staff Mobility for Teaching Teacher File Staff Mobility for Teaching Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility for Teaching Invitation Letter Staff Mobility for Teaching Confirmation of Stay KA103_Bolsas_MobilidadePessoal ESTUDANTES 

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